
It's been a while since the last one.

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They don't all have to be animu.

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I'm fully aware I'm a Wehraboo.

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This is a W/R/K thread, not a loadout thread, user.

You had one fucking job

Bonus points for shit you own

Attached: WRK Chart.jpg (1067x2008, 377K)

I'm you, but stronger.

Attached: raifu.jpg (1050x2008, 357K)

Attached: my shit.png (1050x2008, 864K)

>Sikh detected

Attached: wrkbrk.jpg (1050x2008, 406K)

Attached: igaveitashot.png (1920x2782, 2.69M)

>Bonus points for shit you own

Make fun of me.

Attached: WRK1.png (534x1024, 719K)

Attached: wrk.jpg (1043x2002, 346K)

>it's a jeep
You're a real fuck up, aren't you?

Attached: WaifuRaifu.jpg (1132x2008, 214K)

Sauce on knife?

Attached: custardgeese30boogaloo.jpg (1050x2008, 731K)

Don't worry, I already know I'm a faggot.

Attached: 1537697771580.png (1050x2008, 1.76M)

>All these nu-waifus and tantos

You make me sick.

Attached: raifuknaifu.jpg (1200x2008, 271K)

Top tier, my nibbla

Attached: 1538434018083.jpg (1050x2008, 357K)

Excellent taste my friend.

Going with shit I actually have since it's too hard to choose otherwise. Not my pics though. Except for my waifu of course, I don't actually have her and I never will because she isn't real.

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Kino prime waifu

Attached: tomboys.jpg (1024x890, 155K)

10/10 post user... that's refreshing considering the non-stop gurofag /ak/ threads.

Attached: WRK.jpg (1054x2003, 387K)

Excuse me, superior taste coming through

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CRKT Endorser

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Damn it that one scene with her still fucks with me... why did he have to die...

Its a Cossack jindal

A nice thing about unironically liking the M14/M1A is that you're never going to end up claim jumped on Jow Forums.

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mien niger

Waifu is Sigrun from Stand Still Stay Silent before anyone asks

Attached: Stuff I own edition.png (1050x2464, 3.35M)

godtier taste

I couldn't decide which one to go with, so I used the original. Enjoy the cringe m8s

Attached: wierdbutcooltaste.png (1072x2008, 745K)

I can't quite make out the one you deleted from the thumbnail, but it looks like furry shit from here.
Buy a KSG.

Attached: 1527340759082.png (1050x2008, 1.21M)

>Make fun of me
While I don't share your taste in waifu type, I can understand why you'd make such a choice. Also your waifu, raifu, and knifu all have a high speed low drag theme I can respect.

why's it Doom Lady and not Doom Gal.

>This is my "capitalist pig" rifle and my regular pig wife

I'm afraid we can't be friends

Attached: 1538434018083.jpg (1885x2008, 451K)

Why does your Raifu appear to be airshit?

Attached: muhchoice.jpg (1035x1664, 335K)

>Lain waifu
turbo autist confirmed

Indecisive Faggot Here.

Attached: WRK (2).png (1051x2065, 662K)

It was actually a drawfag picture of Ivy with an M14. It was an old pic and I wasn’t comfortable using it.

I can’t tell you much about how I would picture my waifu, though, because I was only able to get a hazy picture of her only once in a dream I had. She looked kind of like pic related, except not as reserved or self-critical.

Also the love story sucked but this was a god tier episode

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Just did this to claim yuuri before the yuurifag shows up
>detachable carry handle
the one I plan on getting will be fixed

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Attached: Reisen.png (951x1674, 765K)

also cringe

Attached: 20181002_145357.jpg (534x1024, 160K)

Everything else is great though.

Attached: waifu raifu knifu.png (1050x2008, 1.26M)

mah waifu a cute

Attached: 1538434018083.jpg (1050x2008, 381K)

Oi, you got a loicense for that MA5?

Potato waifu is the patrician choice.

Attached: 1487323965269.jpg (772x501, 61K)



if i was gonna make one of these it would look exactly like this but with my kukri.

A lot of old fags like the M14, cause way back when you could buy cheap norincos and used USGI surplus parts for hella cheap. Now thats gone the only people who are really vocal about them are the sour grapes people and no guns

Attached: jennym1carbine.jpg (700x972, 161K)

Based and redpilled. Best in thread, all other scrubs please go

tanks for the (You)

But with Geissele SMR.

Attached: wrk.jpg (1050x2008, 353K)

Don't you bring that evil down on me.

Attached: Grugg Waifu Raifu Knaifu.png (1068x1824, 1.95M)

I swear one of you fucking retarded niggers replies to every post in a good thread so I mouse over a response and it is just your fucking shitty faggot post fuck you leave this board and kill yourself fucking disappointment of parents nigger fuck buy KSG retard down syndrome failed abortion.

It's great when your waifu and raifu are one in the same

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here you go

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I want toga to bite, stab and suck my blood and stuff

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krugg approve of grugg taste

I dont quite know if liking her makes you a pedo or a furry...

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She's SOFT! You take that back, COMMIE SCUM.

Attached: Jas.jpg (338x350, 21K)

Good taste in Norwegian troll hunters!

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Well you have the right team but you really need to improve your taste in waifus.

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>tfw no smug latina gf

Attached: raifu.png (1050x2008, 643K)

smug and latina are two of my least favorite traits in a woman. Feels like a win.

Still hasn't changed

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r8 h8 db8

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based user

The Holy Land belongs to Christendom.

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