Compton Typewriter

I have an uzi and a tec-9 (FA)
Should I buy a mac or a second tec-9?

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You obviously like pistol PDWs, why not go for the collection? I vote Mac.

>wanting to buy a decades old busted pile of junk
If it's all legit just sell it off, those stocks are dead. 86' machine gun registration was a poison pill since the things are going to get destroyed from use. Guns can get destroyed from not being used. It's a wasted investment if you care anything about the money going into those things.

Any pics? and mac-10 complete the Chicago signature collection

don't care

gotta go with the mac

then get a tec-22 for the memes

>dont buy things you like because they wear out/get used
>why buy a nice car?
>why buy good food?
>whats the point of an expensive suit?

A registered uzi bolt is good indefinitely, probably even in a kaboom (or in the worst case reweld).
The tec 9 is fragile, yes. I'll trade it for a registered catco bolt if I find one.

It looks like regular tec 9. Kind of pointless unless I show you the form 4. The only tell for the uzi is the short barrel.

Unfortunately the tec-22 is an 1988 design. Pic related is a 10/22 reciever, but if a much cheaper Voere 2005 reciever could be stripped and hacked at, I bet it would fit in a plastic shell.

If the mac 10 is the answer (rather than an m11 or an m11/9?), does anyone know if 45 or 9mm would make more sense? I here the 45 has better feeding because less taper matches with the straight magazines. Basically grease gun mags.

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Junk, it's all junk.

Yes they bumpfire well