>She was 14 when she joined the Dutch resistance, though with her long, dark hair in braids she looked at least two years younger.
>When she rode her bicycle down the streets of Haarlem in North Holland, firearms hidden in a basket, Nazi officials rarely stopped to question her. When she walked through the woods, serving as a lookout or seductively leading her SS target to a secluded place, there was little indication that she carried a handgun and was preparing an execution.
>The Dutch resistance was widely believed to be a man’s effort in a man’s war. If women were involved, the thinking went, they were likely doing little more than handing out anti-German pamphlets or newspapers.
>Yet Freddie Oversteegen and her sister Truus, two years her senior, were rare exceptions — a pair of teenage women who took up arms against Nazi occupiers and Dutch “traitors” on the outskirts of Amsterdam. With Hannie Schaft, a onetime law student with fiery red hair, they sabotaged bridges and rail lines with dynamite, shot Nazis while riding their bikes, and donned disguises to smuggle Jewish children across the country and sometimes out of concentration camps.
>In perhaps their most daring act, they seduced their targets in taverns or bars, asked if they wanted to “go for a stroll” in the forest — and “liquidated” them, as Ms. Oversteegen put it, with a pull of the trigger.
>“We had to do it,” she told one interviewer. “It was a necessary evil, killing those who betrayed the good people.” When asked how many people she had killed or helped kill, she demurred: “One should not ask a soldier any of that.”
You know one can hate Nazi Germany, and at the same time hate the USSR and the EU? There's more than two possible positions to questions like these.
Aiden Perry
She’s screaming as she burns in hell right now for betraying her Volk, the worst of all sins.
Angel Jones
Lol the funny thing is us whites are the only real "People" you browns are hardly even "People" subhuman garbage at best...
Hudson Thomas
This is an ice cool take
Luke Stewart
Theres way more commie discord fuckery and subreddits raiding
Asher Rodriguez
Grayson Kelly
Really? Show us 3 threads that are currently raided on Jow Forums by those.
Alexander Cox
Blake Peterson
Mason Carter
Dominic Price
I didnt ask for another poltard raded thread.
Grayson Parker
Now you are just posting crap out of spite.
Christian Harris
Jayden Barnes
Evan Foster
Connor Taylor
Caleb Nelson
I wonder how many American 'KIA's' were really the result of Vietnamese sugar traps. Have these female heroes received the honor and fame they deserve?
Cooper Myers
this but unironically
Isaiah Carter
>gets invaded >fights back for her country >somehow a traitor to her own people
Fuck off krautnigger
Jackson Morgan
This sounds like a femenists wet dream. I doubt that such a thing happend.
Christian Morris
Anthony James
>In perhaps their most daring act, they seduced their targets in taverns or bars, asked if they wanted to “go for a stroll” in the forest — and “liquidated” them, as Ms. Oversteegen put it, with a pull of the trigger This sounds like the cowardly tactics of a terrorist. No better than ISIS. S for spit.
As someone with several tours in Iraq, fuck these cunts. Too cowardly to fight in the open so they hide among civilians and murder people.
Liam Kelly
You are only a terrorist if you end up on the losing side. Twenty years from now when the US has finally left Afghanistan, the Taliban and Al Quaida and ISIS will be celebrated as heroes and martyrs in the war for liberty, heroin and goat ass for all.
Carter Gonzalez
Wyatt Ramirez
This. FPBP
Benjamin Price
Yeah, fuck the people who invented the the shit your using to post that.
Jaxson Stewart
As oppose to openly murdering people like the occupying forces did then, or the fact that they suppressed the economic development there to the point where a good portion of the population went hungry.
Of course you would know about that wouldn't ya?
Mason James
Press "S" to shit on her grave.
Kevin Morgan
>ISIS Everyone, including the Taliban and Al Qaeda, regard them as malicious bandits and murderers who's cohort consist mostly of retarded neckbeards and vile assholes.
Nolan Flores
I suppose it shouldn't be surprising that all the Jow Forumstards are salty about someone who killed Nazi pedophiles, since that is Jow Forums's primary demographic.
Samuel Hill
>ITT wehraboos trying to justify the invasion of country and killing/starving/enslaving its residents under the pretense that it was racial protection when in reality the great Nazi spergout encouraged liberals to come out of the woodworks and enforce liberal policies
Andrew Watson
Just because current Europe is gay as shit because of a few people doesn’t mean the people of the past fucked it up. Retard
Noah Wood
You don't have to be Jow Forums to dislike a person who behaved like a terrorist.
Nolan Mitchell
If I could go back in time, I'd go back with a Ohio class and a full load of Trident II's. Washington D.C. and New York would each a missile.
Owen Kelly
and yet here you are, all the way from Jow Forums. kindly fuck off back to there.
Jeremiah White
>Europe became shit overnight No retard
Angel Cooper
Except she wasn't under the accepted definition.
>Terrorism is, in the broadest sense, the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror among masses of people; or fear to achieve a financial, political, religious or ideological aim. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism
Jackson Baker
>Speaking as a milindustrial goon...
Chase Harris
The current slow death of western civilization is the direct result of the allied victory in WW2.
