How good were the French in wars?

How good were the French in wars?

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Marvelous before 1870.

There's a reason why most military terminology has French roots

very good at line warfare, mildly incompetent at maneuver.

>almost conquered Europe
Eh nothing too special

The french did the lions share of ww1, and don't you ever forget that. Doubtful if any country save Germany could've taken the losses the french did. I'd assume that even Britain, if given the position of France, throws in the towel before the Marne.

They did the lion's share of dying after the russians.

But yeah, basically, up to Napoleon, they were slightly above average.
Napoleon really gave them their moment of glory.
And after him, it's basically downhill, with victories being more due to the lack of competence of their opponents rather than France's military genius or bravery.

Overall? Pretty solid. However shitting yourself in the biggest moment tends to skew your reputation. Just like the Atlanta Falcons

The best. Our tanks were better than what the krauts has made...fucking flak cannons

Throughout all of history? Pretty damn good. Not so good starting in 1940.