>i love HK!
I love HK!
>that poorfag cope
Nice thread, faggot
What the fuck is with that open mouthed grimace? Smile? what is it? Why do all these guys do it? Why do they all seem to look the same with beards and thick glasses?
Christ it's fucking annoying. What on Earth are they trying to convey?
>I love Norinco
>What on Earth are they trying to convey?
It's a signal to Hillary that they are part of the Cuckopolypse
HK is for chads only.
the paddle release is just so superior!
the P30 trigger isn't shit at all, i'm able to put my lead free bullets in the middle of my recycled paper targets
>Not apocucklypse
7/10 regardless
It's not even poorfat, surplus USPs can be had for $500, $400 if you hate yourself enough to buy .40 but rewarding if you want to convert it to 10mm. It's just unabashed shitposting because they stopped getting a rile out of CZ owner.
HK fanbois deserve this. More power to you.
Women do it because it's marginally sexual
Beta males do it because they're mimicking women
alpha male coming through
>people shit on glock,HK and CZ as being soi or whatever but leave fucking SIG out of it when all they do is sell $1000 guns with indian parts and literal tokens to special forums
it was originally a CZ pic
People have been shitting on Sig for a looooong time, homie. At least the Exeter stuff. Were you not here from the endless P320 drop test threads and the rust memes?
Collectively we bought a G3 for our podshare. Each night one of us gets a turn to sleep with it and defend our pod against evil nazis.
Jesus Christ that's lame. Also leet get
They look so happy.
The beards and glasses are just standard-issue fashion in the big coastal cities where most of these guys live. I don't get the open mouth selfie thing though, in fact I've never understood what the fuck kind of guy takes selfies of himself to begin with, that's shit for dumb attention whore bitches.
I bought a USP because it was in my favorite video game, I still get to play when not raising my wife's son.
The difference between this type of stuff and the drop testing bonanza is that I don't hear people making dumb threads every other day about Sigs being guns for numales, where as I do for CZ, and now HK
It's a forced meme for products that don't have any real valid criticism, it'll pass. I think it's already starting to get replaced with the NPC meme now. Maybe the boomer meme. Soon we'll reach a meme singularity.
i-it is tho, I prefer paddle over button
it’s not horrible but not good neither for a $900 pistol and literally no options direct or custom to improve it
still miles better than any stock striker fired pistol, excluding the vp9 of course which is about as good as any tuppershit striker trigger can be regardless of brand or $2k rice out “custom” glawk meme race guns
The virgin CZ vs the Chad HK
>miles better than any stock striker fired pistol
not even remotely close to being true. heavier pull, mushier break, and longer reset than a PPQ for instance
>$900 pistol
They're like $500ish now, user. HK dropped the prices a few months back.
oooh tell me all about it fellow HK owner! did you color fill yours too?
their social media is cringe
Your magazine looks like it has a malignant tumor
Factory markings peasant
Post your guns faggot
>seething poorfag
someone sure is insecure about their masculinity, is it to compensate for your internal rage because you desperately want to fuck another man in the ass?
nothing HK sells is richfaggotry