You're only allow to post in this thread if you're allowed to have more than 10 rounds in your magazine

>You're only allow to post in this thread if you're allowed to have more than 10 rounds in your magazine.
Not so fast cali/k/ucks, Jew Yorkers and the surrounding Jow Forumsucked states.

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Other urls found in this thread:

NEPA fag reportan with 17-rounders

>fuck NY and NJ

I'm carrying a glock with a 17rnd mag right now. Fuck the fags smuggle mags.

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Based and redpilled

One day I'm going to post pictures of loaded 30 round mags in front of the Hollywood sign.

tripfag hitler dubs are still hitler dubs
you go for it mr. cuckfornia

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What states have mag capacity bans and at what number of rounds? I know Cali and NY has 10rd limits and 15 for Colorado, but don't know if any other state has a mag limit at a different number.


CT has a 10rd mag cap.
Nj has a 15rd mag cap
Ri has a 10rd mag cap
Ma has a 10rd mag cap

>his state produced john kasich

Attached: Negan Pence.jpg (314x253, 19K)

>his state produced Pittsburgh

How many superbowls do Cincinnati and Cleveland have between them? And how is either better than Basedburgh?


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Ohio is a Plum;
dried plums are prunes,
prunes give you the shits

>hand egg

Bong detected

>private sale state
>high percentage of gun owners
>high rate of CC Permits given out by our USDA
>no weapons restrictions except for those that are federally put in place

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Didn't you just ban bump stocks?

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Only no-ball normies comply. Keep your shit on the DL if you have unregistered guns. That's my plan if my state gets cucked.

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What they don’t know can’t hurt, I was at the range just yesterday and saw someone with a bump stock mounted to their AR. The gun community here is pretty strong and doesn’t really give a fuck.

I'm a 1st class citizen and allowed to own anything in NYS because I work for the state

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>actually caring about nigger hand egg


ohio sucks without having to bring nigger ball into it.

Volunteer state reporting in.

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WAfag here.
Soon I will need to leave

superior southern neighbor checking in.

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Best state reporting in, fags.

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Did anyone ever make a Jow Forumsonstitution pic for Montana? I don't seem to have one saved.

don't you have a city being over run by somali dindus or some shit?

Must suck that you guys lost Lebron to L.A., i mean, Cleveland's entire economy was based on him.

I think you're thinking of Minneapolis, but Milwaukee is kinda close to that. I haven't really seen somalis make too much trouble anyways, it's mostly just fuckhead gangsters in Milwaukee and chavs in Dane county that cause shit.

Where was the white lady killed by the 80 IQ somali they made a cop for muh diversity

that's where im thinking of.

Do we count? Just can't buy > 10rd mags within state boundaries but they're legal to own here

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All mags loaded with +5/6 (depending on my model/caliber giving me 20+1 or 22+1
Including a TT on 1 of my ar mags
Fuck yeah North Carolina!

Forgot to add, all firearm parts including uppers of any size, any number of magazines including drums and as many rounds of ammo as I want, all delivered to my front door. It's not the most free state but were open carry with absolutely no restrictions...except a dry county or two

*blocks your path*

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Here's an extra brother

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>somewhere in nevada
feeling pretty good right now

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Posting my honest bois, fuck your thread

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Virginia 571 checking in

open carry
easy concealed carry with reciprocity
no mag limits
easy private sales

have some

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>humid mulatto hell
Enjoy your niggers, old people, and hurricanes you fucking half breed.

>Implying lightly browned Chick-fill-its aren't the superior specimen.

Enjoy being wrong.

You're right about the temp, though.

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>PA being superior in anything

You're a redneck swampy and humid Arizona. You're basically a retirement home where everyone is a hillbilly but no one thinks that they're a hillbilly.

Minneapolis, he was featured as the first Somali cop lmao

Honestly I just feel sympathy for them. Soon our own liberation from the mildly inconvenient 15 round limit may be at hand.

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The Mormons need to purge the Mexicans in Utah, outside of that and the blazing sunlight it ain’t so bad.

t. Living in Utah about a year now.

Colorado is a lost cause

What line of thought leads you there?

>handgun registry
Slow down, Quaker.

I’m more than happy that other people think the Midwest sucks. Stay the fuck out.

t. Ohioan


>good drivers
>not meth head and opiate addicted hoosiers fucking in cornfields
Your state sucks. The only good it serves is acting as a buffer between us an Illinois.

Colorado isn't changing anytime soon. I predict more redpilling leftists than anything. Its one of the last bastions where people with radically different views are somewhat civil. I learned a lot living there.

Bow down to the chad missouri, arguably the last free state. The dindus however do cause a lot of problems

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The only reason it's spelled Missouri is because the redneck who founded it didn't know how to spell Misery.

