If you could only own 3 pistol calibers and the first 2 was 22lr and 9mm, what would the 3rd one be?
If you could only own 3 pistol calibers and the first 2 was 22lr and 9mm, what would the 3rd one be?
2.7 Kolibri
why would you ever need a caliber that isn't 22lr
.357 Magnum
>22 long rifle
>pistol caliber
.357 or .44
Probably go with a .44 Magnum
.38 since it can be shot out of both .38 and .357 revolvers
Not really a hard decision tbqh famalam
9x18. it's a no-brainer
Either .45ACP or 5.7
9x25 Dillon
.454 Casull
What a lame thread.
My nigga
.38 or .380. 9mm for bigger pistols and .38 for a snubbie or .380 for a pocket auto.
phased plasma, 40 watt range
Finally got the Manurhin that you wanted?
>Nobody's said 1cm yet
best millimeter
Best galiber
My thoughts exactly or 7.62 x 25
38 Special
I would hold out to see if some crazy new space age pistol caliber gets invented a couple of decades from now. .22 and 9mm are all I really need for the foreseeable future. Bear spray or a 12 gauge can cover me when I'm innawoods.
Nobody has posted the correct answer yet, so allow me.
44 magnum for animal defense since I live in bear country
.45 Colt
A caliber that lets me have unlimited calibers.
this guy knows the drill
.45 homemade black fucking powder and home cast balls
I have a 22lr revolver, 9mm semi auto, and next I want a Ruger Mk or Buckmark. I don't care for firepower, I like hitting targets
I wish. Still trapped in CA for now.
Proof that .45-70 is pistol caliber. Easy #3 pick.
What you see is what we got.
>Only own 3 pistol caliburs
>22 long rifle
This is the correct answer.
Or this.
270 Win. I mean, shit, I've already got everything covered with 9mm, why not.
what good is a caliber if only 1 pistol uses it and no brick and mortar stores have ammo for it. Like a car that only riuns on proprietary fule ordered from a website.
.357 Mag if I really liked revolvers but I like 1911s more so probably .45 ACP
.357 Magnum
>but .22 LONG RIFLE is a RIFLE caliber, so fuck you and therefore
also 10mm Auto
first and only choice
Literally anything besides plinking