Do you know any anti-gun faggot numales?

Do you know any anti-gun faggot numales?

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No actually, Cali fag here, people I still have on Facebook from high school - faggots, Bernie worshippers and far lefties - they're usually the ones posting pics attarange or innadesert shooting their boyfriends Nu 870 and 9 millameter

Yes and they’re all liberals with gay beards or other facial hair. Weak chin having faggots.

Weak facial hair fagg

Range had "open day" last Sunday so people could come over and take a look, and maybe get into it. There was one fat girl with her boyfriend, full numale kit: skinny, pale, bad posture, balding a lot on the temples. Even with ear plugs he was shrinking and pressing his hands against his ears every time a shot was fired. Declined when he was asked if he wanted to try to shoot a .22 carbine

Why is Trudeau always smiling like an idiot even in the middle of serious moments?

shit im skinny and whiter than white is it over for me lads?

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How many photos do you see here with fat, sausage hands holding their newest purchase? You're doing better than most of Jow Forums and they are just jealous.

My dad is a fudd and his wife is scared of guns
My mom is a full on gun grabber though
Grandpa is cool though

Alright, this has been eating me for a while now. Why in gods name are so many numale-type guys balding? It can't solely be genetic factors; I've seen it take guys from all walks of life.
What about the bugman life kills your hair?

Heavy onions consumption kills testosterone levels and that causes male pattern baldness maybe? Just a guess.

Not sure, maybe it's their eating habits, or maybe stress from something devouring them from the inside


If I'm not mistaken male alopecia is caused by a hormone byproduct of testosterone. I personally think it's lack of protein causing numales to lose hair. The diet of granola and tendies isn't helping.

take back what you said about tendies

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Most men bald to some degree you prepubescent faggot. You don't notice it on most men though until their older because most of the ones you consider as "real men" have short/shaved hair to begin with. Nuemales usually let it grow out a little more and so you notice the recesses faster in their age brackets.

>tfw 26
>tfw noticing hair falling out
>tfw have no health insurance right now
>tfw think it could be underlying thyroid issue because family history
>tfw nobody in my family is bald

how much is insurance in burgerland, wont your job cover it?

My job will cover most of it. I'm trying to see if I can get a qualifying life event because I just moved between states. In most cases I'd have to wait until November to sign up for coverage and actually get to use it in January.

Shave your head slick and start lifting weights. Girls love the jacked bald guy. Nobody likes the dumpy goober with homer simpson hair.

If it's not related to a health issue and I actually am balding naturally, this will be my only choice.

Being in California and in a metropolis costal city you see a bunch around here. I have a few friends who are anti gun to the point where they think mass confiscations is the correct path forward. They know I own guns but I don't bring it up much and just go shooting on my own or with some Jow Forums meetups.

I mentioned to a so called friend iof he wanted to go shooting
He said he doesnt trust himself and might sewercide himself

Took him off the christmas list!

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Unless you shave your head and lift. Like you were just advised to.

Look at your maternal grandfather, is he bald?

He died when he was in his late 30's in an accident, but he wasn't bald. I have one uncle on my father's side that was bald, but he was very unhealthy and made a lot of poor choices and he was very obese.

Yeah, the /leftypol/ kids who've been raiding this past week.

Essentually you get your hair from your mother's side, so its possible he would have gone bald and you got that, just accelerated. It could also be a hormone imbalance or thyroid issue. See if there's a clinic around (usually private practice) where you can get your levels tested. Some (like the one i work at in VA) dont take insurance so just pay out of pocket. May have to do some searching.
Also sorry for your gramps. Never got the chance to meet mine either. Know that feel.

He was big into firearms. My family is from Brooklyn NY and he kept a sawed off shotgun under his bed. His brother was a gunsmith. He died in a fishing accident in 1980.

If you cant a afford health insurance some states will cover albeit not high quality but still. For example Arizona has that but it's mostly used by Mexicans

Most of my friends are anti-gun, nu male faggots.