Goddamnit......enough, already What is the best way to deal with these fuckers particularly when some do-gooder neighbors think its cute to feed these roaches?
I've caught over a dozen > I'm allergic to them > they crawl under my house/truck for warmth
Previously I've > thrown into game preserves > dropped off in other cities > fed to alligators I'm looking for a suppressed 22 lr to save me the trouble of disposing the one I catch
Hamburger meat and antifreeze, makes it smell sweet to them , please dont kill the cats though just get some live traps and take em to the humane society
>I’ve had cats get poisoned by this. crushed aspirin works, too, right?
Josiah Cox
>feed them for a few days/weeks with tannerite-laced cat food then go popping with a .22 its like you have no idea how tannerite works, but you want to be super edgy... learn to google before you type stupid shit because what you said was wrong on all levels.
>shooting feral cats Don't do this shit. We lost our feral cat population about 4 years ago and now we have an assload of mice that want to live in our house. The mousetraps don't even kill sometimes and I've had to kill half-dead mice with my shovel at least 3 times. I actually took in a feral kitten once, I miss him.
OP, you have two options without being an total edgelord. >get the cheapest .22lr with a threaded barrel and a solvent trap. shoot them >trap them in a live trap then A. drown / suffocate them. or B. give them to a "barn cat" rescue i had the same problem of raccoons in my yard. i normally dont my the little guys but they were shitting all over where my kids play and tearing up the garbage cans. i killed a few and they were smart enough to realize it wasnt safe there anymore and left.
Chase Allen
Make genetically engineered catgirls for domestic ownership
Mason Anderson
had the .177 and it took 4 point blank shots to kill a possum
forget the suppressor user. just get a bolt/lever/pump action .22 and use the CCI Quiet ammo.
Owen Sanders
Caturday existed before those sites even existed newfriend
Oliver James
I have no problem with disposing cats that you are 110% sure are feral. Just because a cat comes on your property doesn't mean it's feral. Lots of people have outdoor cats, a lot without collars. Once you're absolutely sure it's no ones pet, put one bullet into the lower back of the head and bury or dispose innawoods as food for decomposer consumers.
In my state (ID), under statue 18-4009 homicidal force is permitted in the deterrence of a felony. Murdering a pet is also a felony. If I saw someone kill or attempt to kill my cat, I would 2 bullets into their chest and not lose a wink of sleep
Nolan Lopez
im and so you cant read? is that why you are so retarded? 1. tannerite wont go off with .22lr 2. tannerite wont blow up in the concentrations you that you could ever possibly feed to a cat 4. aspirin is safe for cats unless you force feed them massive amounts as its bitter they wont eat it on their own. 3. youre just trying to be as edgy as possible
Except I said I'm totally fine with disposing of guaranteed ferals in a humane way.
also >cats >rodents
Wyatt Edwards
all outdoor cats are feral. a good .22 to the lungs does them in fine. I would first get a supressor though. If you magically get a mouse plague its because you live like a fucking slob and have food laying around or you lack house hold maintenece and need to patch holes. The local songbird population will skyrocket aswell, get some birb seed to have a chourus while you purge the invasive species. >4chin likes kots Not even /an/ likes cats you redditumblrs
Ryder Reed
enjoy your rats, faggot.
Logan Hernandez
That animal looks like someone's pet.
If they're living in an area that's rural enough to shoot pets with an AR then they're dumb for letting them out but still.
You're a bad person. >If I saw someone shoot my cat I'd probably kill them for it
Btw in America if you provide food for a stray animal, you become the owner of/responsible for said animal. Use that as you will.
Andrew Adams
Rolling log mousetrap, 17 confirmed kills a night. Advanced version can be foundy on the mousetrap monday channel for rats.
Chase Garcia
That doesn't look feral. You're rifle makes you look like a desperate mall ninja. I could be wrong about at least one statement. Either way you're probably a piece of shit.
Carson Bennett
man thanks that was so cool.
Grayson Roberts
That looks nothing like a feral cat you stupid kikeniger kys.
What the hell does a "feral" cat even do? Can't be that bad, alot of countries find strays to be sacred animals and treat them with care, feeding them and getting them fixed.
The toxic dose of acetaminophen in cats is very low, seen at as little as 10 mg/kg. This means that as little as one Tylenol tablet could kill a cat. In cats, acetaminophen poisoning affects the red blood cells (RBC). Cats develop methemoglobinemia (metHb), which means that their red blood cells can't carry oxygen. pethealthnetwork.com/dog-health/dog-toxins-poisons/tylenol-poisoning-dogs-and-cats
>The death of a dog that ate meat thrown over a garden fence in Doncaster is being treated as suspicious by police. Bailey was seen on CCTV eating the meat, thought to contain paracetamol, outside the home in Croasdale Gardens, Carcroft, on Friday. South Yorkshire Police has asked for anyone with information to come forward.
Paracetamol, also known as acetaminophen or APAP Brands: TYLENOL, Mapap, Ofirmev, FeverAll, Acephen, Nortemp, Jr. Strength Pain Reliever, Little Remedies Fever and Pain, Children's Pain Reliever, Pain Relief Extra Strength...
I’ve always wondered what that little bit is that goes floating off to the right when the coon first hits the wall.
