We gotta get to work lads. BUY! BUY! BUY!

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Other urls found in this thread:

If they manufacture them. we will buy

We must reach beyond 50%.

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If they manufactured something good and unique, I'd would buy.

We need to keep making guns until its 1 to 1 ratio for the whole planet.

And then we make full auto conversions like powered bolt handles and autoloading rigs for revolvers and shotguns until everything is baby massacring full auto.

I'm doing my part

Imagine thinking this is a bad thing

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if they manufacture something that looks cool, I'll buy it

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If I didn't suspect him of being a communist due to his CAPITALIZATION of everything he wants his servants to believe is IMPORTANT I'd read this as praise of the efficacy of the 2nd amendment in forcing the goverment to play nice.

Damn, we used to have like what... 54%?

Gonna do my part, een eyeing a Beretta ARX but can find ones at a decent price in my area

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If they build it, we will buy...

Fixed it for ya!

I'm so fucking proud to be an American

We're really going to have to put in work if the hues get their gun rights back. Those monkey eating sumbitches will buy a lot of guns.

It could be, what happens when we hit the market saturation point?
Is this a gun bubble?

>But it’s only 90 million people buying guns

And now you know what fake news looks like.

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We won't hit that point for like decades, if we ever hit it at all. There's new people getting into guns every day.

I seriously doubt the "gun bubble" is a thing. There will always be a demand for guns.

I know the statistic youre thinking ofn it was 48% back in '07, its probably only gone up since then, just not as many people are open about having guns due to muh political climate. And i dont think that includes any 80%'s or otherwise homemade guns, so i wouldnt be surprised if we already have over 50%

These statistics could be higher on the basis of unreported gun ownership. I wouldn't find it hard to believe that over 50% of the entire United States owns a firearm

The question is how do we arm the rest?

The only bubble I see is the one that's gonna pop in the collectibles world when all the boomers start to die off.

we must aim for a gun in each hand

Attached: 1536109399824.jpg (960x720, 57K)

>man buys gun
>man gets married
>man introduces wife to guns
>wife wants gun
>man buys wife gun for birthday
That's two gun owners that are counted as one.
>soldier retires from military
>veteran decides he wants an AR
>veteran learns about 80%'s
>veteran builds his own AR
That gun owner and the firearm is not listed in statistics.
>grandpa has collection of parker brothers shotguns
>grandpa passes away.
>collection is divided up between 3 grandchildren
Neither those guns or the new owners are included in any of these numbers.

There are way more than 400,000,000 guns in the U.S.
There are way more than 90,000,000 gun owners.

[ B L E S S E D C O U N T R Y ]

Wait, I genuinely can't tell if he's saying this is good or bad.

>Over the last 5 years, the American public purchased more guns than every military force on the planet combined.
Brings a tear to my eye.

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No seriously, how is this a bad thing?

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>having children will lower my guns/person
>would expand # of gun owners

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I still have no clue how many gun owners there are in America.
I've heard as low as 70,000,000 and as high as 150,000,000.

GunS CaN't COunTeR TyRrANy

Glory fuckin' Hallelujah. Beautiful.

Stop Goyim thatch too many, you only need one gun per person and a five round magazine. Won't someone think of all the american children that less than 10% of 1% of gun owners are hurting.

Attached: A jewish man rubbing his hands together.jpg (473x381, 43K)

Clearly you need to double your number of guns every time you have a kid.


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I think my dad unironically did this. And then continued buy and never sell anything.

Canadian here working very hard to make that number of yours go down.
It's hard work, but someone's gotta do it.

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Well, not for much longer. Your government is about to repossessed all the handguns they've so generously allowed you to use so far.

So fucking what if it's only 90,000,000? That's nearly 1/3 of the entire US population. That's still more armed civilians than the entire population of Germany.

Not good enough. It needs to be 100%. Yes even toddlers and the melanin enriched.

>even toddlers

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Lol they can try!

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NIgger buys hipoint .40 with no serial numbers! Those "people" are not counted either!

That's considerably more than one third of the adult population.

Holy shit Jow Forums may have accidentally inspired a good amount of the leafs to fight for real freedom.

how do they know?

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Lord of war is such a fantastic movie, even with the backspin on the end.


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He's presenting it as neutral. He's pro-gun, though. Pretty good Twitter follow if you have Twitter.

>as high as 150,000,000
The decades old study the (((media))) always uses says 300,000,000. The Small Arms Survey says it could be anywhere between 400,000,000 and 600,000,000 if you take into account sales from the old study, homemade firearms (80% lowers and such), and illegal firearms.

Fuck yeah! I'm going to go buy another one now

Number of gun OWNERS, not number of guns.

Really? India is second in line? Of all places

Probably will be impossible to tell for the foreseeable future because gun owners won't respond to telephone polls and what said. I wouldn't say that I have dozens of firearms to some stranger on the phone.

I want the US relative ownership percentage to go down while the absolute number of firearms in the US increases


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Background checks also don't give an accurate count on gun purchases. I bought a CZ scorpion and a stripped AR-15 lower at the same time on the same background check. So the guy in OP's pic would assume I bought one gun when I bought 2.

