what are Jow Forums's thoughts on airsoft?
while i know many people here are more interested in actual firearms. i always find it dull that you cant do much more than just target/range shooting with them.
this lets you actually use your kit and gear that you've been saving up (with the exeption of actual guns) i use all of my kit during airsoft.
any other Jow Forumsros that do this?
Jow Forums and Airsoft
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It's fucking gay, go to the board for it retard.
Its tryhard paintball, and airsofters themselves are insufferable. Its something about the larp pretention that attracts the worst; because paintball or nerf dont have this problem.
If shooting is boring then spice it up with drills, movement or personal challenges.
stopped playing soldier and with toys when I was 13.
i understand where you guys are comming from. but shooting paper targets at the range gets boring after a while. and this has always sated that, atleast for me.
I'll give you TWO attitude-related things that make the whole world hate airsofters:
1) "I know what I'm doing, I've watched a lot of movies and my gear is expensive - you may have been in the military but I don't think you know much."
2) "Jesus, they let anybody in these days, just look at those guys wearing sports clothes and sneakers!"
to be fair people who were in the military often DONT know much.
and the chaps in shirts and sneakers are fun target practice
ah well. i got my aswer either way. have fun shooting those paper targets that cant shoot back lads
Me and my best mate used to shoot each other with them as kids. Now we go to the range with actual guns. I think it would be fun to do some larping as physical exercise or something but it would be all kids or those try hard full geared people with 400 dollar airsoft guns.
Everyone shitting on airsoft. It is an excellent training tool when applied correctly. When I get new gear I need to train using it. Airsoft gives me the ability to try out new gear Uncle Sugar gives me so I can adjust it there and not during field training when everything has gotta work. If you are dry fire practicing (you are dry fire practicing every day, aren't you?) You can use an airsoft gun to replace your real one for manual of arms training and trigger control. I have a sig sauer brand p320 airsoft blowback pistol. It does all the things like lock back on empty mags, closes on full mags, and has a similar weight and exactly the same buttons. When I go to a foreign country I practice reloads using that airsoft pistol in my room. Set up a target with a backstop (target is very close) just to see if I am jerking the trigger and to get muscle memory of good trigger pull. Then during my weekends I go to the real range and fire a real sig p320 to confirm the practice. So buying $5k of larp gear when you never are gonna join the Army or fire a real gun is gay af. But as training tools, especially when you travel, they are excellent.
>400 dollar airsoft guns.
>implying you can get anything decent for 400
Or you could just play paintball, which actually hurts and therefore triggers a base response that you can learn from; as opposed to airshit which has as much bearing on IRL as lasertag.
I couldn't justify spending over $100 on a fake gun.
paintball guns dont handle like real guns. they're unbalanced and overly heavy. also you get paint on all your shit. so fuck that. airsoft lets you still do milsim and shit.
airsoft is more fun then then a range desu
pretty much this. id rather go airsofting with the boys and grab a pizza and some beers then go to the range. its actual exercise and actual training.
Sure, but not enough to spend hundreds on fake guns. I could just carry innawoods and go hunting with some friends, bring some beers if we didn't want to shoot paper.
I'll wear a tshirt and jeans, pretty faggy going all out like that.
Besides, if you really want to tacticool it go all out and buy some simunitions and a bolt.
>to be fair people who were in the military often DONT know much.
They know *something* about the military though, even if they don't know about toy guns.
>and the chaps in shirts and sneakers are fun target practice
And the more expensive Crye Precision clothing the noobs have, the better their skill gets, right? Right.
you aren't wrong but playing an autism larp game doesn't mean you're any more knowledgeable than them
You have to be 18 to post here.
You're the kind of cancer that allowed Umarex to buy Walther.
Airsoft guns don't translate either faggot.
Go get some simunitions and feel the pain of your idiot fuck ups.
Always thought about giving that a go, but after watching several youtube vids the player-base seems a bit too autistic. Also at the paintball field I frequent they let airsofters use it on Sunday, and the gearfaginess is strong. I'm talking kids decked out in multicam and shitty PCs. Only a few guys seemed to actually be in it for the fun, also saw two Warsaw Pact kit guys that seemed pretty chill. But seriously I don't see the point of spending that much money for it, all I ever spent for paintball was my marker, a belt for pods, and some valken pants.
Another big thing for me is why should I spend so much on airsoft stuff when I could save that for actual guns?
>They know *something* about the military though, even if they don't know about toy guns.
yes i know. but for the most part people in the military know fuck all about guns compared to most of the people who post here
i use airsoft because atleast when im holding an airsoft gun it feels like an actual gun. not some airtank that looks like a bicycle pump
You're gay.
