I'm not opposed to people owning ARs, but I just don't see the appeal of them. What is it FOR?...

I'm not opposed to people owning ARs, but I just don't see the appeal of them. What is it FOR? .223 is too small to be an ideal hunting round and too expensive to replace .22 LR as the ideal plinking round. You could use an AR for home defense, but a shotgun or a pistol might be better.

Attached: AR.jpg (1600x1104, 612K)

Other urls found in this thread:


FUDD: The Post

Go back to Facebook, grandpa.

It's for having because it was invented and parts are available so I have it.

5.56 is fine for any game in North America up to Whitetail.

I said I'm not opposed to people owning them. Therefore, I am not a fudd.

>a micropenis is fine for any woman in North America

>can't stop thinking about dicks
Got something you want to tell the class OP?

>Why do people have fun in ways that I don't understand, that pisses me off.

.223 is the ideal hunting round for many animals, dipshit nigger faggot. And for certain homes, an AR is fucking ideal for home defense.

Go neck yourself.

Pistols are more difficult to aim than rifles & shotguns. Shotguns are not ideal for follow up shots. A shotgun can be fine for home defense, but an AR is ideal. .223 is a fine hunting caliber, but if it's not enough for you you can easily purchase an AR-10 in .308. Also, .223 steel case is cheap as shit to shoot.

>you don’t need
>lol small penis
Liberal anti gun kike detected. Go get fucking raped

> .223
Probably the least expensive way to get into target shooting out to 500 yards these days.
> AR
Accurate enough for target practice, great for carbine matches, and the adjustable stock is great for midgets and yutes alike.

>wild dog
>black bear
>smaller deer
Plenty of uses. More powerful than .22 and cheaper/more plentiful than something like .308, striking a fairly good balance for most things you'd need. Of course you wouldn't want to take it trophy hunting or use it against a grizzly, but if that's something that concerns you then you probably have more specialized guns anyway.
Plus ARs can be chambered in basically anything you want, so if you want to hunt bigger game with it you can just get an AR 10 or one chambered in 6.5 mememore.

Not to mention any pest, such as river rats, woodchucks, prairie dogs, skunks, racoons, possum, etc...

OP is faggot once again.

I never said it pisses me off. I just don't understand it. If you just want to shoot for fun, why not not use a .22 LR for one fifth the price per round?

>.223 is the ideal hunting round for many animals
No, .270 is much better. .308 is good too.

>And for certain homes, an AR is fucking ideal for home defense.
Please explain your reasoning. Why would it be better than a shotgun or a pistol.

True, but I'd honestly rather use .22 for most of those, so I didn't mention them.
To each their own, though.

Cool, your fun is different than other peoples.
>.270 or .308 is better
No shit, but that doesn't mean 5.56 won't get the job done adequately.
>home defense
A lightweight carbine with 30 rounds perfectly fine for home defense.

>I never said it pisses me off. I just don't understand it. If you just want to shoot for fun, why not not use a .22 LR for one fifth the price per round?

.22 is boring as fuck unless you're 8 or female. Have you shot both user? There's a big difference. If you're so poorfag that you can't afford .223, reload it.

>Please explain your reasoning. Why would it be better than a shotgun or a pistol.


.223, with the right loading, is a dandy round for anything up to, and including deer. The same reason it can be a great hunting round is what makes it a great defensive round: load flexibility (ask me if you need clarification), price per round to get good, and the low recoil and retard simple ergos of the AR platform make it so that it'll work just as well for a child or small woman as it will for a grown man. The low price per round, compared to other rifle rounds of similar class, also means that these less-experienced shooters are gonna have more chance to practice before that 200 class buck crosses their lane or the door starts getting kicked in.

There ya go, a non sperg answer.

>308 is good too
Yuh know they make ARs in .308, right?

>No, .270 is much better. .308 is good too.
I said for "many animals," not medium and large game, you illiterate nigger.

>but I'd honestly rather use .22 for most of those
Because you are a fucking retard.

