RIP front cutout

RIP front cutout

Attached: Glock19Gen5-academy-leak.png (377x286, 66K)

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Good, that cutout is retarded. No one rips the mag out by grabbing the front of the magwell, all it did was make the grip more uncomfortable.

It's still there, just doesen't show due to the angle of the picture.

it was dumb anyway, should have put it on the side

>buy pistol with grip just long enough for the average man to wrap all fingers around
>surprised when its uncomfortable to have your grip interrupted by a fucking cut out

>Wow the Gen 19 Glock 5
>Still looks like...
A stick of moldy butter with a fork dragged across it and that one asshole uncle that always scoops from the middle with a butter knife.
Aesthetic as an extruded turd.


wow that was quick gen 6 already. iGlock is at it again

You're looking at an old photo. Glock has changed the front of the frame to fit the contour of the slide. Also, note that they are still using the extended lip magazines. The cut-out is still there. You just can't see it from that angle.

The whole "uproar" about the front cut-out is fake and stupid. It reminds me of the people who complained that the H&K VP 9mm magazines were "too low capacity" and "surprising" when all H&K did was reuse the magazines from the P30, which were first released like 10 years earlier. The Glock "front grip cut out" was there on the Gen 2 Glocks. All the company did was revert to the Gen 2 grip shape.

Attached: 1537206101650.png (377x286, 52K)

>gen 6
Gen 6 will have a rotating barrel.

>Gen 6 will have a rotating barrel.
Gen 6 will have a rotating bullet.

>implying they'd risk any change to the action beyond a single stack

Glock will never change the core, only the ergos.

G19 sized 10mm when?

How does Glock expect anyone to get the mag out if there's a bad enough malfunction? There's barely a nub to grab onto, and you definitely can't do it one handed because there's no lip to grab onto a belt. How is it that most police agencies still use this trash heap?

& the mags themselves are fucking plastic! The fucking MAGS!

This. Think they learned their lesson when they tried changing things with the gen 4 spring system and extractors.

If only there were a pistol with a magazine baseplate which protruded slightly from the grip of the pistol.

Attached: 1911.jpg (2000x1246, 496K)

If only you anons knew how good things truly are.

The front cut is gone. The G46 wont be imported unless there is a lot of demand from the US market.

All the Gen 5 mags look like that faggit

>Glock will never change

Attached: glock46 gen6.jpg (958x639, 137K)

Eh i forgot to add that they will change the finish every now and again, and try to streamline production by .1% here and there and say its a miracle

Amazing, they are copying Beretta now

This is ancient by now. It's a very specific offering to German LE which demands takedown possible without decocking (because they know their own officers are too useless to clear the gun before """dry firing""").

There is actually a Glock prototype that exists with a rotating barrel.

Look like what, cocksucker?