Camden Sanders
Nothing, people are so depraved of reasons to shoot their guns they create problems that can be "solved" with guns. Same premise of every skinwalker thread, they need situations to think out and LARP with
Evan Martin
>depraved of reasons to shoot their guns
Do you mean deprived? If you want to communicate effectively, you need to learn words.
How exactly do you feed a cat to an alligator? Do you just throw them in the nearest pond and let the gator do the rest?
Thomas Jones
Skip the tax stamp. Get a .22 caliber Benjamin Armada PCP air rifle with appropriate pump. It has a rail so you can mount night vision or a laser. I use a PVS-4 on mine. Lung shots will probably not incapacitate an animal that large immediately but he will succumb. Since it is not a firearm, the integrated suppressor does not need a license. This is one of the best purchases I have made in the last several years.
Blake Smith
>How exactly do you feed a cat to an alligator? Underhand toss to avoid getting hung in overhanging vegetation.
Kayden Davis
Why not just trap them, then stab them? Throw corpse in a dumpster. No new gun, no suppressor, no fuss. They'll either fuck off or they die. Plus you might get 3+ in the same trap.
Andrew Ward
>newfaggots dont know of the thread >get triggered at the picture of the thread >instantly scream projection Grow a thicker skin or go back to r/guns
Christian Reyes
You just toss the trap in a garbage can full of water and empty it after the animal is dead. Easy and clean. Stabbing is too messy and troublesome.
Ian Long
Feral cats absolutely destroy native songbird populations. The number is estimated at up to 3.7 BILLION per year in the US alone, you fucking stupid catfag. Now get off the internet for the night and go clean up your kittys shitbox.
John Watson
>damage control
Isaac Roberts
Giddy killed it. I don't even think it was that long ago.
Ian Barnes
Humane society is just gonna kill them too.
Coworker of mine told me a story about his buddy who had to drown a whole bunch of farm cats but had shit to do that day, and instead just chucked them against a wall really hard.
Cooper Young
you left out rabbits, moles, voles, groundhogs and whatever those niggerkats can catch and kill. which deprives food from lynxes, owls, raptors(hawks/eagles/falcons) bobcats, foxes. etc.
dontch'a just love how those bleeding heart "animal lovers" always manage to fuck up everything around them? "b. b. b. but, muh feelins!"
your probably one of those asshats who thinks "smart educated people" can solve everything non-violence. violence does solve problems you fucking hippy. smart people use it as needed when applicable. crawl back to your drum circle and go cry to your peta friends. at least there you will be amongst the rest of your fucktarded kind.
Aaron Martinez
I use .22 CB shorts to take care of pests. Since there's no powder charge, only the primer, they won't cycle a semi-auto. Out of my manual action .22 rifle, they're actually quieter than the much more expensive air rifle I have, while being less trouble to shoot and more energetic.
Luke Stewart
>stabbing a trapped feral cat
Have you so much as seen a cat before?
Liam Moore
>I'm allergic to them How can we exterminate all subhumans with cat allergies?
Gavin Nelson
Trap them and give them to the roof Koreans they will take good care of them.
You round them all up and gas them. It's really fucking easy, OP.
Nathan Morales
David Brown
>In my state (ID), under statue 18-4009 homicidal force is permitted in the deterrence of a felony. Murdering a pet is also a felony. Tell us about other things that are a felony and give you free passes
Lucas White
You fucking retard feral cats murder an insane amount of wildlife here in Australia killing native mammals in birds in huge amounts.
Joseph Hughes
Feral cats are in fact distinct from house cats in a lot of ways. For one, they're fucking huge, and mean as hell compared to domestic breeds. Feral cats cannot be socialized with Humans. It simply doesn't work, they're wild animals and attempting to tame them has been shown to be pointless. If in OP's case he's actually dealing with Feral cats, rather than simply domestic strays, then 22. lr is his best option. You can shoot domestic strays obviously but personally I love cats, and I love dogs, so I'd trap and rehome if at all possible. If OP lives in a town and has a closed off yard then he should stop being a fuckwit and just get a dog, that will clear the cats out real quick.
Cats don't need to go outside, when they do they kill the native fauna. I'd much rather have native woodpeckers and cardinals than some old lady's cats in my yard, luckily in Michigan its legal to shoot a cat(not dogs) whether or not it has a collar. Keep your cats inside if you value them.
Isaac Campbell
>Michigan >Home of muslim sanctuary cities We should send the California wildfires to your state
Jeremiah Mitchell
If only there were some chemical one could lace food with so as to render them infertile, or some sort of compound with teratogenic effects on cats. You'd think someone would have come up with something by now.
This guy is a faggot who is so desperate to kill shit with his wal-mart gun hes killing people's pets
This guy isn't a faggot
Camden Perez
man this image will never go away
Owen Robinson
.264 winchester magnum
Julian Cook
Holy fuck it was a joke, relax you autistic child
Christopher Rivera
>This guy is a faggot who is so desperate to kill shit lol....being this new to the chans to get triggered by that pic if only this were an image board you could search
We have a colony of mangy, aggressive, cross-eyed ferals in my gentrifying part of the city and what I wouldn't give to be able to buy a 10/22 and take care of the problem like you country folk can. Right now there's cat shit everywhere and all it's doing is attracting more rats than the cats have any interest in killing.