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WTT: century import Vz58 with extras (8 mags, one 4 cell pouch, bayonet) for a decent ak of equal or similar value

Attached: AE08B99E-6C65-4B72-842C-D8149EA75B5F.jpg (580x363, 39K)

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Located in Tennessee

Attached: 3C6F9236-254B-4083-AE8E-929A0A8AD06B.jpg (4032x3024, 2.33M)

DSA/Imbel Para FAL
Comes with 2 mags and I’m located in WV
$1500 obo
Email me at tygsmith98@yahoo.com

Attached: 3926175A-6883-400C-BE82-4BF82624449C.png (750x1334, 2.07M)


WTB Aimpoint T1/T2

Crye cpc plate bag set size medium in multicam. No fraying rips tears or holes and no odors or stains. Old gen webbing and velcro is in excellent condition. Asking 215 shipped.

Attached: IMG_20180910_202600.jpg (3348x5952, 3.2M)

Selling this acog or trading it for something else
Needs trit but fine otherwise

Attached: All poly all the time.jpg (3992x2276, 3.66M)

Ballpark price of what you're looking to get for it?

Cute gun

720 shipped