VA hospital near me has such a fucking backlog for OIF that I can't get a therapist appointment for four months...

VA hospital near me has such a fucking backlog for OIF that I can't get a therapist appointment for four months. I like you guys and im druink. I like all of you guys and gays, even if you never served or even shotagun. Because, if you are here that means youv either killed someone or want to or are curious. So as long as this doesnt get taken down ill answer every question more honest than anything and post my personal pictures of my own dead sand nggrs and dirt farmers i wasted until i get banned. whose interested. Before that happens you also have to answer the question or respond, to the thing i wanted to tell my counselor at my appointment that got canceled today. I wrote it down, i was going to tell her "I only appreciate my life when I am in danger. I don't love my wife and kid everyday, and am not thankful for my life, but when I think i am going to die i appreciate them and appreciate my life. And so thats why i want to go back because if people are trying to kill me i appreciate everything." ready.

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What branch? Also, sounds like you're bored more than anything. Any other hobbies?

u htink im bullshittin

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Honestly, I'm afraid to admit this to my girlfriend of a few years now, but I feel the same goddamn way. I just don't get why I'm all fucked up like that but it's how we are....

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yes a reply. here just for you. do you like marshmellows.
army. i scuba dive because i like the quiet. also i put on a fuckton on rhinoskin and hunt at the start of the season when everyone is afraifd of bugs and snakes

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Sounds like you bit the adrenaline junkie bullet. Start trying to take up shit like sky diving, rock climbing, other adrenaline junkie shit. I'm in the same boat as you.

post some cool aesthetic shit

fuck her. ill fuck her. thats not what i mean you get what im saying. my wife dpesnt want to hear about it because its disturbing. here my love a pciture for you too.

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It's probably not what you're going to want to hear, but I hate marshmallows. My kids drop them in the carpet and I want to drop kick them. Do you have anxiety often?

What's your favorite dinosaur?

The fuck is wrong with you soldier?

what do you want like unifomrs and gear and stuff. you want shit like this? selfies werent a thing it was allbout the dead shit. my favorite picture i ever took got confiscated by S1, hit a guy with my 203 it went off within 10meters of him, he went backwards and it blew his ballsack and cock up into his face. it was the dopest pic i ever took this dudes scalp looked like his pubes and all his junk replaced his face.

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It's weird, but I guess most of us are just so fucked that nobody cares anymore, because it's gotten so normal.

Was he screaming as he burnt to death?

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Go take the heroic dose of mushrooms and go into the woods.

If you live, you know you're meant for something more in life.

If you die, it was your time.

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sometimes i think about the drop kicking. but then ithink about how i need to be loving to my kids so they dont turn out like i did. am. doing. Yes i get anxiety but its always over the most smallest tiniest shit which makes it frustrating. like my wife letting her gas tank get to the low fuel sign. the tank needs to be refilled once it reaches a quarter tank.
i like the big uglies with the thorns and the giant rock nutsack at the end of the tail, like a giant horny lizard and it swings the tail like a wrecking ball. cant name it can someone post me a picture so i know what my favorite dinosaur is called thankyou.

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Anklyosaurus. How old were you when you enlisted?

HAh yes look at that fucking thing that is a respectable dino. i cook dino nuggets for my kid and they only have the bird one and the trex. this photos just for you. I got out to make sure he wasnt just sleeping. he wasnt.

entertaining but i feel like i would kill alot pf ople if i took shrooms. not because im bad i would just think it was go time.

the smaller one was out quick. the other one made a chewbacca gurgle, kind of like a dog if youve ever given one chocolate by accident. he tried to kill us though so fuck him. jiimmy crack corn and i dont care.

sorry everyone the captcha picture picker is taking a really long time it thinks im spaming. has no one ever put their money where their mouth is this hard.

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Thats why you go deep innawoods with nothing but basic camping gear. No guns, just some food, water and shelter for one night. And 3.5g of mushrooms. You take them after you make camp.

You're your own worst enemy right now. You should face that enemy with the full force of psychedelics behind you.

Do you get to spend quality time with the wife and kids often? No alcohol?

i was 19 and turned 20 three months in. Literal cliche guy with broken heart cause bitches aint shit but hoes and trick.s Didnt have a family. Was desparate enough to think it was ok to kill people for money.

Not that user but same as you except I didn't get ptsd what year you join?

have you not seen predator. i love it. and i know myself pretty well. the first thinkg i would do is cover myself in mudd and whittle spears for a tiger pit.

i spend time with them all of the time. they are my identity. i am normal to the world and hide behind fatherhood this way. we had a barbque before hurricane florence and every dad was talking about what fertilizer they use for their lawns and i tried to fit in. cant rembmer what i said. i watched that show dexter when it came out theres a scene where hes like that at a pool party that really struck a cord with me.
I havent drank since new years 2012 when the world didnt end. drinkings bad mkay.

I am getting captchaerd like a motherfucker i just want to post bodies and its becomeing a hassle because i dont understand some of the prompts.

You're a faggot larper.

Fuck off. Either take some advice, or fuck off back to tumblr.

what? i dont have ptsd. thats the opposite of what i have. i have nostalgia i think. i do have a mental health label i got put in the hospital once after i said something to someone. its bipolar but the type 1 not the type 2.

what the fukck did you say to me you little bitch faggot? I'll have you knwo i burned so many slopes they named a rice field after me. And your fucking dead kiddo. I rmember the first and last part. Here have some roast beef.

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>Go take the heroic dose of mushrooms
>the heroic dose
>And 3.5g of mushrooms

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How many people have you killed?

i’m digging the angry little pity party. post more corpses

We love you and care about you, user. Get some sleep. Goodnight

probably 8. but thats what happens when bodies start slappingn, from doing the wild thang. we are mostly water and fluid if there is enough heat and force and there all in a vehicle its an estimate it all blends together cotton clothing burns and polyster melts. you dont have a kill counter nobody counts thier shit like its a cool thing.

i was copying the super soldier meme where its a long parapgraph and starts with what did you say to me and ends with dead kiddo. im tired im sorry if it wasnt funny. ok heres another.

hey thanks i wanna fuck you too. i hope your a woman.

im getting tired and i think barbque pictures probly piss poeple off. im going to sleep ill look at this tomorrow if i remember. nobody save any of this shit its just for looksies not keepsies.

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What year you join tard?