Nothing against Black powder but .45-70 is shit compared to .577/450 or .43 mauser are all better calibers, neither of which are STILL being loaded like the shit 45-70
Bull. Shit. .45-70 memes all over virtually every military black powder cartridge, while reaching ridiculous performance in heavy smokeless loads ALL THE WHILE being far easier to reload due to its straight wall. I'm sorry your obsolete nonsense wasn't good enough to be the only government you can trust.
Ryder Brown
Give me one way it’s superior to 577/450
Nathan Sullivan
>.577/450 or .43 mauser The fuck are you talking about.
Austin Diaz
>still being mass produced >rifles using it still being mass produced >was used by the American government >some rifles chambered in .45-70 can also use .45LC >cowboyism
Jaxson White
>ease of manufacture >ease of carry >ease of extraction >modern versatility