Previous crimes aside, was this a good shoot?
Previous crimes aside, was this a good shoot?
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how exactly? 3 cops putting holes in him from a few meters, not exactly good or bad.
i was more wondering why they even did that, looked like he just raised his arms
protip: if you have a knife in your hand that doesn't mean that putting your hands up prevents cops from ventilating you.
It was a good shoot.
IMO that was a pretty fucking bad shoot
Normally they wait for them to lunge or start moving towards them to shoot if they have a knife
Dude was zero threat, and to most normies it'll looks like they just greased the guy
the cops were pretty close though.
Even the dipshit pig says damnit after the first shot of course it wasn't handled ideally
And they wonder why people don't trust pigs.
This is why police departments want guns with like 20lb trigger pulls. Officer dipshit was already tensing up on his trigger before the door opened. As soon as it did he went even tighter and fired, said 'goddamnit' as soon as he did 'cus he realized he fucked up, and then his fellow pigs in arms started firing because somebody else started firing.
Whether the kid deserved to die is besides the point (frankly I'm glad it happened to him and not someone genuinely innocent), this is a bad shoot. You don't get to fuck up horribly and then be vindicated from that fuck up because of random circumstance. You still fucked up. Even if it worked out for the better for reasons that had nothing to do with you or your fuck up, you fucked up.
I don't think so. I'm not a use of force expert but he appeared to have obeyed their commands, he simply had knives in his hands when he did so.
That's kind of a weird call to have to make, I guess. If the dude puts his hands up but still has a gun in them and was never actually told to drop it I kind of wonder whether it's an authorized use of force, especially if he's already a suspect in a murder.
I agree. Even if it was an "accident" he has no right to determine the fate of that guy with his own hands.
>Welp I fucked up
>I better just finish the job at this point
That's what gets me disturbed was that panic mindset of just finishing the mag dump.
yes and no. First shot was bad and everything that followed was a direct result. That being said the suspect also completely fucked up from the get go by not complying at all and then palming a deadly weapon for whatever fucking reason because it genuinely looked like he wanted to surrender. Its done, hes dead, but both sides couldve handled it better
remember kids, be sure to non violently disobey when the police have you at gun point. Nothing but standing the fuck still is going to save you from police interpreting any other action as a threat on their life.
Well why did he get out of the car when the instructions were to not move? Why did he wield a knife while getting out of the car?
Bad shoot. Did not follow use of force continuum, and likely violated departmental policy.
He was absolutely not some innocent random guy but holy shit those pigs are definitely trigger happy
LMFAO @ the Skyrim death animation spin
>dude was zero threat
he was a double homocide (by stabbing) suspect who procured a knife ( the same one he killed 2 people with, thats clearly visible in the video) after police told him not to with guns drawn and well within 20 feet of him
they did EXACTLY what they're supposed yo do because he did EXACTLY what he was told not to do
fuck him, glad he's dead, you should join him
"Good shoot" in the context of civilian and police involved shootings usually means legally and/or morally justified.
Previous crimes were highly relevant tho
>The Morgan County Sheriff’s Office has released more details about a fatal officer-involved shooting outside of the Fort Morgan Walmart involving a man wanted for stabbing his aunt and cousin to death in New Mexico.
>mag dump
>8 rounds fired total
yah, nah, fuck off back to your snowflake board reddit
At 1:00 one of the cops yells "get your hands up now," which is what he reacted to (you can't really put your hands up in a sedan, he had to get out in order to fully extend his arms). This was after they game him contradictory orders to not move. At no point did anyone tell him to drop the knife or stay in the vehicle. It would have been smart to leave the knife in the car but when you're in an insanely stressful situation with multiple armed men yelling poorly thought out orders at you it can be tough to think of those sort of things. The cops handled the situation horribly. They were panicky and they weren't on the same page regarding what they wanted the suspect to do, which is what ultimately caused his death. With at least 6 officers on the scene, they could have waited an extra second to see what the suspect was going to do once he got out of the car. Given that he came out slowly with his arms up (like they told him), I highly doubt he was planning some sort of epic samurai death charge.
Dude was probably a piece of shit but it was a pretty bad shoot.
