What kind of weapon could you use to defeat satan?

What kind of weapon could you use to defeat satan?

Attached: 2hfm1yx.jpg (1136x1599, 174K)

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>INB4 cuck mods ban the thread
>crusader grips

A guitar, a fat guy, and a pick of destiny.

Attached: 2305311893_49ddfa6393.jpg (500x375, 149K)

A gun

so is Ian using his patreon money to pay off the mods to delete these threads?

best movie gun

Attached: thehandofgod.jpg (600x449, 157K)

Whatever doomguy uses.

Have you seen the lore on that shit? He's been sitting in hell killing demons for literally thousands of years and they're all so terrified of him they've retreated to the innermost sanctums.

nu-Jow Forums

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where can i buy these? have 1911 and legit a fan of maltese cross, the eight points symbolizes the beatitudes.