It's not too far fetched. India has 1.3 billion people and it borders Pakistan which is known for having a thriving gun market. 70 million seems like a drop in the bucket.

Gif related died
He drowned on the way to an island with his female 16 year old "apprentice"

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We'lL SeE ABouT ThAT

Lets get it up to 56% for the memes


Godspeed, leaf.

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Hello newfag

Be glad you don't go on Jow Forums

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To be fair, that probably doesn't happen too often. The bigger thing to account for are all the purchases made without background checks, but then again, those are most likely private sales, which means no new firearm entered the market, just that it changed hands.

80% lowers are a whole market. I bet there are a considerable amount of guns created that way that aren't counted.

What does that got to do with libertarianism?

Personal agency and power projection? What the fuck do you think?

Just euros bootybothered their country doesn't hold a candle to America. Compensation like usual.

What does supporting the ideal of arming the world have to do with libertarianism is what i dont understand.


Yes but also no.

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God bless the United States of America, I love this country so much.

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Most of the C&R people I know aren't boomers, they sold off most of their collections and went into IDPA about a decade ago.

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How do you MAINTAIN individual sovereignty other than keeping the power-field level? What's the best way to do that?

>Bongs dont have g-

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But what does libertarianism have to do with that though actually what the fuck is libertarianism anyway?

Fuck this gets me hard.

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According to my state Libertarian Party's website, which I'd agree with
>Libertarianism is a political philosophy that holds that a person should be free to do whatever he wants in life, as long as his conduct is peaceful. Thus, as long a person doesn’t murder, rape, burglarize, defraud, trespass, steal, or inflict any other act of violence against another person’s life, liberty, or property, libertarians hold that the government should leave him alone.

>These statistics could be higher on the basis of unreported gun ownership. I wouldn't find it hard to believe that over 50% of the entire United States owns a firearm

If that's the case then the Third World would outstrip the fucking USA. Or at least be 50% of global guns ownership.

This, just how many anons on here alone own a 80% rifle(don’t answer)? I personally love the whole concept of the 80% rifle

>requires some basic knowledge to mill out and put together
>gives you pride of making something yourself, more so if you put the upper receiver together from scratch yourself
>most states don’t require you to register them, don’t have to tell the state if you do anyways
>ensures the ability to put a rifle in the hands of the citizen for the near future

I want more Americans to put 80% rifles together, I want so many of them in the citizens hands that it’ll constantly remind the Fed or states of their place even more than they already are

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The only issue with an 80, for a good few people out there who are either extra cautious or concerned for the wellbeing of others, is that you can't really pass them down legally. You can't gift them to a buddy that needs a new hunting rifle, or one that just moved into a shitty neighborhood and can't afford something right that moment. If you make a shitload of guns yourself, die, they go to your kids who don't know the law, and they sell them off, they could get fucked over for that.

True, the only way around that is to properly educate people about getting around it or doing legally if they absolutely have to (serializing your rifle through an FFL). Wish the restrictions around inheriting them were removed regardless, I’m sure some states will get to that

Who the fuck says I can’t? How is that any different than passing down grandpappys unserialized shotgun from the 20s or 30s?

Hourly reminder that you can build a complete PSA AR-15 for $300 right now.

It is the righteous duty of every single American man, women, child, and non-binary person to own at minimum 3 AR-15s.

For only $900 (less than the cost of your laptop computer) you can put an end to gun control.

Together we can make anything "common use."

Attached: psa-freedom.jpg (640x480, 61K)

>I’m sure some states will get to that
When we're in our 40's, maybe. I live in a red, "pro-gun" state and from all my experience the old voting block is just a bunch of fudds. I've gotten "What the hell do you need that for?" from just as many Republicans as I have Democrats, if not more because there aren't that many Democrats here. Barring one, I've never met a Baby Boomer that was full-on "Shall Not Be Infringed". They've always been more concerned with what religion you believe in, and passing legislation based on their religious beliefs, and insisting there's no separation of church and state, then giving you a dirty look when you ask how they'd feel if the state favored a religion that wasn't theirs.

>46% of the World's 1 Billion Guns
And this is what makes the best leading stable 1st World Country in the entire world.

If you make a firearm without an FFL it's illegal to give it to anyone or to sell it. Pretty sure it's on the dogshooter website.

Boomers need to go but I’m also afraid there aren’t enough of us to replace them

Gonna buy me a shiny new wheel gun soon

Eh. I have one normal AR 15 and don't really want another.
Will an AR pistol and an AR 10 work?


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That's why we've gotta make more, user. It's a tall order, especially for Jow Forums, but the best thing you can do is to tolerate anti-gunners. Not all of them are screeching hardcore SJW types. Lots of them are just normal people that probably have a lot of common ground with us. If you befriend them, and they know you're not a bad person and you're 'just like them', when they learn that you're a gun owner and pro-gun, they'll be forced to reevaluate their position. Fucks with the image they've got in their head of what a "gun nut" is when someone they know and identify with is one.

That's the handgun he used to blow his brains out btw

It's illegal to sell it for more than the parts cost you to make or to sell more than 3 a year (not illegal due to law, but rather regulation, so it probably wouldn't stand if you made it to the Supes, but it's cheaper to get an 07 than it is to fight a case to the Supes).