What kind of army would you need to go up against USA?

what kind of army would you need to go up against USA?

how many ships airplanes tanks men would you need

how much would it cost?

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a lot

19 men and four aircraft outta do it. Cost doesn't matter when you're backed by ------ and ----- ------.

One larger than the actual US military and then some
Never mind army, you’re not invading by land you can’t get past the navy

>how many ships airplanes tanks men would you need
All of them.

1 economic downfall

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The one that won't let women, faggots, and trannies join is a good start

Not that many. Just nukes, lots of nukes.
Destroy all military bases, harbors, major cities and power plants - then wait a few years until radiation levels are acceptable and the remaining survivors are no match for your forces any more.
I would secretly station all the nuke silos in Africa, so the counter attack wouldn't destroy anything important. Profit?


bout tree fiddy

You can't. The continent is a fortress. The only way to assault is by sea, and you are completely and utterly fucked if you try it, even if you had a coalition of all other first world nations on the planet.

The only way to beat the USA is to nuke their command structure and infrastructure oblivion before making any sort of coventional move

Here you go buddy, don't save the thumbnail this time.

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Smith, Wesson, 1911

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>how much would it cost?
More than the Soviets had. Tbhwy family no dollar number can be named because America can just raise the debt ceiling again and keep going into debt to pay for defense, just like we did with Iraq and Afghanistan.

We're going to collapse on our own from letting wall street run wild LONG before any foreign nation conquers us.

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You would have to overcome the first 1 or 2 days of high tech American firepower...after that it would become considerably easy as America is clearly on the "civilization downfall" phase and civilizations in this phase are incapable of creating masculine warriors because of the nihilism and complete lack of confidence in their civilization/system/culture etc.

The whole thing would come down to the exchange of high tech missiles launched from high tech platforms in the first 1 or 2 days really.

Barring use of nuclear weapons, establishing a beachhead on either coast by use of the entire rest of the worlds navies including utilization of civilian vessels is impossible.

bet she fucks like mad

>what kind of army would you need to go up against USA?
Army???? LOL'd. How about an army armed with wombs?
>how many ships airplanes tanks men would you need
Zero ships/planes/tanks. All you need is 36million uneducated low-IQ poor illegals.
>how much would it cost?

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yeh, she looks like an army girl i knew. this lady looks straight up hungry for dongs.

entire world, and they'd still have a hard time winning more than local engagements.

Ha, not today China.

This but unironically

America here, it depends on whether or not we want to defeat you. If you're the axis and we want to destroy you, we'll throw a lot of what we have at you and destroy you, then vaporize your buddies with a new type of bomb developed just for you guys and nothing you throw at us will stop us. If it's one of our democrat wars where the objective is just to generate a few trillion dollars for a handful of military industrial companies of a few decades, you don't have to worry too much because those are money making wars, not winning wars. See everything after WWII.

Just stay on our good side and we won't destroy or permanently cripple your country.

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heavy duty cringe

>what kind of army would you need to go up against USA?

One with magic or stupidly advanced sci-fi technology.

>how many ships airplanes tanks men would you need

More than exist right now.

>how much would it cost?

Even if you could enter money cheats in real life you'd probably not have enough money.

+ socially degrading of society

4 Vanguard class submarines.
$20 billion.

I wargamed it on a spreadsheet on my computer.

All opposition includes every prisoner doing 20-life. Blue force is every cop to every reservist. The US can fight without holding onto mainland America. No possible army can win.

Even if domestic tank production is taken down Abrams can be manufactured in Egypt. The f35 can be assenbled in the UK.