Real operators aren't giants, fuck off with this "manlet" BS

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t. manlet

>5' 9"
lel better off just joining the army and shipping to some desert rather than try to live a real life

STOP! I can't help my height, you bully!

Excuse me, the Rangers are hardcore.


>a 5 inch dick vs a 7 inch cock

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Speak up, big boy. I can't hear you from up here.

when will they learn?

First Post Biggest Post

>there are people who do not realize that the Law of Averages favors those in the center, rather than outliers

Enjoy your back problems and shorter lifespan, lanklets. Manlets make better soldiers, and height has a positive correlation with military prowess. Just look at fucking Audie Murphy

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The truth.

i purposely try to keep my distance from manlets so they don't feel like I'm trying to flex on them but it would be extremely easy to remind them of their place in the world with a few small steps in their direction. don't get uppity little guy.

Just go bulk up.

Not really surprising if you’ve ever actually hung around tall people before because of sports. It’s all about proportions. If you’re above 6ft things start getting weird because tall people have a habit of only growing upwards, but their shoulder width stays the same or only grows a little bit wider than a shorter persons width. They also suffer from more knee, back, etc injured than shorter people because in almost every case they’re not an upscaled human they’re just stretched out human and this puts stress on their joints
>t.5’10 no bully please

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If wasn’t for manlets we’d still be using real fuckin NATO

>Small man's syndrome: The post

That's a funny way to spell:
>The truth.

>e-enjoy y-your back problems, l-lanklets
>a-also enjoy your STDs f-from actually attracting women

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patently false
the 5.56 was a decision made by a former quartermasters corps. general
the idea to drop the 7.62 as the primary infantry cartridge was all about the number of rounds that could be air lifted by a C-130

>Be 6'4''
>Entire extended family are around 6'+
>Average lifespan in my family is around 90 or so
>No back problems
>No knee problems
>Stronger than average on account of my mass

Maybe you get health issues if you are some sort of shitskin mix or something, but I personally have never encountered any.

Manlets are great for crew served weapons and cockpits

Why don't you and your lanklet family go and try to become fighter pilots? Oh no, wait, you'd G-LOC like a bunch of pussies.

most seals are even smaller with an average height of 5'8"
I have seen bigger ones though

>Enjoy your back problems and shorter lifespan, lanklets.
I'll do that, you enjoy having everything you do being treated as a joke and/or an outburst of insecurity.

We have a Seal in our Det and hes 5'4"

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But they taught us in school that our soldiers were like, super intimidating giant barbarian goons compared to the Japanese.

(Because we had a height complex back then due to colonial era hyperextension and the industrial revolution starving everybody and because corporatist infiltration had been systematically inflicting that same malnutrition on the East since the mid-1800s in preparation for a squashing of the Confucian states).

>B..But... M.. Muh G-Lock

Sorry sweaty, but being any kind of fit fixes that issue. A lot pilots I know (including some ex fighter jocks) are pretty tall, and I know a lot of them.

t. Goes to aviation school

why do people wear these fatigues in an office

is the office in a jungle

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Pfft, cope.

Weird, it's like the average Ranger is the size of an average human male.

I aint the one coping, manlet.

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This chick doesn't realize that overly tall women are as unattractive as overly short men.

I bet you enjoy wearing those tight leggings just to stop your legs filling with blood, eh? I never knew Chad was a glam rock faggot?

Have fun living a life of constant ridicule by women.

>yfw shes 5'8
Chin up, little dude

all i see are floating heads

paperwork running scared

More for me
I love tall chicks
But then again I'm 6'3"
But then again I'm 300lbs

Not true. I would love a tall woman to take me to pound town.

>constant ridicule
The only time I get that is when I forget to slap your mom's ass when digging her out.

>But then again I'm 300lbs
So obese?

Jesus man I hope you’re on some heavy roids

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Yeah, it's called McDondolone.

Yes you are, if you we're an adult legs wouldn't interest you.
How insecure, children have become
Men are men and they all must be treated with respect, for any man can and will kill you just as dead as the next.


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nice coping mechanism you got there buddy :^)

As you can all see, it is quite easy to break the garden variety manlet. See how squirms with his sleight frame.

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t. buttmad manlet.

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Are there statistics for the average height of cops? 5'6" here, I am a bit worried about confronting people way taller than me, but at least I'm in shape I suppose. Seems like every officer in my area is obese.

when will you learn op?

I love tall chicks too, the hottest girl I ever went out with was 6'0, she had a fucking phenomenal body too

69 inches is sad.

>striving to be average
>thinking it's OK to be 5' 9"

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grow up

>army ranger
>real operator

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I really feel bad for manlets i wish there was some way to help you guys cause im tired of dealing with your littleman syndrome

nigger i'm 6'1" and all I want is a girl a head taller than me who'll do Jow Forums stuff and gentle femdom stuff and here you are blaspheming what is fucking perfection. Why the fuck would you want to have kids with a girl shorter than you? why the fuck would you want your kids to be manlets?

... its a shame tall girls are so fucking rare, my dudes. I cant stand womanlets but theyre the only ones who show any sort of attraction towards me (although very slight, girls look straight through me 99% of the time).

That’s hilarious. Sheeeeeit.



