>age you lost your gun virginity
>age you lost you actual virginity
10, to a .22 Chipmunk rifle.
17, to this girl named Trish.
>age you lost your gun virginity
>age you lost you actual virginity
10, to a .22 Chipmunk rifle.
17, to this girl named Trish.
Pre-martial Sex is degenerate. Also Finn M91 at 11 yo.
>Ruger mk3 at 13
>Remains to be seen
8 to a S&W 586
15 to a girl girl named Tiffany
8, to a 12 gauge. It flew in my face.
Never lost my sexual virginity tho.
Probably 5 or 6, either to my dads 9mm or one of my grandfathers (now mine, RIP pops) 22s
18, first year of college to my then fuck buddy
My Grandfather is singlehandedly responsible for instilling a love passion the outdoors and firearms in me. Now I own 19 guns and I’m only 20 years old.
>M1 when I was 17
10, to a pietta revolver
18, to half chink who looked like a native american
t. permavirgin
>8 to a german mauser
>18 to a volleyball player named Ashely
>she tried putting it in dry on top
>literally broke my dick
>tfw trying to explain this injury that to my college football coach
>14 to a 22lr ruger
26, with a rented Ruger .22. But I was given a shotgun a few months before that I hadn't had a chance to fire.
26, with my first girlfriend.
>Probably 10~
>24yo kv
>t. Manwhore
You'll be purged.
21, to a .22 Ruger in Boston.
19, to a girl I really really liked.
6 to a marlin 22lr bolt gun. 18 to a foreign exchange Scandi girl
>11, unknown .22 bolt action
>15 to a girl who is now a 250+lb lesbian with a child
>17 to a Glawk 19
>15 to current fiance
I'm a degenerate, for both of those reasons.
> Ruger 1022 at 7
>still waiting
>17, to a .22 Lee-Enfield while in the UK Army Cadets
>24, to a black prostitute
4 to a savage 42b
17 to a blonde named Julia.
16, no name russian .22 rifle
6 to my dads 16ga
13 to a cute black girl with huge tits.
Good times.
Not to virgin-shame here, but how are so many of you still virgins past the age of 18? I feel like it's easier than ever to have sex these days.
17, a 10/22
22, a female interested in pity sex
8, to a 10/22
19, to a girl named Audrey
>13, beretta storm
>18, some fat chick named destiny who literally didnt wipe her ass
It helped that I worked at a shooting range and it helped being a rebound.
24, to an AR15
17, to an Italian chick
It is, but why bother? I wasn't interested until I was 21.
>18, birthday, to a magnum
>21, girl named Amanda with a virgin fetish
Tell the truth, you dressed as Michael Caine and paid her to dress up in a Zulu costume.
>age 19, younger girl named Merry I was dating, condom broke and I splooged inside her. She started crying and I bought the morning after pill.
>24, shot a shot gun with coworkers, was fun.
14 to a Remington 870
18 to a whore named Amanda
9, h&r single shot .410
16, good friends little sister
It's only easy if you developed the neural circuitry to navigate a conversation
t. antisocial sigma type
Ruger revolver when I was 8 or 9. My wife when I was 15. Still have both
Ouch, that's a shitty first time.
Air rifle? Probably 5 or 6
Proper firearm? 16 or 17, I think my brother's 12 gauge when I visited him
Lost virginity two weeks ago (20yo) to an escort named Alexis. Cool girl, but I didn't cum for 90 minutes, gave up and went home
>10 With an old soviet Single barrel Gun that Blew up later
>16 with my wife
good times Both of them
I think around 8, some little .22 rifle on a ranch. Didn't get to own a gun until age 20, though.
15, kinda got bullied into it by my older gf. I also broke out in full body hives so 10/10 experience.
>when i was 14 to a rental AR
>never ;_;
8. To a .22LR 10/22
17. On my birthday to my girlfriend at the time.
i lost my gun virginity at 12 along with every other kid in my Boy Scout troop to the same 22 rifle.
there were about ten 22 rifles at the range weekend and i got to shoo the same one twice.
tfw still a virgin. im 2/3rds of the way to wizard.
Nine years old. My father took me out into the woods and and made me watch him shoot a water bottle with his Model 60, making sure I understood that the exact same thing would happen to a person if they were shot. Then he loaded a single cartridge and stood behind me holding my hands as I cocked the hammer and fired my first shot ever. He made me understand and respect the power of the gun and for that I'm thankful to him as a son.
Still have it.
>6 to my dad's pre ban norinco
>19 to some cocksucking fag who's name I don't remember
>13, to a .22 single shot Remington Rifle
>16 to some girl I helped sneak out of her house
Age 9 to a 10 gauge double barrel (dad's an asshole)
Age 22 to bf
Age 18 to Uncle Ron's hand me down Colt m4 22 Lr.
Age 21 to my highschool ex.
That's a really good idea, I think I'll do that with my son as well.
Age 18, shot my highschool ex.
Age 21 to my Uncle Ron.
>6 with grandpa’s browning .22
>15 to a chick named Rita
I still think about her from time to time
>17(?) maybe to a .22 handgun (Ruger or Walther maybe) and then a 9mm (Ruger I think). I was still a no gunz and was shooting at a suburban range with my dad and grandpa cuz Real Man Bonding Hours
>19 in my first year of college. First real girlfriend, girl I knew in high school and kept in touch with. One thing led to another and we started dating in a LDR half way through that January. Went down to visit during Valentines Day and spend the first in person weekend together since we started dating. Got a teasing handy on the first night and went all the way on the second. I was so nervous I couldn’t get hard and the moment my soft fucking cock touched her pussy I came. It was no big deal cuz we were already close friends before so we just laughed it off.
