Hand waving away issues like cost of infrastructure, construction, feasibility, fitting through canals, etc...

Hand waving away issues like cost of infrastructure, construction, feasibility, fitting through canals, etc. What would a Super-Duper-Carrier™ (~150-200 aircraft)? How many catapults, elevators, and Islands would it have, and how would they be arranged? Would it only have one flight deck? Would it only have one hanger?

Attached: 1508606542235m.jpg (1024x810, 93K)

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That would be one monstrously expensive craft to maintain

Not only would it be expensive but also pretty retarded since more carriers can cover a wider area. Also even though modern US carriers are extremely well defended and compartmentalized to hell and back in the unlikely scenario that one was sunk you don't want to put all of your shit on that single boat.

If cost and construction feasibility are hand waved away then there is no limit. Why not just make a floating airbase a few square miles in size?

but the moon already exists...

Something like this

Attached: m7tgWiZ[1].jpg (2560x1440, 503K)


Attached: tailhook.jpg (710x1083, 85K)



Attached: 0589ef4175170a4b2c83bb3b9341b41e.jpg (1920x1512, 126K)


>be me
>year 2031
>Trump spent half of the military budget to build a super duper carrier
>he made carriers great again
>be abroad the brand new CVN-88 USS Donald Trump
>no real length measure because too long, probably over 2500ft
>equipped with digital catapults, no one knows how they work but Trump said they're great
>entirely covered in gold
>can carry 100 F-35D super duper carrier version
>another 150 F/A-18 Super duper Hornet super duper carrier version
>be ready to take off with my F/A-18 super duper Hornet
>ready for mission to spook some gooks
>so long the waves distort the ship
>see the end of the airstrip wobble all over the place
>have no idea how to continue the story

Pic related

Attached: CVN-88 USS Donald Trump.jpg (1984x541, 115K)