Next gun accessory that will get banned?

Place your bets gents!
My money's on binary triggers.

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Pistol grips, flash hiders, and collapsable/folding/thumbhole stocks when the new AWB v2.0 happens.

Attached: yr4xxkw5d7t01.jpg (776x1024, 95K)

Wow I really wanna luck and fuck her asshole.



>Pistol grips
Definitely this. That loophole will have to be closed.

Attached: 1509872031283.jpg (534x594, 156K)

Definitely these.

Attached: 1527450404471.jpg (2200x1467, 153K)

already been effectivy banned in some states, like WA

no federal ban tho. commie/cuck states don't even count as America anymore.

>no federal ban tho.
but if you live in a state that bans it and you dont want to move. then its still pretty fucked