Spend the winter in Logan and you'll rue the day you cursed that old sun

Indiana has better rated drivers and lower rates of addiction than your shithole good-for-nothing piece of shit state, you fucking trash person. Indiana is the goddamn tits, you retard.
>extremely lax gun laws
>private sales completely unrestricted
>fuckloads of public ranges and land
>plenty of good private ranges
>highly libertarian
>everything ships here faster than the rest of the country because we're the shipping crossroads of the US
>tons of cheap land to homestead on
>booming economy
Ohio is the worst fucking state in the union, literally go back to your little piece of shit patch of dirt and die on one of your shitty rollercoasters, that's the only part of your state that isn't completely worthless.

I’m only like 40 minutes south of Logan, so I feel it. Being from Ohio, believe me I can deal with some darkness.

Lmao dude, pls get more butthurt. You sound like a 6th grader who just learned swear words. My sister lived in Indy and it’s virtually the same as Ohio.

also forgot
>Mike "10k Volts for Faggots & Dolts" Pence is from here
>giant gun show multiple times a year, tons of smaller ones everywhere across the state

Ohians are literally the worst, your sister is probably a herpes-ridden whore like all the sluts from your state

>extremely lax gun laws
Pretty much the same
>private sales completely unrestricted
>fuckloads of public ranges and land
>plenty of good private ranges
>highly libertarian
You say that like it's a good thing
>everything ships here faster
That's because people build warehouses and shipping centers because no one lives there and it's cheap as fuck to build. You have no economy outside of that.
>tons of cheap land to homestead on
Because it's all flat as fuck an no one wants to live there
>booming economy
You do realize that Ohio's economy is stronger and is growing at a much faster pace, right?

You sound salty and unlikable. Is everyone from Indiana like you?

>handgun registry
PA doesn't have one of those

>You have no economy outside of that
Except that Indy is rapidly becoming the most popular destination for large IT companies in the midwest, whereas Cincy and the other sad excuses for cities are rapidly decaying and are overflowing with niggers and druggies
>Ohio's economy is stronger and is growing at a much faster pace
>salty and unlikable
Ohians are just the fucking worst, they constantly come to Indy and shit it up and then act like cunts who don't live in a shithole full of druggie niggers and vape-sucking hipster faggots

No one is constantly coming into Indiana.

Why is Colorado so level headed compared to most of the country anyway? How'd they escape the insanity that swept through most of the country in 2016?

The ridiculous number of ohio plates driving like shit every day here would disagree with you, cuckeye faggot

Trust me they're not visiting and they're trying to get out of Indiana as quickly as possible.

>not visiting
are you actually retarded? are you saying that ohio issues plates to Indiana residents?
Actually, I'm not even surprised how retarded you are considering you're an ohian.

I think its because of the large hippie population and the military population being forced into one space (denver/the springs) so you either have to learn to talk to each other or it becomes an absolute shithole. We had some protests in 2016, i drove around blaring shadilay from my car and an antifa kid got arrested because he was coming at me with his "flag" screaming. I watched him get thrown on the ground and put in the car. I think its mainly because CSPD and Denver PD are fucking terrifying and take care of anyone who is seen as a "problem"


Tfw I'm gonna be moving back to a cucked state from a bretty good state

>Indiana ranked 3rd worst state for quality of life
>Indiana is ranked worst state for road rage
Who the fuck would purposefully visit Indiana? They're driving through.

Indiana here.
>Let me just sneak in here.

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>ranked 3rd worst state for quality of life
>ranking based on nebulous data points like "social support"
Lol way to take your queues from idiots man. Considering the same list puts fucking Arkansas & Missouri in the top 15, it's a joke lol
>worst state for road rage
probably because of all the fucking ohians coming in and shitting up our roads

>shitty star poster
>lives in indiana

>Admonishes guns that are perfectly fine and great values
>Thinks that living in one of the freest, most affordable states in the US is laughable

Holy shit hoosiers are insufferable

Tennessee here. No restrictions outside NFA. Feels good famalam

Best state
>doesn’t even have a state firearm
Gon git.

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you just sound butthurt that you live in a shit state, boyo

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KS reporting in
>state law repealing NFA
>no minimum age to purchase or possess rifles
>open carry at 18 no license
>concealed carry at 21 no license

The only one who looks butthurt here is you

>says the faggot too timid to post what shit state he's in
I'm gonna guess commiefornia?

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What were you smoking when you thought PA had a handgun regestry?

I love my peaceful non eventful great gun laws Ohio. I just love my little adopted state and wouldn’t move anywhere

>Not so fast cali/k/ucks, Jew Yorkers and the surrounding Jow Forumsucked states.

Learn how to use a meme before you use it, Junior. You know how you do that? You lurk moar, faggot.


As a native Ohioan, I apologize for the actions of my people.

MA can at least purchase pre-ban mags. Which thankfully there are MILLIONS of pre-bans.


i used to know this dude from kentucky that said louavul.
it was so goddamn stupid to hear it.

By god it sure is

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WA here. Its only a matter of time...

Get. Also Indiana is awesome fuck Illinois and Ohio drivers. Going down i69 and getting stuck behind you cunts in the passing lane is maddening

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