Josiah Torres
Christopher Scott
How the fuck is it terrorism if she was a guerilla fighter against an occupying force, you fucking fetal alcohol mouthbreather?
Jack Smith
>and yet here you are, all the way from Jow Forums. kindly fuck off back to there How about you take your own advice? I swear you're the same guy who screeches about Jow Forums every thread.
Wyatt James
>Post hoc ergo propter hoc
Lucas Cooper
Nazi's acitons during WW2 further encouraged opposition towards right wing politics in Europe.
When the far-right pop out of Europe, do the associate it with "oh it's nationalism!" or "DEAR GOD NEO-NAZIS WHO ARE GONNA DO ANOTHER HOLOCAUST".
Do not act like the Nazis are innocent in this.
Aaron Powell
The flaw in your logic is that you think some kind of impossible fantasy victory by Germany wouldn't have lead to a decline by itself.
Have you studied Nazi German economy and industry past the propaganda reels? Shit was exceptionally retarded.
Aiden Johnson
>The current slow death of western civilization is the direct result of the German Wilkommenskultur. FTFY
Gavin Edwards
>How the fuck is it terrorism if she was a guerilla fighter against an occupying force, you fucking fetal alcohol mouthbreather? Oh, so it's fine for insurgents in Iraq to snipe/IED American soldiers?
If they did so without harming their own civilians, it would be resistance, not terrorism. Problem is, this is rarely the case.
Chase Hernandez
>fight as a tool for the kikes, helping to maintain the stream of rapefugees to Europe >shitting on a hero who fought for her people Fuck off
Juan Wilson
Yes, you fucking military worshiping stooge, it's perfectly morally acceptable for an occupied population to murder occupying soldiers, no matter how much you personally like the occupiers.
Noah Howard
>pedophile >14 years old
Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilIa. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy . Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the US does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around a healthy and normal condition. My head hurts. I'm just trying to get my real life back.
Wyatt Barnes
Terrorism is not an internationally defined term. One could easily say that as these girls were targeting the soldiers of the occupying force and not civilians they were not terrorists. To the 3rd Reich they were definitely terrorists. What if the girls killed civilian collaborators of their own country? Then we'd call them terrorists today.
My own country was occupied by the Germans too. Our various resistance forces killed German soldiers, German civilians and our own collaborators. At times completely noninvolved civilians of my country were killed because of bombs or sabotage. After the war the resistance guys were celebrated as heroes. Of course.
Jose Cooper
>Nazi's acitons during WW2 further encouraged opposition towards right wing politics in Europe.
That's more due to of decades of Jewish guilt brainwashing.
The Japanese were far more brutal than the Nazis but the Japanese aren't raised to hate their past. In Japan, right wing movements are openly accepted in public. For example, their Prime Ministers still pay visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, which has memorials to numerous "war criminals".
Cameron Morris
Who else would have fucked it up if not the people of the past? Actions have consequences, ding dong.
Logan Wood
>That's more due to of decades of Jewish guilt brainwashing The Germans dug that themselves that grave.
Sebastian Long
Tyler Hernandez
>In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy
Hello Abdul, how's your 13 y.o "wife" is doing? Better than your goats?
Alexander Garcia
Yes indeed. That would label her a terrorist against the then current national govt even though it was controlled by the Germans. British Commandos were also labeled terrorists. Popular term back in the day.
We need to remember why the term terrorist is so popular with governments though. It allows the govts of execute them summarily without a trial, and frees the same govts from having to treat any captures as prisoners of war with the rights that includes. Guantanamo exists solely because any foreign terrorist brought to American soil will automatically become a prisoner at war. Ve haff vais off makink you tallk.
Fuck you she was a heroine. I shit on you. F for respect.
Levi Wilson
>After the divorce of her parents, Oversteegen was raised by her mother who taught her communist principles. She died far, far too late.
Grayson Gutierrez
>Unironically fuck off back to your land of shit flinging monkeys. What you or your ilk know about Europe or guts could be written on the back of a postage stamp and discarded and humanity would have lost nothing of value. Hope she killed your great grandfather or uncle.
F for respect
Carson Robinson
Lincoln Thompson
>paying respects to a commie terrorist raised by a single mother The absolute state of Jow Forums
This whole thread reeks of an poltard raid, even when you just scroll through it without reading the posts, something is just off.
Owen Thompson
Women absolutely make the best spies and assassins, there's no argument there. Any viable resistance movement needs just as many women as men.
Sebastian Davis
>directly contribute to the crippling of Europe by engaging in a retarded 3-way war >destroy their reputation with heinous crimes against everyone, even their own people >'WOOOW WHY WON'T ANYONE VOTE FAR RIGHT ANYMORE?'
Have you ever considered the reason why they'll never succeed is because they'll never admit they could possibly fail?
Justin Cooper
>waaaaah anything I don't like is Jow Forums
Justin Hernandez
>This whole thread reeks of an poltard raid More like a reddit raid.
Austin Smith
Communists in the '40s ≠ SJWs today. Tho yeah, I would have liked her story more if she weren't a pinko. t. ex-combloc
Sebastian Wood
Both are equally deserving of death.
Landon Campbell
We literally ethnically cleansed numerous Indian tribes with diseases and warfare but no one shames us for any of that except shitlibs