Not even a mag dump
The fat old bald fuck shot first. Look at that horrible trigger discipline. I generally support cops but this one fucked up and needs to be fired and prosecuted. If you're going to be a professional triggerpuller, know what the fuck you're doing.
Also replace Glocks with manual safety 1911s.
>double spacing
You're projecting friend. You can stay for a while and pitch a tent or two for a couple of nights but I'd appreciate that you don't shitpost/litter while you're here. Don't you have some upvoting to do somewhere? Isn't that what you kids are into these days? And that fornight stuff? Hey kid, you can do that new dumb dance by swinging your arms right? Show the people here how to do it again.
>let's replace a gun the fucktard cop ND'd with by prematurely squeezing the trigger with a gun that has an even lighter trigger pull
>remember kids, even if you brutally murder family members in the most personal gruesome way possible there are still cucked faggots on the internet who are so bitter over getting a traffic ticket for speeding in their clapped out ricer that they'll defend you (anonymously)
From just this camera angle it definitely looks a little suspect and on first viewing like the perp was making an honest effort to comply but giving the officers the benefit of the doubt this course of events seems plausible
>Patrol car rolls up
>Perp notices patrol car and closes door to give himself time to retrieve the weapon that wasn't in his hand beforehand
>Opens door again with weapon in hand
>Feigns compliance in an effort to throw off the cops
>Cops notice he retrieved weapon at some point that he didn't have before
>Interpret it as an act of aggression and unload
Why did he close the door when the cops pulled up? I think he probably didn't have the knife in his hand at first and then picked up the knife in between closing his car door and opening it again.
Cops need guns with no safety but an extremely heavy trigger pull. A Nagant or Webley should suffice
I guess you could say that they...caught him with his pants down!
*badum tsss*
>fuck off back to your snowflake board reddit
what did he mean by this?
Even if that is 100% true I still would like to have heard a "drop the knife" command before they started shooting. Up until that point, suspect had complied with with all of their orders. He wasn't moving when they told him not to move and he made an earnest effort to put his hands up when they told him to put them up. It's not really fair to shoot someone based on potential criminal intent when they've displayed a willingness to comply with commands.
>previous crimes aside
See Tennessee v. Garner, he could have been running away unarmed and they would be absolutely legal shooting him in the back. This is an easy good shoot.
>At no point did anyone tell him to drop the knife or stay in the vehicle. It would have been smart to leave the knife in the car
It would have been smart not to murder his fucking family members then steal a car and go to walmart
>but when you're in an insanely stressful situation with multiple armed men yelling poorly thought out orders at you it can be tough to think of those sort of things.
How dare they randomly choose this guy
>The cops handled the situation horribly. They were panicky and they weren't on the same page regarding what they wanted the suspect to do, which is what ultimately caused his death.
what ultimately caused his death was that he was a murderer who got out of his car with a murder weapon in his hand
>With at least 6 officers on the scene, they could have waited an extra second to see what the suspect was going to do once he got out of the car.
One second is enough time for him to cover the few feet between him and the nearest officer and stab him. You go explain to little Timmy that his dad aint coming home because you want to give violent psychos the benefit of the doubt.
>1Given that he came out slowly with his arms up (like they told him), I highly doubt he was planning some sort of epic samurai death charge.
He suicided by cop, he would have shot it out but he brought a knife to a gun fight, you're a faggot, cased dismissed
>use of force continuum
Almost no agencies are using the continuum anymore.
Ex Professional Standards here. That was a bad shoot.
Fuck off, PERFaggot. Murder suspect wants to fuck around and he gets what he gets.
How does the boot taste?
>typical LEO tier trigger discipline
This is why striker fired guns for duty use are a mistake.
needs more more salt, unlike you
ignoring your obvious faggotry, your entire post's argument is "he was a bad guy"- yeah no shit, the police are trained to deal with bad guys. It's their fucking job
1st stupid fucking thing is that there's not one officer in charge of issuing commands, they're all shouting whatever the fuck they think he should do.
Then the cop either says "put your hands up" or "out" I can't quite make out which one. Doesn't matter either way, cause he just puts his hands out, and then mr nervous trigger fatty mcgee fires of a shot which prompts the subject to trip out of the car. That plus the first shot causes the other officers to start firing.