An AR is way overpowered unless you live alone and there is nobody else for at least a mile.

>Pistols are more difficult to aim than rifles & shotguns
Not at indoor distances.
>Shotguns are not ideal for follow up shots.
With a shotgun, you won't need a follow up shot.
>223 is a fine hunting caliber
I didn't realize poodles were in season.
The penis analogy was an argument for having a more powerful gun, not against having any gun. Your reading comprehension sucks.
>black bear
>22 centerfire
Is that even legal?
>Have you shot both user?
I have.
>If you're so poorfag that you can't afford .223, reload it.
It's not about saving money. It's about shooting more for the same amount of money.
>30 rounds perfectly fine for home defense.
Packing 30 rounds is all well and good, but the first 3 rounds are more important than the other 27.

Arming up to kill niggers and communists in the coming civil war.

Nevermind OP you just went full retard


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There's a lot of fudd in these posts, what backwoods little burg have you blown in from? Alabama here.

Pistols are generally considered to be more difficult to aim to novice shooters than long arms.
Maximum fudd
.223 poodle analogy
Maximum fudd
>penis analogy
Nigga u gay
>black bear
Yes, black bear is subject to the same hunting restrictions set forth by the Dept of Wildlife & Fisheries as the rest of the game animals are
>shot both
>shooting more
>first 3 matter
Yeah, 3 soft point .223 are going to have the same result as a pistol or a shotgun. One dead home invader.

Why am I retarded for wanting to shoot a possum with a .22 instead of a .223?

Shut it down folks, abandon thread. I repeat, abandon thread.

Attached: autism containment area.jpg (700x729, 87K)

It's for stacking commies

A fudd is a gun owner who advocates gun bans. I made it very clear that I do not advocate any gun ban, so calling me a fudd borders on libel.

Relax, I'm using the term loosely due to your fuddlore. Even if not, it's Jow Forums. Libel is what we do.

Who is this semen demon?

.223 has stacked 0 commies. .308 is Marx repellent.

Heaven forbid someone insults you on Jow Forums...

Attached: 74b.jpg (600x693, 40K)

There's fuddisms and you checked about 5 off on the bingo card.
In all fields folks, you can reply just do it properly and this drivel will soon be out of the catalog. We thank you for your patience because our mods are currently beyond useless.

for hunting, for target shooting, for home defense and in an almost endless assortment of customizable options that is now a symbol of Americana. Also for pissing off liberals and killing communists you fucking faggot.
>You could use an AR for home defense, but a shotgun or a pistol might be better.

Specifically what are you disputing?

lurk more

All the retarded shit that's spilled out of your mouth since the start of this thread?

>AR babbies SEETHING

Attached: 1527887940895.jpg (980x1040, 138K)

>at this range, what does it matter if ya can't shoot?
>ain't gone need no danged-old second shot with that danged-old 12 gauge
>h'yup, that there .223 round's fer poodle huntin' and it'll barely do that
>it's not about saving money, it's about saving money

Quit denying your nature, answer the call of the Fudd.

>>black bear
I'm pretty sure you'd get charged with animal cruelty for this sort of shit.

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>you'd get charged with animal cruelty for hunting hogs with .223
Are you literally retarded?

.223 is the perfect retard filter. If you find someone complaining about it they're a retard. Simple as that.

>I'm pretty sure you'd get charged with animal cruelty for this sort of shit.

Attached: 1516916471671.png (645x729, 127K)

>at this range, what does it matter if ya can't shoot?
I never said that. I said that you COULD shoot a pistol at indoor range. That's what pistols are FOR.
>ain't gone need no danged-old second shot with that danged-old 12 gauge
A 12 gauge puts a lot of lead on target. Are you really suggesting that it doesn't have enough stopping power?
>h'yup, that there .223 round's fer poodle huntin' and it'll barely do that
Now what kind of doublethink is this? On the one hand, you say that a 12 gauge doesn't have enough stopping power. On the other hand, you say that a caliber so small that it is not even legal for hunting in many jurisdictions is just fine.
>it's not about saving money, it's about saving money
It's about spending the same amount of money and shooting more. More bang for your buck, no pun intended.

