Are there any bad reasons to join the military?

Are there any bad reasons to join the military?

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Not weapons related.

Yes, all of them

Theres literally a fucking military enlistment thread its weapons related you fucking retard

Pretty much anything you do will be to benefit Israel.

>Shit pay
>Unless you're a POG you'll have no post-military skills that will matter unless you intend to become a cop
>US Military is currently caught up in a corrupt military industrial complex who plays geopolitics for the benefit of Israel and corporations
>Military life can really just outright suck
>You're often surrounded by low IQ retard NPC tier people
>The uniforms are gay
>The hair cut is gay

Patriotism: you will learn pretty rapidly that it's worth jack. Oh be motivated, but if you scream, "Murica!" at every chance you will be known as a Toolbag, not a motivated, HSLD soldier.

Love of Weapons/Tactics/Military History: Largely the same as above, and add to it that the vast, vast, VAST majority of your career will spent away from firearms and tactical equipment. This is doubly true for any non-11B MoS's (or their equivalent in other branches). You'll spend WAY more time on a post cleaning engines, seats, and taking equipment in and out of the trucks than you will at the range. That doesn't mean you *never* get to play with guns, but I'd say, at best, out of theater it will be 10% of your total, 24 Hour day/7 Day week, time.

Family History: Bad for similar reasons above but unless your last name is Patton, MacArthur, Eisenhower, Lee, Sherman, Casey, or Puller, 99.99% of all soldiers/marines will have never heard of you and will give litterally 0 shits. This can be made worse when new boots try to rest on the laurels of their family members. Nothing gets you branded as a shit stain faster than starting a sentence with, "My [insert familial relation] was in Special Forces/Ranger Bat./MFR/Delta/ect."
Also, you're own family who were in the military will NEVER respect your accomplishments because the old corps/old army always had it harder.

Desire to be Special Forces: If you are joining the army/Marines to specifically seek this out, you are the last person who ever will get to do it. Special Forces is like the MLB: you don't call them, they call you. Most guys I know who I can confirm made it through Selection were recruited straight out of High School or (more often) College as most SF's have a college degree, usually in History, a language, or some sort of PoliSci degree.

Having the attitude that there's Infantry, and everything else: Speaking as a former 11B, then 11A, this attitude will put a huge breaks on your career.

if you're not gonna make a career out of it, you could probably do better going to community college then getting a non-meme degree while working or pick up a trade.
The GI Bill is neat but at the end of the day you're trading years you won't get back doing stupid bullshit under people who've never read anything longer than a Mountain Dew can. you better have some reason for joining like "I wanna drop bombs on people and civilian life don't let me do that"


live around smelly minorities.

you enforce human slavery.

You look and sound like a tool because you are one.

You are made to be humble and meek. Don't like something, well another man will make sure you do it. You are your rank.

Depending on your job, hearing loss and chronic joint pain at young ages are common.

And just part of my personal beliefs, most of what the military fights for isn't worth it.

>as opposed to any other job in america

Wanting to get raped by the convincing trap/twink in the platoon every night when everyone else is asleep.

Nope. You may regret it, but you're free to join for whatever reason you please, regardless of what the gatekeepers may say.

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If you value any of those things, to the very slightest degree you will not join the U.S. Armed Forces. Those values cannot be found or pursued there, and if those values exist in you they will be slowly and assuredly annihilated from your soul.

Quite this. The average wage-gig in the US is merely to be a debt cow.


>The hair cut is gay
The bigger problem is that women and ethnic/religious minorities don't have to have it but normal men in the military do

>Are there any bad reasons to join the military?
>got your girlfran pregnant
>lost your job
>failed/kicked out of school
>can't support your family at your current job
had at least one person for every one of these reason in my platoon in basic

Most jobs in the military are only remotely related to weapons, if at all. Most military people I've met know very little about guns.

To pay for college meme

>Are there any bad reasons to join the military?


Attached: Women Basic Training.webm (320x240, 2.83M)

you have no idea what you're talking about. what a mongoloid retard.

>>You're often surrounded by low IQ retard NPC tier people


>You're often surrounded by low IQ retard NPC tier people
>NPC tier people

oh god yes. oh GOD yes. this is so fucking accurate

military veterans are twice as likely to own guns as civilians.

Tell us more user. How'd that work out for them?