I decree a bad shoot and put it down to bad police tactics and training.
do striker fired guns have lighter triggers? How does this come into play?
The suspect in this case wasn't fleeing though, he had surrendered.
All of this is basically just "well the guy was a piece of shit" which is really not the argument here. Just because someone could theoretically be a threat doesn't mean that cops should have the right to execute them regardless of whether or not they're complying with commands. By that logic, police would be allowed to execute CCW holders during traffic stops if they feel at all threatened because one second is enough time for a guy to pull out a gun and start shooting. Also, nice Reddit spacing bootlicker.
According to the YouTube description, the shooters incorrectly believed that the suspect was holding a gun, which confirms that officer error played a role in this shooting. It's an easy mistake to make, but still, a mistake is a mistake.
Oh look, it's another "communists try to drive a wedge in between the gun commumity and law enforcement by misrepresenting a justified shooting" thread.
Alright alright you win my sides are gone.
Based insane obsession with politics autist
Anything worth shooting once is worth shooting twice. In for a penny, in for a pound, etc.
>muh commie boogeyman
Prepare to Why:
But he's right, commies do try to divide people. So do Nazis now that I think about it.
>ignoring your obvious faggotry,
bet thats a first for you
>your entire post's argument is "he was a bad guy"
and also he did what he was told not to do, hut you're misrepresenting or ignoring that
>the police are trained to deal with bad guys. It's their fucking job
which they did exactly how they're supposed to
>1st stupid fucking thing is that there's not one officer in charge of issuing commands, they're all shouting whatever the fuck they think he should do. Then the cop either says "put your hands up" or "out" I can't quite make out which one. Doesn't matter either way, cause he just puts his hands out, and then mr nervous trigger fatty mcgee fires of a shot which prompts the subject to trip out of the car. That plus the first shot causes the other officers to start firing.
the commands were pretty clear, no one told him to get out of the car with the knife in his hand, and now hes dead
>I decree a bad shoot and put it down to bad police tactics and training.
nobody cares but you and the ventilated perp
Didn't read lol. Just stop redditspacing please.
ive don better in airsoft these guys cant even shoot a guy sitting in his car
>fuck around
>both hands up
thats how people have typed for as long as typing has been a thing you retard. the redditspacing meme was made to spot reddit niggers trying to fit in
7 lol 9mm JHP is a lot cheaper than a death penalty trial, I'd call it a win for the public
>both hands up
That's training. Its ridiculous sounding because it kicks in under stress. Same with "drop the weapon" after / during ventilating some poor bastard
This is literally murder caught on camera, yet nothing will happen to these evil psychopaths because they were in uniform.
welp i better slam the door shut then jump out with a knife because thats what they told me to do!
good shoot.
Length is actually the most important factor here, but yes striker fired guns have much lighter and shorter triggers than double action or DA/SA guns on the first pull. Even something like the LEM is considerably better for duty use by the boys in blue.
Both socialists.
You have not been to school, worked in an office or been to a public place; have you?
The marxist have been in control of the schools and Hollywood for a long time.
Simi Valley is full of openly proud communists.
Officer 1: DONT MOVE
>evil psychopaths
That's a bit excessive. Maybe, change that up to "police under extreme stress dealing with a guy who literally killed his family with a knife, who is also holding said knife."
>he had surrendered.
Not with knives in both hands he hadn't.
Legally and morally unjustified.
I am unsurprised that the same fags bleating about "innocent until proved guilty" when it comes to Kavanaugh are entirely ok with this "presumed guilty" shooting of a man who looked to be surrendering.
To be clear, Kavanaugh deserves to be presumed innocent till proven guilty, this guy deserved the presumption of innocence, I deserve it, you deserve it every citizen deserves it.
I don't even think it's bootlicking, although there is some of that. I think there are just a section Jow Forums that always supports the shooter, unless he's a nigger. Fucking psychos on Jow Forums just like watching people get shot, presumably because they aree edgy children.
>opens car door and puts his hands up while remaining seated
>gets shot
>at this point gets out of the car
Are you just lying or blind?
