This motherfuckers is running straight towards you from a distance of 200m. He's enraged and bloodlusted...

This motherfuckers is running straight towards you from a distance of 200m. He's enraged and bloodlusted. You're terrified and can barely think straight. What is your gun of choice to take him down before he mauls you?

Attached: Shere Khan.png (1197x1009, 2.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:

.22 derringer

Chin scratching, tummy rubbing and ear wiggling

.50 cal on a tripod, preferably loaded with SLAP

Attached: 1538113411166.jpg (388x443, 30K)

AA-12 loaded with buckshot

My peanus weenus

I rub catnip oil all over myself.

Attached: pet cat.webm (640x640, 1.5M)

I've seen videos of .223(lion) and .357(tiger) failing to down a charging cat. The shooters both were killed

if it's already in full speed 200m away i don't think there's much you can do

This. Hit em with the gentle art. Jiu- err drugs

If that tiger wants a war he is gonna fucking get one.

Attached: ord_7.jpg (1309x1058, 214K)

But he looks like this when we take a second look~!

Attached: sample_9b658a2093cb081dd62cfe83347eb15f6b957c6a.jpg (850x1082, 306K)

I would feel perfectly fine with just a basic bitch AR-15 and 30 rounds in the clip.

Troll detected

Do you think 5.56 has enough stopping power for a 500lbs tiger at max speed, user?


I have a hard time believing this. Can you source those videos?

I'm looking for the Tiger vs revolver one but I'm pretty sure this is the Lion vs 223.

I'd rather have semi-auto 223 than bolt action anything. And I don't believe for a second that a big cat, which are all thin-skinned, won't be stopped in its tracks by a couple rounds to the thorax.

Man I was terrified when my silly house cat did this already


But the cat has an advantage in that they intuitively break line of sight when they move. You'd get 1 to 2 hurried shots max.

I do a double leg and get his back, then apply an RNC and wait for him to go to sleep.

Sorry not trying to suck animal dick rn it's just folks really don't know how evolutionarily advanced big cats are till you see one in person. They come with martial arts software included in their DNA. If you took precautions or were actively stalking yes you'd blow it away no problem. But after a 10 mile hike with your firearm shouldered there's a couple D20 checks to pass so you don't get pounced on by 600 pounds

Izhmash Tiger 9.

SKS obviously.

A Ruger No1 in .357 H&H Magnum, because fuck tigers, fuck my shoulder and fuck you

let it happen
>there are billions of humans
>there are a few hundred tigers left

Attached: hungee.jpg (498x550, 33K)

>those comments
>omg! poor tigers, man is bad!
Why can't those people do the world a favor and put their money where their mouth is and just kill themselves?Because they bitch about "too many people" and yet they keep breathing.

>And I don't believe for a second that a big cat, which are all thin-skinned, won't be stopped in its tracks by a couple rounds to the thorax.
That's probably because you've never shot one. Even small cats (feral housecats) can withstand a remarkable amount of punishment. Yes, they are thin-skinned, but that skin is elastic. They don't bleed much.

There's no doubt in my mind that a .223 could cause lethal wounds to a big cat, but the question remains whether or not those wounds will kill the cat quickly enough to stop it fucking you up.

I'll take an M4 loaded with slugs.

god damn you're a beta male cuck faggot. kill yourself.

Baloo all over his muzzle

Attached: cdc.jpg (546x366, 45K)

The people that made this do realize that cat tongues- big cats especially, are barbed and designed to literally strip meat from bone, right?


why the fuck are you linking an image when you can post it

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M1 garand.

A fuckin 700 Nitro

Attached: 43a4f8a92aa206bb25e524264738ed7ed1d97478de33a845dc2bc035b841de5c_1.jpg (686x456, 41K)

>.50 cal on a tripod
Fuck that, I want 4 on a halftrack.

Attached: fbe57895fdb2f7c258b5a952436562a4.jpg (578x384, 54K)

Attached: hqdefault (4).jpg (480x360, 42K)

Last gun I shot.
Air rifle.
Im fucked.

I think they realize it but its fantasy/degeneracy.

you overestimate your importance young piece of shit.

400gr 45/70. If it's alive it dies.

I'd yell "affix bayonet!", causing the tiger to hesitate, and then I'd give it a taste of cold steel.

If you put most of your shots in its fucking face yeah probably.

I'm sorry but a couple dozen .223 SPs in the chest/neck/face is going to stop ANY cat.

