Could the US citizenry fend off a foreign invasion without any aid from the US Military, police forces or government?

Could the US citizenry fend off a foreign invasion without any aid from the US Military, police forces or government?

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Who's doing the invading?

Any attempts at symmetric warfare would be destroyed with negligible casualties by any western military, after that it's about the hearts and minds bullshit, I'm willing to bet quite a lot of people are willing to keep calm and continue with their lives if the invading force keeps the lights on and food at the grocery store

Guerrilla style: Oh fuck yes

HtH combat: maybe we wouldn’t win but we could make them lose

This. Unless you have Nazi tier occupation most western people would just carry on with their day to day routine

yeah sure. imagine them fighting using a burger slice or some cheese as a glock kek can't relate.
ofc they couldn't.

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US military, police, and government are part of the citizenry. Would they just not have tanks and drones and shit?

>Could the US citizenry fend off a foreign invasion without any aid from the US Military, police forces or government?
I mean it depends on what country but yeah.

I really doubt countries likes Egypt could even occupy Detroit for more than 10 hours, let alone conquer it.

Look at how effective insurgencies in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. were. Now imagine a better educated, better equipped, better trained insurgency.

Police are technically civilians; so..... maybe?

Why would Nazi tier be a dealbreaker? Paris was fine under Nazi occupation. It's dog shit now.

This, and what's their objective.

If a country invaded to steal all the gold in Fort Knox or capture the ten largest Texan ranchers, then US citizens probably couldn't stop even a modestly sized military.

If a country invaded to control the territory of the US, and keep the people alive, well that's something entirely different.

>Police are technically civilians; so..... maybe?
Are you technically illiterate?

I'm obviously talking about the occupation of Eastern Europe, not France or Norway


No, but likewise invaders would have one hell of a time trying to hold onto the land.
China though I could see wanting to actually assimilate parts of the Western coast, deport burgers and replace them with bugpeople.

US citizenry can't even stop spics

Where would they be deported to?

Inland, towards what's left of the USA.

The only two questions that matter:
1. Do they have air superiority?
2. Do they care about collateral damage?

If the answers are yes and no respectively, then no. Otherwise maybe. If the answers are no and yes respectively however, then to you question, yes.

Can we agree Canada would get steamrolled if they tried this?

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Arguably education is a problem here, people are less likely to take up a cause in the west where they're exposed to real danger, you can't have fanatics here who are eager to fight because otherwise they have nothing. Realistically I think most Americans would roll over, Red Dawn is just a fantasy.

People need training to have willingness. Look at Finland for example with ~80% willingess to defend, then compare it to other Euro countries without any conscription.

Ok, so say the lights go dark and poof, the president, the entire cadre of federal agencies, every branch of the military, every single state defense force and state police or patrol force, every single local and county police/sheriff/constable magically cease to exist. And the chinese wirr gro larger.

well, first, America’s about to descend into general anarchy and infighting because there is no central command, there is no orderely communication, and there is no unified resistance movement. Instead, the chinks really just have to wait long enough for the inevitable militas that pop up to try and restore order to start fighting eachother, because lo and behold turns out as a militia trying to govern people your loyalty really quickly turns from the now defunct state of the USA to your own potential state. And everyone wants their piece of the giant rich pie that is North America. Once things descend into total chaos, the unified chink armies are probably going to be welcomed with open arms wherever they land since they’ll be powerul enough to actually bring some damn stability for once. People would much rather chinese rule over john hickston 35 year old boomer with a fascism fetish’s 17 civil wars as slowly everyone stats to starve.

I feel like Canada could grab a bit of land up North mostly because no one lives there and no one gives a fuck anyways.

For a full invasion there's no fucking way, the number of Mexicans in the US outnumber the total population of Canada.

If it's the Chinese then it is impossible to fend off


>>Bloods and crips calling a ceasefire to stomp Egyptian infantry in a brutal geurilla war.


