Why is it gun owners seem noticeably fatter than the general population?

Why is it gun owners seem noticeably fatter than the general population?

If I look up demos of guns I'm thinking about buying I can hardly find videos or images (non promotional) of people who aren't at least 25% body fat.

At the range, at my LGS, people are fat as fuck.

I though this hobby was supposed to attract people who understand personal responsibility.

Attached: SABRE[1].jpg (800x526, 46K)

Because they're Americans.

bait aside, it's not the gun, it's the country. Guns also scare away a certain crowd whose diet goes to the opposite end of the spectrum.

>be me
>go to Nuggetfest
>"I bet they'll have a nice military aesthetic!"
>it's 90% fats, and worse, extremely ungroomed with horrible beard genetics fats

Its called compensating. They're fully aware they are fat and trying to fill the void of shame they have in themselves with guns instead of exercise and a cleaner diet.
>Be some 250+ lb fatso
>know you're obviously unfit for survival in life or death situation
>buy gun
>feel suddenly invincible and relatable to operators in peak physical condition

I don't think it's "fatter", but older (and for that reason fatter, but not fatter than the average at their age). Honestly I haven't noticed what you describe, I think you just don't think of other people as a discrete group like you do gun owners and don't notice their characteristics generally

While someone that can fight and is in shape can carry a gun, the fat lazy guy needs it more

southern states have high levels of obesity. Coincidence really, combined with propaganda.

Gun owners make up all kinds of people, stop trying to solicit gay sex at your local firing range you sick fuck, I'm glad the people there don't meet your degenerate standards.



Attached: DJrmQ8yV4AA9JjX.jpg (800x450, 39K)