Let's talk about this shitty ass gun

let's talk about this shitty ass gun
>inb4 ODST fags

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I like it. Its basically a space-MP7 with a p90-style 60 round mag. Its not particularly useful in any of the games, but its also presumably manufactured with the intention of killing human insurgents, not 10 ft tall gorillas in armor with hammers or samurai lizardmen with energy shields.

>Its not particularly useful in any of the games
>not 10 ft tall gorillas in armor with hammers or samurai lizardmen with energy shields.
Lol wut, dual wielded with a plasma rifle to take down shields it's godlike against elites or paired with another its devastating against brutes too.

Look what I stole, yeah it's old but will still kill glow in the dark ONIggers dead as fuck. Though in CQB you'll lose practically every time, the neural interface projection sight is absolutely nuts. Imagine a laser sight that is perfectly accurate and self adjusts for range. Though traditional scopes are better for over 50 M, but a Projection sight is unmatched.

Attached: MA4A.png (1432x679, 495K)

Its weird just HOW similar the ETQW rifle is to the Halo AR. Like, borderline copyright infringement. They would probably just claim they based it off the F2000, but its silhouette is far more like the Halo AR than an F2000.

I know, but it fits is a older model MA series weapon, kinda like a M1 to the M14. I'd just explain that it couldn't be retrofitted with all the electronic systems the MA5 series has, so no ammo counter, bio lock, projection sight, or the absolutely flawless electronic trigger the MA5 has. BUT, to an insurgency these things don't really matter, they just need guns. And I'm writing my own fan fiction about Halo 4, and it has the insurrection as a key player.

All modern UNSC weapons are ID locked, meaning that only active duty UNSC personnel or police with neural interfaces can use said weapons. And no, you can't just "copy" a dead guys ID, it's automatically voided on death.

So why did the Silenced version have better range than the Unsilenced version? Was it because of different ammo? It would explain why it had 48 rounds instead of 60 in ODST.

Suppressor adds velocity?

Step aside, this is how you do a shitty suppressed pdw

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>>inb4 ODST fags
I've never been predicted this hard before in my life.