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I don't know the size of pigs you're hunting bub, but they must be pretty small.

All I'm going to say is thank fuck most .223fags only kill paper.
You're always going to get a few sadistic fucks no matter what they're shooting.

Oh no, he's really retarded.

.223 is 100% the most common caliber used to shoot hogs in the US.


By people who just want to drive them away and don't care about a humane kill.

Carbines have been used for room clearing since their induction
>12ga fuddery
My my you're a big ol' retard
>.223 for poodles only
This just proves the retardation futher
>more bang for your buck
You save more money by not going what's your point slick?

>.223 is too small to be an ideal hunting round
>too expensive to replace .22 LR as the ideal plinking round
it's ideal when you want to plink more than 100 yards

Not to mention the ar15 has the largest aftermarket of any gun in the world, is dirt cheap thanks to economies of scale, and can be chambered for almost anything you fucking want, not just .223.

But yeah, whatever it's another
>i hate .223 for some reason, but i'll direct my hate against the ar15 for some reason thread

>Carbines have been used for room clearing since their induction
Red herring. The point in question was about pistols.
>My my you're a big ol' retard
Not an argument.
>This just proves the retardation futher
Not an argument.
>You save more money by not going what's your point slick?
It's not about saving money. It's about shooting MORE for the SAME amount of money.

Nigger I can throw stones into texas and I reliably drop hogs with M193. Just because you can't aim for shit doesn't mean the rest of us are as bad as you. Heart, lungs, or just below ear. I've rarely had one survive for a few seconds beyond that.

>muh pistols
Yes pistols are fine for close quarters, you're saying they're better than ARs for CQ when in fact the military has had great success with carbines in CQ conditions. As a matter of fact your original claim was that shotguns and pistols were better for that environment.
>not an argument
Because it is an objective
>not an argument
Again, objective fact
>about shooting more
And? Your fun is different than other peoples fun, fuck off already.

Yeah, it's definitely not a problem with shot placement, they're just bigger where I'm from.

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Why are you bitching about ar15s when your problem is clearly with .223?

Bruh a 230+lb sow is not uncommon in Louisiana, I usually call them a stupid nip then brain them with an A1. All these "need a bigger gun" fags is just internet shitposting taken too far. They'd understand better if they actually went out and shot the guns they were talking about but they spend more time online that even shooting the guns they rant and rave about.

you dont seem to realize that they dont own guns

>Shoots tannerite trap
>check m8

>your original claim was that shotguns and pistols were better for that environment
Yes, that was my original claim. Depending on the circumstances, shotguns and pistols offer advantages to the home defender. A shotgun offers devastating stopping power without over-penetration. A pistol frees your other hand to hold a flashlight, make a phone call, carry a child, open a door, etc.

Found the liberal. Ron Jeremy owns multiple AR15s by the way.

Stop posting.

Make me.
>Found the liberal
>Ron Jeremy owns multiple AR15s by the way.
And what does he hunt with them?

>pistols are easy to hit with indoors
>that's what they're made for
>has obviously never seen most people shoot a handgun

>stoppan powah!
>what is a second person
>what is a bad hit
>what is them still being alive enough to shoot you

>ignores the fact that anything less than a CNS hit on anything is rarely fatal in any fewer than a few seconds
>again relates everything back to "muh stoppan powah"

>it's about shooting more for less
>shoots .270 instead of .308 which is much cheaper to shoot
>almost certainly lives east of the mighty Mississippi, meaning he'll never see the real advantages of .270

Yeah, you're a fucking tardbaby, back to /out/

Bill of rights, not bill of needs.