Different user but at least with most paintball markers there's a satisfying crack when you're shooting. Nowhere near as loud as a firearm but better than a motor whirring. Also
>that pic
Don't fucking shit on the A5, been using that bitch for 5 years and it hasn't let me down.
Most people who know about guns here have never fired those guns.
It's the same with airsofters.
>yeah I know how this works, I've seen a lot of movies!
>Another big thing for me is why should I spend so much on airsoft stuff when I could save that for actual guns?
you just need the air guns thats it. if you've been on Jow Forums for any amout of time you probobly have enough kit to get the job done.
just get a gun and some bb's ez
So Jow Forums's anti airsoft argument so far is
>it ain't real gun
>if you're bored by something do the same thing but slightly differently
>I can justify spending thousands on safe queens yearly but don't want to spend 150 one time to get a decent gun
And the classic
>you're gay and underaged
Well boys that's it I'm selling all my airshit and sitting at a static range for hours on end while my muscles atrophy and I get bewildered by the idea that something might move when I'm shooting it
but at the same time
>get paint on everything so cant actually wear anything except coveralls
>big ammo tank in your sight picture
>bulky and shitty in general
wheras i could just use airsoft where all my muscle memory directly translates over.
>i use airsoft because atleast when im holding an airsoft gun it feels like an actual gun
No, it does not.
Buy a simunition conversion kit and come back.
Oh I also forgot
>everyone's a tryhard gearfag
So why DONT you take the opportunity to knock em down a peg? You'd rather complain about clothe kiddies than ho out there and reduce the numbers a bit?
its this or VR gaming
>its this or VR gaming
was unironically thinking of getting this, looks fun as fuck.
>have enough kit
Poorfag so a lot of its cheap combloc gear, though I can make it work if I have to.
>Get a gun and some bb's
Again, poorfag. Also went to the range for the first time in a while yesterday and ended up blowing through most of my ammo, I'd rather prioritize getting more at the moment.
>Get paint on everything
Wash you shit and wear stuff that you expect to get dirty. For me its old shirts and a pair of old boots I've abused half to death.
>Big ammo tank
Get a remote line and mount your tank on your back. Sight picture solved.
>Bulky and shitty
That really depends on the marker.
You are absolutely ignorant of what you're talking about, you fire simunitions out of real guns and they're wax.
Different user but outside of force on force training I'm pretty sure that outside of private property you can't go shooting each other with simuntions. Could be wrong, if they set up simunition fields I'd sign up in a hearbeat.
well bb's are a hell of a lot cheaper than brass
and you can find airsoft ar's that'll do the job for around 200. just dont go below that price or you're getting somthing shady
i know what a wax bullet is. but if you're asking me to go shoot my freinds with that im gonna have to decline. you're missing the point of airsoft. ITS FUN
You dont need ammunition fields because there's already a cheaper, less niche, less legally gray and less risky option out there
*and safe
dumb post timer
i play paintball on the regular with mates.
None of the gearqueer faggots.
All of the fun of operating a bit.
Paintball is dirty and hurts when played with professional equipment. it is also very fast and competitive. This combined with the fact that you can't lie about being shot, keeps the LARPing faggots out.
i paid 1500 for my entire equipment of pistol, marker, tank, etc.
For the price of a single good rifle, i get to have some good fun.
>hell of a lot cheaper than brass
Great, but I need brass right now. May consider it after that. Honestly if I was to participate in an event it would be something like this since I can just slap a BFA on my VZ.
Good god what did you spend it on? Most I ever spend is keeping my beat to shit marker working, I can usually coast by on my older gear.
Airsoft has its applications: an effective force-on-force training tool when everyone is on board with it being treated that way, OR a fun time-waster that you don't take autistically seriously. There is a time for each, and they should never cross over. If you let them cross over than you will either be WITH insufferably arrogant cunts, or you will BE the insufferably arrogant cunt.
When it's training, it's training. When it's a game, it's a game. Don't act like your training against people who are just playing, and vice versa.
*then you
*you're training
Jesus Christ, my autism
>Don't act like your training against people who are just playing, and vice versa.
howabout using my training on people who are just playing?
never gets old
Whatever pussy
>Paintball hurts more
>Therefore I'm more of a man than airsofters
You sound pretty retarded. Airsoft are both fun activites and hobbies. Spergs who take them too seriously are annoying, but that is true with any hobby.
Reference "you will BE the insufferable cunt". ... I do always love that video though.
>All the heads looking back and forth
Fucking hilarious.
This, you want a simulation and realistic training? In REALITY your hearts going to be racing while you try not to get your ass blown off. If it hurts like a bitch in training you'll have a better perspective of how you'll actually react under fire.