You do lube your barrel right?

Don’t you? You should can want the bullets to come out at their peak velocity without being slowed down by any barrel friction. Right?

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eezox is retardedly toxic, i wouldn't touch that shit with a 10 foot pole

smells great though

Eezok failed military trails years ago because its caustic, and sucks.

Tetra Gun has a cool name, I'd use it

Lubrication will lead to lower pressures and lower velocities with all other factors being equal

Go chrony some moly'd bullets vs normal ones, you will be surprised that the moly comes in slower with the same load.

I lube mine with copper you fucking pussy

Old gun, wouldn't it be a good idea to protect from rust?

the more toxic something is the better it is as a solvent tbqh

wait seriously?! I've been using it for the past 2 years no gloves or anything. Am I kill?

This picture is pretty much the only reason I bought eezox. It seems to work pretty good for me.

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I mean I do for long term storage
but no

I wonder how many bottles of eezoc that guys little weekend project alone has sold

ask yourself this
you have a higher chance of being shot than drinking solvent? eezox

do you eat crayons?
use anything because you will probably clean it everyday for penis inspections

That picture alone literally only tells how well these products protect against exposure to salt water.

So if you're not shooting your rifle in the ocean, this test is retarded and says nothing of real world exposure to elements, lubricity, or cleaning ability.

Amen. I stick with safer shit like hoppes, balistol, slip 2000, and oneshot.

Yeah you're fucked bud. Prepare for the cancer. I don't give a shit what the chemical or solvent is, it takes 2 seconds to put on a pair of rubber gloves.

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Motor oil is best, Mobil has spent like 500 million on developing mobil 1, I'll take that over some mystery mix made up by some bubba in a garage at $15 a oz, but it obviously sucks for cleaning, so just buy some mineral spirits or something.

I bought Eezox and Weapon Shield grease cuz of it, both are great

I'm fan of moly grease also from automotive applications where I need grease. Motor where oil is needed, which is mainly non-friction surfaces to prevent rust. Grease where metal meets metal.

The red Mobil 1 grease stuff is pretty good. Just gotta remember to go super light with it. 1 tube will last you a lifetime. I think grease gets a bad rep because ppl go way overboard with it not knowing how to use it, goop up their weapon then claim the shits messy and sucks.

t. buttmad froglube shill

I'm and I'm a fan of Valvoline Cerulean grease. It's got some detergent properties to clean and prevent rust as well as a nice moly base. I just put a dab of it (very light dab) where metal meets metal. On my ARs, this is where the BCG makes contact with the upper and where the charging handle contacts the upper. That's it. For pistols, just a little on rails. Works great, costs almost nothing. Use oil where you want to prevent rust but there is no rubbing.

>no barricade

>this test is retarded and says nothing of real world exposure to elements, lubricity, or cleaning ability.
Well it's a good thing he wasn't trying to test lubricity or cleaning ability, huh?
Also, about elements: There are endless amounts of them. Unfortunately, if you want to actually be able to test them and have the results be interpretable, there needs to be some sort of standardization. That's why salt water was used. Salt water is corrosive, cheap, and easy to work with, so it's become a convenient standard used to test corrosion resistance.

That being said, the saltwater standard does have some weaknesses, one being that it handily bypasses water-miscible corrosion resistance agents simply by washing them off (Ex: Ballistol), therefore failing to actually test corrosion resistance in those cases.

If you actually cared enough, you could have learned about and explained that complication (and more) without having to resort to vague complaints and you would actually have decent ground to stand on in your post. You didn't do that, though, because you're a useless contrarian fuckstick.

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>I don't want my CLP lubricant to be a lubricant or cleaner
>all I want is to protect.


Frog lube is garbage. Shit literally turns to glue. I shill for anything but frog lube.

>That picture alone literally only tells how well these products protect against exposure to salt water.
good, because i live right next 2 da beach