>gave my younger sister a spare SKS I wasn't using
>completely fell in love with her raifu
>she caries it around our house and property all the time now
How can I convince her to cut it out? I don't completely trust the safeties on those things
Gave my younger sister a spare SKS I wasn't using
>I don’t trust the safety on sks’
>the safety that literally flips up and blocks the trigger from even moving
Give her a chicom rig to make up for your stupidity
>safety is a literal trigger block
If the safety is still attached to the rifle it works. If it offends you that much teach her basic safety rules like "never point a loaded gun at something you don't want to kill" and "don't walk around with a loaded gun unless you're in the field/on a range/shooting." Should fix your concerns.
Now you need to give her a TT30 and holster to go with it.
I sort of get where OP is coming from, I can't say I trust the safety on old ass commieblock guns either
>wanting something this perfect to end
Shiggy, my niggy
>things that I made up 100%
How old is she?
>not buying her a paratrooper carbine that is even lighter and handier
Does she wear zettai ryouiki? Because between that and the SKS, she'd literally be the perfect imouto.
You wouldn't happen to know who manufactures that downset siderail system, would you?
I have a shitty SKS but even as shitty as it is I don't want it to touch weaver-rail systems, or end up with a scout-scope.
Dude no
Unfuck your post
You dont "wear" zettai ryouiki, it's an aspect of the outfit. An EFFECT. The actual articles would be a skirt and thigh-highs.
>trusting safety instead of practicing the 4 rules of firearms
Reminder that there would be almost zero firearms accidents if people weren't taking a bloody, violent, watery shit on basic gun safety all the time.
Not him but it's a bit of a kludge, and a PU works better anyway. In both cases you are cutting the stock and directly attaching the rail to the rifle. Some Chinese rifles came over with PU rails and scopes from the factory. The only different between it and a Mosin rail is the mating surface, the mosin rail is curved to match the receiver and the Chinese rail is flat. I believe you can simply have a Mosin rail milled flat.
I think its the molot factory. You can get them off gunbroker or western rifle shooters in canada
The drop down rail will allow you to use any ak style scope mount. I've shot a bit with the PU and dont like how much the reticle obscures the field of view and that there is no real way to gauge target size or range.
This user here is correct. Re-read your post with the literal translation of the phrase instead.
>Does she wear absolute territory?
You are also objectively wrong on her being the perfect imouto. She actually would be the perfect wife.
Why does she walk around the house and property with a round chambered? What possible advantage would that give her compared to the chance of an ND?
Does she need a bf?
>implying the perfect imouto is not de facto the perfect wife
Stop being a fag and enjoy it OP
real suggestion just in case this isn't a troll post: have tom prince / kivaari rework the FCG on your sks. he does really good work and will make the gun a lot safer.
also, SOP is to carry on an empty chamber. use this method to load:
(from KW on sksboards)
"My Chicom SKS has the fixed 10 round... with the bolt closed, I drop the magazine open, turn it upside down, tilt the bolt carrier handle side down a bit so the first round drops to the right spot and then drop in the rest and shut the mag door. Ready to go, no dry fire needed."