Dated her until August then broke up with her cuz I was an immature shit with a porn addiction who wanted to have a stereotypical college experience and rail a shit ton of girls. Reconnected with her the following January and had an on and off type thing with her until last December. I’ve matured a lot since then and realize the error of my ways. But she’s moved on and changed, she’s not the same girl I knew anymore. She joined Greek life and took all the worst sorority stereotypes and started to live them. If I were the man I am now back then we’d both be together still. But now I’m who I am and she’s who she is and it’s better I never see her again. I’ve seen other girls since but there’s just a gap that as of yet can’t be filled.
I miss you Alex.
I was 6, to an Inland M1 Carbine made in 1943
I was 22, her name was Rachelle and Ill be honest Id kill to have it back
>16 to my Savage Mk II
>3 to Bubba Bill when he passed the AWB in 1994
>9 pellet rifle
>14 to an M56
>18 raced to get my guns and drivers license, shot my uncles M70 AKM
>20 got gifted the M70
I was raised to shun all matter of degeneracy and to only lay with a girl I truly love. I used to worry about that shit after I broke up with my only gf that was much younger than me, now im just waiting for the right one (aka girls with illegitimate children)
5, 22 Remington singleshot
15, my gf at the time
10 years old, shot a 38 snub nose revolver at 21 feet, at that moment my life changed forever.
10 to a winchester 12g at scout camp
15 to a girl named Jordan
I regret losing one of these virginities
Gay, mtf or the lone female Kommando?
Hey I know that feel kind of. If I was the dude I am now I could rail any chick I wanted in college and I feel like I missed out a shit ton.
Anyways, I found someone new after being in love with a girl who had to move away to another country. She lived me back too but we agreed to find someone new. Still in contact with her occasionally but I love my new girl too. Sometimes I wish I was a rich Mormon and have a lot of girls.
>13 to pic related
>18 to a black girl called Natalie
8 -22 revolver
10 -410 H&R single shot shotgun
13 -got head from a hooker in Tijuana
Thanks Dad. RIP
15 or 16 to some glock
19 to the only girl I'll ever love.
Oh actual virginity? Like 14 or 15 to my first girlfriend Sadie
>5 to a .22 Luger clone
>22 to my wife after our court marriage, but before our wedding ceremony
I know we're going to hell for it, but at least I accomplished what many would deem impossible.
>33, shot a Sig 2022 in 9mm
>16, my girlfriend Alison
I’m 36 now
>gun virginity at 17
>wizard apprentice
7, to a 16 gauge single shot, nearly took my arm off at the shoulder
27, do prostitutes have names?
Six - Browning BL 22.
19 - Kayla in a Denny's bathroom.
This post is a roller coaster Jow Forumsommando
Like three to a low loaded muzzle loader shooting coyotes in the chicken coop.
13 to girl named Liz.
26 has been good to you user.
12 to a Ruger 10/22
I haven't
My highschool had a lot of ugly chicks and I am bad with girls anyway. Now that I am in college I have gone out a couple times but still have yet to lose it. Also I have no social media so that does not help
Christ I was probably like 3 lmao. I was shooting a Mini-14 by then. But the first gun was this old ass single shot bolt action .22 my dad has. It's like 60 years old. Funny thing is it's insanely accurate. Like anywhere in the reasonable trajectory of the round it'll put that shit right where you want it.
> age you lost your gun virginity
Shot pellet guns at 16
Shot a real gun at 19
> age you lost you actual virginity
Going to pay a hooker to get it over with next year after I turn 28
11 a .22 bolt action during boy scouts
19 with a castizo
No social media is perfect; it means they can't contact you after the fact.
>not understanding vaginas as a woman still
Was she twelve?
>12 to a .22 at scout camp
What about your wife's son?
8 years old to a ruger 10/22
14 years old to a girl named Kiara
30, to a 7.62 Howa rifle with Timney trigger
13, to my first real girlfriend who was 2 years older
A Marlin Model 60 at age 12
I got diddled by my social studies teacher at 14. I had consensual sex for the first time when I was 23.
>22 to a 20ga sxs
>18 to fwb who I still smash on occasion
SHE has had decided to identify as a woman who is transitioning back into a man and also as a 6000 year old werewolf. So SHE is already older than me so I won't have to teach HER anything about firearms.
>age you lost your gun virginity
4 months ago with my first handgun
>age you lost you actual virginity
17 at a party
Hell is nothing but a state of mind, love each other to the fullest and y'all will be fine user
>No older girl to bully the /ss/ virginity out of me.
Why live?
4 to a Colt Junior 25 auto. My mother shot me in the back of the head before killing herself with it.
12 to a boy named Bobby, he was the top.
19 to a boy named Timothy, he was the bottom
21 to a girl named Mindy, she was both.
>sig P226, age 28
I was a late bloomer.
gun - 5 lever action 22
girl - 9 cousin
>9, with a J.C. Higgins break action 12 gauge (Savage 94)
>14, with some sloot named Brittney who was a year older than me.
She later enlisted in the national guard and tried to an hero at fort jackson by jumping off of a water tower, before even getting out of their version of 30th AG.
She wasn’t Jow Forums, but I did later encounter her at a party and cuck her boyfriend by fucking her on his bed (afterwards she asked if I wanted to be her new bf) after getting to know the guy and talking about anime with him
I feel kinda bad about it, but then I remember he said he took her to see Elfen Lied in theaters and called it the best anime ever, so I’m not sure, maybe he had it coming
8 in the boyscouts I believe
16 to some chick who moved into the house next door, I think I was the first boy she saw after moving
Did it glance off your skull or something.
Haha, nerd...
11, 12 gauge innawoods
15, Abby innawoods