Hi K I've identified as a Center-left Democrat as long as I can remember but I really love my AR-15...

Hi K I've identified as a Center-left Democrat as long as I can remember but I really love my AR-15, however I can't find a Democrat Running that is staunchly against banning my favorite gun.

Does this mean I'm not a Democrat anymore if so what am I?

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>k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.
>Discussions about politics or current events belong on Jow Forums.

It means you need to stop being a part of the goddamn problem you tribal fuckstick. The only thing worse than a republican is a fucking democrap.

>pic related, you
Democracy is a false god. Both parties are the same. Both want to tax you. Both want to send you to die for their foreign interests. Both see you as a statistic and a number.

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You probably still are a democrat, just not one that agrees on gun control. You will probably not find many pro gun democrats, and will have to accept that you are a statistical outlier, within your politcal camp.

You need to ask yourself why your, and my former, political party is so vehemently against firearms ownership.
When virtually every one of their solutions expands their powers through taxation or giving themselves greater authority it becomes apparent what "common sense gun control" is really all about.

Vote however you feel you need to, and don't fall for the polarizing identity politics shit you see from both sides.


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>hey guys this one party is trying to steal my liberties but i like some of their policies what do
vote against the authoritarian fucks trying to steal your rights, faggot.
don't let them take any of your rights, vote against repubs if they start talking about overturning the bill of rights too.

it means you are libertarian faggot, vote republican or lose your rights (quicker)

there's nothing to discuss about weapons but about the law

I'm kinda in a similar boat. At this point, I'm kind of just hoping for a revolution that ends with us having more than two parties to vote for, but I know that won't happen.

Consider the following:
In a libertarian society, you are 100% free to create or join a commune of like-minded individuals. If it fails, no big deal. You move on and either live among the other libertarians or create/join another commune without the failings of the first.

The opposite is not true and if it DOES fail, we become North Korea.

The choice is obvious.

>what am I?
Retarded. Watching people like you struggling to live in a minority white society in 10 years is going to be hilarious to watch.

Corduroy is actually better on guns than Dewine in Ohio. He's still a dem though so he'll probably be forced to tow the party line if he wins. Dewine is a flaky cuckservative like Kasich though, I don't like him at all.

>minority white society
good luck getting that "protected" status. same process that happened to rhodesia and currently happening with south africa, will happen here. think current mexico. warlords/cartels will be the real power. all major cities turned into barely functioning population gathering points. rural area will be only places where whites are predominate. it's already happening.
the real fun part is when infrastructure that's being barely maintained in it's current state starts failing. it's the white people who've made sure the gears turn and the buttons are pushed. once jiggaboo jamal, sleepy miguel, and kebab achmed completely take that all over. everything is going to go to complete shit. they can't even keep their shit straight WITH the help of whites in some cases.

here's some fiction of what it may look like.

You can have opinions contrary to that of your political party OP. Anyone who tells you they're 100% happy with absolutely everything their party does is either utterly mindless or a liar. That being said, off topic.

>Does this mean I'm not a Democrat anymore if so what am I?
if you're under age 25 and not liberal, you have no heart. if you've over age 25 and not conservative, you have no brain.

Mentally fucking ill.

>if so what am i?

A dickhead who just realized he keeps voting against his own interests and doesn't want to stop.

You're becoming a left wing libertarian. I give you 4 years before you become full on NatSoc.

You're either for firearms, or against them. An armed populace stands in the way of the leftist Marxist agenda. If you vote against your right to bear arms you're better off using that gun of yours to blow a hole in your soft palate.

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Fight for your damn Guns user, quit voting for the people who want to take them away.

>Nigger mania

Someone post a quick rundown. I'm not sure how I can justify that being on my browser history if I were to run for office.

Keep following your script

>a Center-left Democrat

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>I've identified as a Center-left Democrat

Attached: 090402_brown_clinton[1].jpg (297x223, 4K)

We aren't discussing "weapons laws"

we're reading a sexually confused teenagers blog post.

>man guys i really like democrats because they're all for faggot's rights but they are kind of evil and want absolute control over the populace hmm wat do lmaooo

>Anyone defending Democrats on Jow Forums

Yup, we're still being raided.

you ban them.... We kill you for treason.... as simple as that!SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED YOU FUCKIN COMMIE!!!!