Jew here

Jew here,
I've heard guns are a pretty good investment and I've been looking to diversify my portfolio. What's a good gun(s?) to get?
How much % profit can I get in a few years? ( I'm assuming whatever I buy will double in profit if Trump is impeached/replaced, but lets assume that doesn't happen)
I'm just dipping my toes so I only want to spend like $6k.

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>What's a good gun(s?) to get?
get fully automatic guns, they're only going up in price

Eh, short of something really botique they're 'mostly' good at holding their value. The antique market is where you would have your best bet, but like rare antiques. Sure there has been a recent spike in common milsurp prices but this will bottom out (I'll eat my own M44 if it doesn't) and will remain at this bottom for many generations. So basically old rare versions of guns offer your highest ROI, but it's miniscule compared to something a stock or a bank could offer.

>I'll take the bait
I don't you want armed. I want you back in your shithole of a Nation.

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I've heard those are like $10k+, I don't really want to sink that much in at first

They aren’t good investments, just buy more tesla stock

Zyklon B

Bonds are giving fractions of a percentage and stocks are getting pretty risky with the trade war going on. I've looked into rare earth metals too, but that entire market is a scam.
I didn't know there were antique guns. Do you have any specific models you can suggest?

Collector-grade garands from the CMP
Once stock dries up theyll go up like 10x in price

Was that faggot's response meant to do anything but increase the animosity toward da joos?