>caring about the preservation of wildlife makes you a *insert Jow Forums tier insult here*

You'll grow up one day

Only bullet you will ever need unless you want to compensate for a small penis

I spray him with a firehose to get him to fuck off. I don't wanna kill something so endangered and unique like a tiger.

>not .17
Found the dicklet

Finally, the one opportunity to finally use Slay the Tiger stance.

I guess 9mm. A park ranger killed a charging grizzly with one.

Attached: vR055kI.jpg (600x400, 54K)

>not feeling confident with .11 Whatzit
Compensating for something, white boi?

>not 2mm pinfire
You're officially a girl

A couple dozen? Probably.
You think you're going to hit with that many though? Wishful thinking to the extreme in the scenario OP laid out.

I'm very disappointed that no one has suggested a flame thrower

Attached: 2018-02-01-image-4.jpg (1100x633, 228K)

12 gauge slug. Waste of a thread. Eat shit.

Origin-12 with a drum of Frag-12


Caring about a fucking cat that’s trying to kill you over your own life makes you a fucking cuck

.450/400NE WJ Jeffery double rifle, or if it was a long day a 7x57 Mauser rifle.

Attached: 47962x101.jpg (1600x1315, 518K)

Trusty M4A1 with a drum magazine ;)

12g semi-auto w/ slugs. done.

Tbh this. Have the block "Charge for tiger!"

Attached: Pikemen at the ''charge''.jpg (600x413, 63K)

Look dude you can't pretend to care about animals and the planet and then turn around and whine about Jow Forums. If you actually gave a fuck about the planet and could cohere any of the fucktarded beliefs in your head you would realize whites are the only people on earth that give a fuck about "the planet" and by being a dumb nigger loving brainwashed piece of shit you are only showing you stupidity every day of your miserable life. You hold contradictory and stupid beliefs because you are a coward. Do everyone around you a favor and kill yourself, you anti-natalist MKULTRA drone piece of animate garbage.

>tiger is racing towards you
>pull out flame thrower and spray the tiger in flammable ignited liquid.
>tiger is now coated in flames
>You now have a flaming tiger racing towards you because the flamethrower doesn't have much stopping power.

SBR, I presume?

Attached: 1459282845110.png (1800x1245, 1.26M)

Been looking for that pic. Thanks.

>Start touching myself as I suck start my J-Frame.

Attached: 1538685839246.gif (300x217, 1011K)

I purge the bloodlust like any non-shitter and then proceed with my normal rotation

Attached: 1495459163484.jpg (2100x1500, 2.33M)

250 savage

my m16a3 civvy clone, with affixed bayonet and 40 round pmag loaded with 1-1 zmax-m855.

I might die, but so is that fucking tiger.

AA-12 with 0000 buck

>What is your gun of choice to take him down before he mauls you?
Guide gun in 45-70. that a Davey Crocket?

Fucking kek

Up! Up when a man speaks!

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>putting the value of an animal above yourself
>hurr there's fewer cats than hoomans so it should kill me
literal bug man thinking

You are a man of taste and refinement

Yes its got a 400 meter kill diameter, just fire it 400 meters past you in the tigers direction. It will land 200 meters behind the tiger. You will live-ish if you step back 1 metter and the tiger will be dead.

12 guage with slugs

So ... go do it.

>tiger is Shere Khan
>Shere Khan is terrified of fire
>hence he will run away

C'mon, user. It's like you're not even trying.

I take gun and shoot it

>Choice of gun
Gun closest to me

>No gun
I wind up my arm like donkey kong because people are at least gonna say this mad motherfucker socked a raging tiger in the nose before dying



...So a 1 gauge?

What would happen if you shot a living thing with a .22 eargensplitten loudenboomer?

I choose seduction

>Implying 30 rounds isnt enough to bleed a fucking grizz to death or discourage it from charging in 200 yards.

this. shot placement is all.

Out of the guns I’ve shot, I’d go for a Mossberg 835 Ulti Mag loaded with 3.5” mags. Either that or my AR

I feel like that movie inflated his power level a bit tbqh

Attached: The Jungle Book, Baloo vs Shere Khan.webm (900x486, 2.93M)

There no brown bear in India, that thing suppose to be a black bear.

>Rammed the SKS down it throat and shot

t.urban cuck who's never seen 200m of open territory

Who? Baloo or Shere Khan, because Baloo is a fuckoff sized bear while Shere Khan is supposed to be a cattle killing cripple everyone makes fun off.