He's a retard who doesn't know his finger is a safety. He's literally too stupid to use a Glock, and needs a manual safety to keep him from blasting random people.
Suspect may have been a dirtbag, I don't care. It could have been anyone else and we do have due process in America.
Obrez pls
Wtf is going on in this video?
inbred family versus cops
>taking innocent until proven guilty to this retarded of a degree
There is no Probable Cause for Kavanaugh, there was Probable Cause for this shitbag. Probable Cause lets you arrest people, it even lets you shoot violent felons if they do something stupid like close the door to their car when you tell them not to move and then come out holding a literal murder weapon in their hands.
I don't care why they do it, it's enough that they do, and it's high time we start shooting back.
>neglecting to mention the knife in the murder suspect's hands
>remaining seated
Fuck off shareblue.
what part of "innocent until proven guilty in a court of law" do you not understand you communist
What the fuck would a manual safety have done at that point? He'd have disengaged it by the time he was aiming it because the cop was getting ready to shoot. That's the whole problem: he was getting ready to shoot before he actually saw a target or threat due to being a jumpy jackass.
Why not just give him a wooden gun like in The Other Guys?
not my fault your parents thought TV was a babysitter and now you have the attention span of a coke addict
>Legally and morally unjustified.
You sure? Maybe wait for the investigation instead of doing exactly what you're complaining others are doing.
>, said 'goddamnit' as soon as he did 'cus he realized he fucked up, and then his fellow pigs in arms started firing
He actually waited about a half a second after the ND, then decided he better keep shooting, and only after his second shot did the other officers open fire.
He realised he fucked up and straight up murdered the guy to protect his job.
how the fuck do you survive this situation
call us when you find the audio of the cops shouting "GET OUT OF THE CAR WITH A KNIFE IN YOUR HAND"
>compliant seated man 20ft away with his hands up, a knife in one of them
>immediate lethal threat
Pick one. The knife in his hand doesn't matter, at the time of the first round being fired he neither showed the intent or the ability to immediately use it in a lethal manner. The legal basis for determining the validity of lethal force in such a situation is the lethal force triad, Ability, Opportunity, and Jurisprudence. The situation satisfied none of these.
Read a book.
I think it was an ND, then sympathy fire from his buds, then return sympathy fire from the original shooter. Bad situation. I'll be interested to hear his rational and compare it to the video.
A forum post is different from a firearm you commie spastic.
Clearly more than you, innocent until proven guilty in a court of law applies to sentencing. In terms of LE Seizure Probable Cause is the necessary legal metric.
This shooting in no way shape or form violates Graham v. Connor and if you think it does you have zero understand of US Criminal Law.
He was still in the vehicle, and seated, when he was first shot. Why lie?
>murdered the guy to protect his job
Generally that's not a good way to protect your job when you're wearing a camera.
>everybody is fat
>peoples shot
where could it be ?
Why are these old as fuck officers aloud to be on patrol?
That's about what it looked like to me too. The suspect got his comeuppance for murdering his own kin, but it was not a good shoot at that instant. Given another couple of seconds he may have tried something, but we'll never know.
Why are cops so fucking retarded?
Watch the video again. He NDs, says goddamnit then fires a second time after a brief thought, then the other cops open fire.
Murder, I would even say that half second decision constitutes premeditation. That cop fuck deserves to be in jail.
>communists larping as fascists to misdirect attention away from other communists
your post is so red I almost posted porn
He was exiting the vehicle with the murder weapon in his hands and then stood up with it in his hands.
I don't think we're on the same page. My point was everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Even cops involved with what appears to be a really sketchy shoot. I'm not sure how that's 'commie spastic' talk.
not getting out of the car with a murder weapon in your hand might be a good start
that too there is no way they can pursue a felon
>compliant seated man 20ft away with his hands up, a knife in one of them
>20 feet
>hood of police car touching trunk of VW Jetta
I bet you think your dick really big too
>The knife in his hand doesn't matter, at the time of the first round being fired he neither showed the intent or the ability to immediately use it in a lethal manner
no he showed intent when he murdered his 17yo cousin with the knife in his hand