I keep my Mossberg 590a1 next to my bed for home defense with a round chambered, safety on of course, ready just in case. The bayonet doesn't stay on, was just for a funny picture.
I have a fear that I'm going to wake up to some sound, grab the gun to investigate and suddenly get charged by a raccoon or fox or some other bullshit animal that came in, and my instinct is going to be to jab at it with the butt of the gun. But then I think, holy shit this gun isnt drop safe, and then envision it blowing my head off. How realistic of a concern is this.
I don't want to keep it without a round chambered because of the whole "racking the slide scares criminals vs gives away your position" argument.
Keep it half cocked. Have the shell ready to go into battery but not all the way, as long as it's held in place by the extractor. It can't fire if it's dropped but all you have to do it shoulder it and grip it normally to finish the pump and have it ready.
Ryan Martin
Cruiser ready is your best bet. Keep a shell on the loading ramp but pump in the rear. Then you just slide forward if you need to go hot. SAFETY OFFFFF THAT COMPLICATES SHIT.
And don't stop being a scared little bitch. If someone wants to kill you, they're not gonna go making a bunch of noise while you're asleep. You'll only wake up cause your neck has been slit or already shot by ATF who missed your dog
Samuel Martinez
At least your carpet and skirt board are clean, OP.
That argument is fucking dumb. It isn't drop safe, do not leave it with a round chambered. That should be a good enough reason, especially when the counter to it is some dumb fuddlore hypothetical.
Also, get two or more large protective dogs.
Logan Green
Are you actually pointing the gun at your head in the moment that you go to smack something with the stock? Wouldn't it be pointing off to the side?
Also people will bitch at me about this because it's an unpopular opinion, but I think if you're keeping a pump-action shotgun for defense unsecured it's better to have something less lethal chambered (beanbag/blank/something like that), not for intimidation or anything but rather in case an idiot friend/family member stumbles upon it.