The average height of a knight in medieval Europe was 5'8. Checkmate lanklets.
The average height of Japanese men in the 17th-19th century was 5'1. Kek

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kek, im sure everyone is cowering at your presence senpai

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no that's the size of there penis

Mentioning ANY physiological attribute on ANY board is a mistake. The autistic sociopaths who inhabit this place have condensed insults into a precision weapon in order to inflict true personal pain on the uninitiated. They actually think it's what makes this place unique. (Protip: it's the loosely moderated platform and anonymity, not the caustic environment). I'm 5'11 and 170 lbs. They will find a way to make fun of that. Like how 5'11" isn't quite 6'. Truth is I am the true average man. Even my dick is average. I'm of average intelligence and average appearance, yet SOMEHOW these dorks can spin anything into a knife to harm people. The reason why? They are true losers. When people say Jow Forums is full of kissless virgins and hopeless losers, they are talking about themselves. They have convinced themselves that anyone who posts here must be a loser like them. The worst thing is that they assume that anyone who replies to them must be either deeply offended or deeply concerned with their opinion. The only thing impressive about these monsters is their ego, but it's misplaced. Jerks, plain and simple.

check 'em

>I'm 5'11 and 170 lbs.
Buddy that is rough, for shitposting reasons in HS my friends measured eachother and one friend was 5' 11 3/4 he was forever known as king of the manlets since everyone was 6'1+ and knew the cutoff for the medical term of manletitis is 72" exactly.
PS how's the weather down there?

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face it, tallfags, you’re done. Cry about manlets, shriek about attracting women. You. Are. Done. And when the happening happens, you’re all getting sliced by a wire strung exactly five feet and nine inches above the ground, removing your tall negroid genes from this planet once and for all.

Seig fucking heil.

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You're not wrong, but you're clearly letting the constant barrage of shit-tier bait get to you as evidenced by your post.

Jow Forums gets to everyone man. Whether we want to admit it or not, every one of us is a different person from before we started posting. Most of it is just growing through life, sure, but in some small way this site has changed us all.

>some small way

Lurking Jow Forums in 2010-2011 is why I'm in a tech career now. Lurking Jow Forums in 2011-current is why I put most of my money into guns, most of which are locked inside the full-height server rack sitting next to me. I met my roommate on /vg/, after 6 years of getting along well I ended up moving to his city for work and it only made sense for us to room together. Even before the small local Jow Forums meetup I went to a few weeks ago, I'd met at least a half dozen online buddies from Jow Forums IRL - used to travel a lot so it just sorta worked out. In about 15 minutes, my roommate will come home, and I'll be standing just inside the door with a can of monster ultra zero. I'll crack it open, take an overly loud sip, and make a joke about how the obscure, autistic game we used to play 5 years ago was a REAL game. Tomorrow I'll go to my job that I got because of Jow Forums, and then go to the gym because of Jow Forums. This weekend, I'll shoot the rifle that Jow Forums suggested I buy in 2012 at my regular range suggested in a regional Jow Forums thread and bully another Jow Forums friend into watching Serial Experiments Lain, which I found because of /a/. Sunday, I'll play Twilight Imperium or a D&D one-shot, further hobbies acquired by lurking /tg/ for too long. Next month, I'll buy the tent /out/ suggested and go camping for the first time in something like 7 years.

Embrace it. This site can do a lot for you if you'll let it, even if some of the good boards completely went to shit years ago. Only thing missing for me to be completely content is a gf, and that's in progress.

>overly tall women are as unattractive
speak for yourself faggot.

me ne frego.

Oh wow, so I take it you're a fighter pilot?

>tfw manlet welfare queen trying to get into SOF
>make manlet jokes all the time because my height's not changing so why not develop a sense of humor about it
>see all these threads filled with manlet rage

I really and truly don't get it, but I love these threads. Instead of overcoming obstacles and seeking happiness, some people REE about stuff that they can't change.

>overly tall women are as unattractive

lost heartily

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It's not the biggest guy, the strongest guy, or even the fastest guy that makes it. It's the right guy.

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>tfw 5'11 1/2"
Should I just end it now?

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5'9" is average height for men in the USA, so it doesn't really surprise me.

I'd say manlet heights are 5'6" or so and under. either way it's not a huge deal so long if you're Jow Forums and know what you're doing.


t. 5'7"

>6'1" and all I want is a girl a head taller than me who'll do Jow Forums
You might as well be into girls with zebra stripes and unicorn horns.

Heil Hitler and based

>hands in pockets
Jesus fucking wept.

Eh, if CSM can do it, so can I.

Remove the spics, bugmen, and arabs then recalculate those numbers.


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I shouldn't be surprised. But I am.

>Not realizing that it's the mother's genes that keep the kid from growing too big
>Not hooking up with tall chicks so that your kids' minimum height is raised
>Not sparing them from the manlet curse
Your genes are weak and I will enjoy bouncing your halfling spawn on my dick.

He's right about the back problems though, I'm 6'4 and have been dealing with chronic pain for like 7 years

>why do people wear these fatigues in an office
>is the office in a jungle

To present yourself as "always in the combat mindset" and because office workers didn't want to wear Bravos or Charlies all the time.

Basketball is pretty much the only sport that favors tall people.

>Pitchers and first basemen in baseball
>Height is desirable in just about every position in football for various reasons
>Teams frequently won't even bother getting quarterbacks 6'1 or shorter

>Be me 6'5" master race
>decide to flex on some manlets
>"heh heh they wont see it coming"
>that's a height joke for you manlets out there
>cobble awkwardly over to group of manlets because my legs are different lengths
>short of breathe because my heart has to work hard to feed blood to my protruding extremities
>start flexing my superior genetics on the manlets
>they start beating my knees senseless as that's the only thing they can reach
>can't walk and am now wheel chair bound due to lmaoshatteredkneecaps
>wheeling past group that beat me a few weeks later
>hear one of them say "Whats up wheels? Whos the manlet now?"
>roll my self home and cope by using rolling tape to measure myself on the floor
"Heh still got it"

I just moved to the asian part of the city to hide my manlet status, it's pretty cool, plenty of gun owners and 0 filthapinos

I don't drink soda actually, I just eat like shit and don't exercise

>"always in the combat mindset"
holy loly

Speak for yourself. I'm 5'9" and my back is literally killing me.