>better trained, better equipped
Those insurgents had full auto weapons, machine guns and even full auto guns.

>better educated
Arguable, in the context of war

>better trained
Those insurgents had been fighting for decades

You're also forgetting the overarching factor that they were fanatics with unlimited willpower. You think even the exceptional Americans could crawl through a two by two underground tunnel for weeks, eating rice and getting bitten by flies?

>had full auto weapons, machine guns and even full auto guns.
Get this noguns nonsense off of my board. Back to buzzfeed.

>Those insurgents had been fighting for decades
Training is more important than combat experience. Combat experience only becomes truly valuable if it builds on good training and effective doctrine.
Not that it really matters for insurgencies, since the last thing you'll want is actually fight on the field.

Considering the majority of the US population lives in urban areas, and considering the kind of people that tend to live in urban areas, I'm gonna say no.

Canada would get some land pretty quickly. But it would piss us off because Canada did something against us, and then we would fire up the proverbial Lancaster’s.

And yet if this board is any indication of even the most avid firearms lover, it stands to reason that most gun owners are unfit, overweight, know nothing about tactics and all assume they're gunna be sniping chineses at 500 metres and then walking home. So apart from the tiny minority who are ex mil or have some basic tactical training, everyone else is no better than Abu Hajaar in Syria in training terms.

No. Anyone who thinks so is completely ignorant of modern warfare and thinks the Patriot is fact.

>Paris was fine under Nazi occupation
Ok, Jow Forums

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We haven't been able to so far. If the military, police, and government helped it may change things, but as it stands now the invasion has been underway for decades and nobody has lifted a finger aside from that one guy in Arizona who was prosecuted by the Clinton administration.

It's also a difficult question because it seems as though our government is on the side of the invaders rather than the citizenry. If they took a neutral role rather than an actively hostile one I think many people would probably man the border.

webm related

Many people like to larp about this kind of scenario, but if this shit really went down the number of people who'd actually try to fend off the invades would be pitifully low.

Fake quote.

>>Jow Forums

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Against a competent military, of course not.
Americans can't actually survive without the comforts they've been accustomed to. Maybe delay and annoy an enemy military, but not much more.
What can insurgents do against a helo or tank? Modern tanks arnt as vulnerable to Molotovs, and no, you can't throw a nade down it's barrel because the tanks right next to it well gun you down with coax.

Most gun owners on the internet. Jow Forums bro here. Most of my friends are avid gun owners. None of them are fat. None of them go on Internet forums or image boards to validate their lifestyle by seeking others out. They enjoy firearms on their own time in their own way.

The guys on boards like this are like the comic book guy from the simpsons, just with guns. They’re way over represented because of their nature and temperament, not because they represent the majority of gun owners.

Most guys I see at the range are pretty normal look. You get the whole spectrum.

>People who actually believe they wuz Kangz vs actual Pharoah's descendants
I'd watch it

Even then, the average civvie might be able to ring steel at 300m on a calm day from a comfy bench, but it's a whole different ball game in a combat scenario. Not being fat is one thing, but being battle fit is another entirely. Moving from position to position and then being able to make accurate shots is vital, and if you don't have well drilled tactics or decent battle fitness then it's not going to go well for anything bar popping off a few rounds from half a mile away and running away.

As much as I enjoy going on Jow Forums it is cancer in terms of anything approaching real cardio. There's a large degree to which being le walk through doors sideways man is a hindrance in combat, and not enough people on this board focus on the fitness aspect. Then again that's just my 10 cents. Haven't met many US gun owners so I'm likely quite biased.

I think it doesn’t take long for the fighters to emerge. I’d say the proportion is similar in most societies. There are the willing, the able, the unwilling, and the unable. Few are both willing and able. Look at Ukraine, Libya, or Syria for example. Sure there are a ton of foreign fighters there now but initially it was a domestic thing with the simple tactics of using small arms to steal ordnance to use ordnance to achieve objectives.

