Why so much hate for the Panther? Sure it's not perfect, but called it irredeemable shit is just too ignorant.
Why so much hate for the Panther? Sure it's not perfect, but called it irredeemable shit is just too ignorant
here comes the ole list
>high explosive round was small
>huge profile
>frontal transmission
>ammo in the sponsons is dumb
>transmission runs through the crew compartment, limiting space in there
>guzzles fuel like a king tiger
>interleaved roadwheels maintenance nightmare
>no dedicated hatch for the loader
>no periscope for the gunner
>cramped turret
>transmission takes an eternity to replace compared to other tanks of its period
>huge hull, and yet it's somehow cramped inside the hull for the crew
>gun is excellent for killing tanks, but not much else
>its sidearmour could be fucking penetrated by 14.5 mm anti-tank rifles (until the sideskirts became a thing)
>used gasoline
>slow turret rotation, can't even rotate the turret if the tank is driving up a hill
>the turret unlocks when tank goes up a 19 degree incline
>smaller interior than a t34-85
>The quality of metal was so crap that M3 HE that hit the side of the tank caused catastrophic spalling
>Breaks transmission over inclines
>Breaks transmission when pivot steering
>Easy to break transmission when changing gears
>requires a workshop to replace the transmission and the repairs cannot be handled in the field
>The only viable escape is through the commanders hatch that was designed to go up and to the side so the commander could peak outside without opening the hatch all the way which made for a huge design flaw as the commander would need 20 seconds of cranking to get the hatch open so the hatch was always elevated in the field
>Transmission had a tendency to light the tank on fire
>they also worked round the clock to increase engine life to an acceptable 1000km, when the T-34 engine lasted 1500km and the sherman engine lasted 2500km
>Why so much hate for the Panther?
its usually hyped up as some kind of wonder waffle, when in fact it was only really useful as an AT gun
the M26 pershing was considered too much of a logistical burden for the US, who were incredibly blessed with prime movers, trains, gasoline, and just plain industry to repair and maintain them
the panther was considered "a good idea" by a country whose industry and logistics were only a fraction of a country who had already decided a 40-ton, unreliable vehicle was most definitely a bad idea
it wasnt bob semple or valiant bad for sure, but still far from a good tank
it was made by someone who wanks off to hard factors without actually considering the costs they would need to pay
they cut too many corners, rushed its design, and failed to ask basic question like "how do we move it once its off the train"
>high explosive round was small
>huge profile
>frontal transmission
These for example are the same on the Sherman yet it get free pass without anyone mention it while the Panther get pick apart.
sherman frontal transmission could be replaced in the field at least without requiring a workshop
how did the brits pull of the centurion then? 40 tons too
>high explosive round was small
panther gun fired slower than the M4, and had a lower charge on the HE so it needed to re-adjust its trajectory
combined with a slower turret traverse, and the panther isnt firing as much weight of ammo per minute
>huge profile
shermans tall profile was an admitted weakness, which was why they sank so much money into the T-20, and later the M26, combined powerpack to reduce the height
>frontal transmission
panther couldnt open up its front, so they needed to adjust the turret, open the top, and lift the engine straight out
sherman could pop open the front and lift the transmission directly
wow 3/27 negatives, definately Panther>Sherman.
What was the rough production cost of each?
the panthers supposedly low cost came from corner cutting
the final drive was a result of this cost cutting, because they couldnt use the reliable planetary gears of the tiger due to expense, and switched to spur gears to speed up the construction process
nothing in life comes free, and the panthers low price paid off in other ways
cheap now, expensive later
Backlash after years of it being hyped up as the best tank ever. Unfortunately, the constant pantherhate is getting to be as obnoxious constant panther fanboyism was.