Do I really need to wear ear pro if it's only 7.62x39?

Do I really need to wear ear pro if it's only 7.62x39?

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nah go ahead then come back tomorrow and make an eeeeee thread.


Please dont make my mistakes the consequences are extremely painful

Depends on how much 7.62x39 youve already shot beforehand. EVerybodies gonna be death at some point, get it done early and youll never have to buy earpro in future

only one way to find out

i literally always wear electronic earmuffs and keep them next to my home defense gun, please protect your hearing


>EVerybodies gonna be death at some point

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How did my grandpa make it through Nam without earpro and being exposed to gunshots and artillery and things blowing up all the time without earpro and still being able to hold conversations with people without hearing aids up until his 70s


Once again, fpbp
(Beat me to the EEEEE shitpost)

I'm sure they're a big guy


Luck. Maybe he stuck cig butts in his ears, maybe bullets, maybe he was prone to lots of ear wax and it had a minor protective effect. My uncle was in Vietnam too and saw a lot of shit, and his ears were pretty bad by the time he was 50 or so

Everybody wan heaven don't no one wan dead

Can shooting too much make you here something besides EEEEE like maybe low whispers that seemingly come from everywhere yet nowhere? Or am I just losing my shit?

I wouldn’t worry about it.

I am so relieved thank you and goodnight, skinwalker.

Tinnitus can present itself as many sounds, buy it's unlikely to be the cause if you've always used proper hearing protection when shooting.

i bought a pair of peltor comtacs for 500 dollars so i wear those even when im just shooting a suppressed 9mm because i wanna feel like i didnt waste my money

No, especially indoors. You should never wear hearing protection indoors, it prevents you from hearing the weapon go off

I am so distressed thank you probably-correct-person. And to think I've been verbally slam dunking on all you anons with the EEEEEEE for so long and I actually have it.
>inb4 you're a schizo dude
Nah i got a psyche eval a few months ago and I took my gfs lithium and it didn't affect me and the whisper was present then too.

>the consequences are extremely painful
Why would you shoot a gun before putting ear pro on ?

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>not be meEEEEEEEEEEE to it

Schizos hear actual voices. Tinnitus whispering is more like hearing people in another room talking. You can't make out if anything what, if anything, is being said. I have the same presentation at times though I constantly have the classic EEEEEE. My tinnitus isn't related to firearms, though.

Just keep a silencer on your HD gun.

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>Tinnitus whispering is more like hearing people in another room talking.
Ah shit. Yep. Fucking guns.

He was the Ferris wheel operator, obviously.

My HD gun is not a pistol so, not really an option.