The US also has a relativey large and experienced combat veteran community. Most of them are gun owners. Sure they may be rusty and not as fit as they once were, but 6 weeks of roughing it get people spry pretty quickly.

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Tienemen Squrare was implessive

yamamoto did not actually say that

>implying crew served MGs are ineffective

>I really doubt countries likes Egypt could even occupy Detroit for more than 10 hours, let alone conquer it.
I beg to differ, they did just fine in Sudan which is basically Bloods vs Crips: The Country

I'd watch that anime

I do not know, but it would be extremely painful.

No. However there would probably be enough dedicated patriots to pull a Taliban and make any kind of prolonged occupation hell on earth through guerrilla warfare hit and run attacks.

They can't fend off a foreign crops and steel and cars without any aid from the US Military, police forces or government, lol.

Couldn't even fend off the (((mexican invasion))), self hating cucks bend over and let them in and now they're on track to run the country into being another shitty latin american hellscape.

No because nobody except for the US and friends gives a shit about MUH HEARTS AND MINDS

Anybody invading the US would just kill everyone in an area if some guerillas popped up

We could except not that effectively, we would have to resort to guerilla warfare, but normal average US citizens have no experience or training with it.
>well the vietna—
They had been fighting for a longgggg ass time and got training from China and the USSR

Depending on who and where. They’d either be rekt or the new rulers.

It’s not as complex as you think.
It starts with knowing the lay of the land and using that knowledge to your advantage.
The rest comes with time and experience.
Remember the us citizenry is made up of former military and police as well as just plain ole crazy ass mofos who’ve been waiting all their live to go buck wild on somebody with no consequences.

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That goes both ways. When you attack Americans they can get pretty savage.
You attack us on our turf and you can forget that Geneva shit.
Just ask the Japanese.

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Many would “roll over” but not most.
With 400 million guns in the US, someone has to have been thinking about using them.

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A rebellion has never succeeded without foreign aid in human history


Depends on the part of the country you hit. Jew York city's various gangs wouldn't appreciate new boys trying to take over their turf, and have the money to roll down tanks and shitty 2nd gen fighters up your alley if you tick them off.

You're all forgetting all the organized crime groups in the US that are paramilitary organizations unto themselves. Over 10% of all communists killed in the US over the course of the Cold War were slain by the hands of the Mafia. In fact, a very likely scenario in the case that the federal government went down would be that organized crime would take its place where they would steal from, bribe, and murder to occupiers until they gave into their demands, and without the police or government to oppose them, they're going to get flashy.

Of the known, that is, registered by purchase, gun owners in Alabama, they have more firearms than the USMC. That is just one state and not even the state with the most arms by capita. There is zero chance of successful invasion of the USA.

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Americans lack the will to do that these days. All the invader would have to do is exploit the most substantial potential Fifth Column and we'd invade the nation FOR them.
For example, if they promised they'd totally let us still control the country for the most part and make Christianity the official religion and law of the land, expel immigrants, ban abortion, etc they'd have dumb rednecks lining up to destroy America.

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No, 80% would be hsppy that there are still hamburgerd to eat, 10% would collaborate, 5% is too retarded, remaining would get wiped out.

you cuck larpers wouldnt do shit neither


we have the numbers, we have the arms, but we lack the training
we need to bring back high school marksmanship teams

We’re faggoty Frenchmen retard, Nazi Tier for us would be more like the Eastern Europe treatment

Not a terrible idea

it'd be a shitshow, but yes

>I really doubt countries likes Egypt could even occupy Detroit for more than 10 hours, let alone conquer it.

What if we give them a few billion in military aid?

Canada could sustain a surprise attack for a few days, after they, they get pushed to the arctic the next week.

>first, America’s about to descend into general anarchy and infighting because there is no central command
Wherever blacks are would be a nightmare.
Whites would organize.

Statistically, Engineers are the most likely group of people to turn to terrorism.

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