>stopping power
And a magazine of soft point .223 just tickles? Christ you're a goddamn retard.
>pistol two handed combo
Are you trained to do this effectively by a police force before the integration of weapon lights? No? You will likely fuck up. ARs offer the modularity of being able to house weapon lights and lasers far more readily and handily than pistols. ARs are also light weight and capable of being held in one hand if use of your off hand is needed. Moral of the story, you're a goddamn retard. I feel sorry that after all these generations your family's name, honor, debts outstanding, etc. has resulted in you. I pity your potential wife and potential children for having to bear your name.

That isn't a strawman, that's an adhom.
Goddamn you don't even know the words you type, it's like you found a list of buzzwords to use in an argument and use them randomly.

>ARs are also light weight and capable of being held in one hand if use of your off hand is needed
Try shooting it with one hand.
You called me a liberal, which I am not. That's a strawman.

>t.took a debate class in highschool

Sick buzzwords bro. Stop posting, you're an idiot and your shit's all retarded.

>he can't shoot an AR one handed
Ahh, you hate them because you are afraid of them, the recoil hurt you? Poor baby.

> confirmed for never hunted hogs

.223 drops pigs like it was made for it. Please refrain from commenting on subjects you know nothing about.

>.223 is too small to be an ideal hunting roun
You are wrong there. Great for hogs, and with good shot placement it's fine for deer as well.
Also there's lots of ARs not in .223. The caliber does not define the platform.

Also there's the fact that .223 is a fantastic human-killing round, and there's always the need to remain armed to oppose tyranny, which is generally done by humans.

This is a very subtle bait post, this is quality bait. Good job, user.

Can and have. Why would that be hard? There's basically no recoil and I have good upper body strength. If it's accuracy you're worried about, it's just as easy to shoot a rifle one-handed at a close range target as it is a pistol.

Guns lights are a thing btw
Also hide child not carry into line of fire
Call police and place on table, give to someone else ect.

Spotted the dickfuck millennial. Don't you have community college homework to do?

Better a millennial than a 90 year old fudd like yourself. Go drink your prune juice.

>op finally realized how retarded he is and stopped arguing

Imagine you have a gun that fires 30 .410 shells that go off inside your target. Now imagine it's reliable, light recoiling, simple, inexpensive, accurate, light weight, user friendly, has multiple solutions for mounting, sights, optics, lights, and slings, and you can find replacement parts everywhere.

>223 is not a good hunting round
I hear you, man. That’s why I upgraded to an AR-10. More versatile caliber.

.223/5.56 standard FMJ target rounds will fully penetrate 3/8" mild steel plate at 100 yards.
What else does that for less than 30¢ a round?

Sage grows wild in the western states.

Ignoring obvious bait, guns are used for more than hunting, fag.
>target shooting
>competition shooting
Probably more, but that's the main reasons I can think of. Even then, don't need a reason; SHALL is enough. Fuck off gungrabber.

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Fucking 7.62 NATO or NOGUNZ. And if it's an AR .308, still going with NOGUNZ.

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Oh? Post *your* guns.

>it's just as easy to shoot a rifle one-handed at a close range target as it is a pistol.

Absudly modular, the root of plug and play.

The AR playform is the LEGO of guns.

I'm inclined to agree with you but I don't go posting threads about it.

Thanks for the laughs op. Hope you get to shoot a gun someday.

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Its for hunting tyrants op....

This bait is too fucking simple. Try harder next time. ARs are a platform. They're for whatever you fucking want. Want a decent combat rifle? Shoot 5.56. Want a good deer rifle? Switch out the barrel for .450 Bushmaster. Want a carbine or a pistol? Make it in a 9mm.

Stop playing stupid.

look at 5.56, 9mm, and 00buck vs sheet rock then get back to me.

>but I just don't see the appeal of them.
pic related mostly

Attached: ar15theirmagimustverypowerful.jpg (640x431, 232K)

cod retards used them to larp

>a shotgun or pistol might be better for home defense
>either shitty followup capability, or overpenetration of typical American home construction with much worse ease of aim

Based and redpilled

>no appeal
Wrong. You can't larp like a faggot without an M4gery