All I've ever used on my guns. Never had any problem. How much do YOU spend on lube?
All I've ever used on my guns. Never had any problem. How much do YOU spend on lube?
Not a whole lot. I run most of my guns dry.
delicious orangey smell
None since your mother pays for it
Uhh... not for long, you don't.
dont tell me what i cant do
Its better than WD-40
like $10 every couple years
Do whatever you want, but there's gonna be consequences.
I'm an adult and I can put forks in the toaster in the bathtub.
>considering gun lube as a legitimate expense
You know you're not supposed to bathe your guns in oil right
Guns are machines, I use machine lube, Lubriplate, GP grease, oil, etc
> - t. oliver oxide
>pic related
Mpro7 lube and cleaner with a little Ballistol works wonders for anything from my Glock(s), 1911, AR15, and AK
Oh god you are so boring it hurts.
Zero because I steal way lubricant from work.
But my shit works. So there's that.
Normally just ballistol, but I bought some snake oil a couple weeks ago
A bottle of hoppes is like $4 and I go through one maybe every six months.
Okay. Suck my balls.
Ok. Whip them out small nuts.
I laughed
You literally cannot beat eezox. It is the best preservative oil period.
Does the same exact thing as 3 in 1, goy.
you are a moron. period.