First 1911

Local shop has a colt competition stainless for $820. Never owned a 1911 before and was thinking about finally picking one up. Figure it might as well be colt. Worth it? Or should i go with something cheaper and work my way up? Or should i fuck off unless i spend $1000+ for one?

Attached: Colt-Comp.jpg (1000x667, 653K)

Here is a pic of my colt competition.
I like it and shoot it often. 820 is a good price for one, especially if it has a series 70 style safety. Here's some questions you need to address before buying it.

What's the condition of it? Is it a series 80 or series 70 colt competition? How does it feel in your hand? What is the caliber? Do you want it?

Attached: IMG_20180909_130341.jpg (2560x1440, 1.34M)

I just realized OP is probably asking about a used gun. You can get the blued Series 70 ones for around $800 online so I assumed he meant new, but I guess the stainless ones tend to sell for $80-100 higher.

Definitely seconding these questions. Also, want to throw out the fact that a heavily used gun is not necessarily a bad thing. It's very often the case that people prematurely sell guns that inexplicably jam. So a lot of signs of use usually means that the gun runs well. Not that you have a lot to worry about with a Colt; the worst I've seen is when you get a new one that jams, the extractor is just tensioned badly. It takes a gunsmith about 5 minutes to fix.

OP here. it is a used "like new" series 70 .45. i didnt get the opertunity to thoroughly look it over or hold it, but i have held other full size 1911's and have liked the way they felt. from what im seeing online they look to be good to go out of the box so next time i get out assuming i dont see any issues ill most likely pick it up.

New colts Ok but it isn't what it used to be and if you're careful you can find a like new DW for just over 1000. Personal advice would be to skip it. If you just want a babbies first 1911 then wait for a stellar deal on a used colt/ruger/sig so that you won't lose any money on resale because i guarantee one of two things will happen:

A. you won't understand what the big deal is and want to sell it sooner or later to feed your poly 9 collection

B. You'll realize that it's your favorite big boy handgun to shoot out of all the ones you own and you're thinking about it every time you're shooting your other guns. That's when you start to wonder just how much nicer of a shooting experience a quick resale and a few hundred bucks of your own money could get you.

Check slide to frame fit, safety fit, signs of wear, barrel fit in lock up, and be sure to take the grip panels off to check for rust. Lots of people think you don't need to clean under those for some reason.

you're looking at a mid tier Colt
the price is right if it's in good condition
however, I don't recommend them for a first 1911 unless you're already a very experienced shooter and you're in the market for a competition gun
they run tighter than normal GIs and are more prone to jams when they start to get dirty
If you're aware of this and still want it, it's a good buy

How would you compare the Competition to something like a SR1911 or R1 Enhanced?
Not OP but I was looking for a baby's first 1911 that had a few upgraded features like novak sights and an extended beavertail. Those two, the Competition, and an RIA Tactical all fit the bill, but I'd like something a little higher quality than the RIA.

Get the sr1911 I've owned everyone of those 1911s and like it the most

Any particular reason you like it the most?