*gets a higher PFT score than you*
*gets a higher PFT score than you*
no she doesn't.
Yeah, because of lower physical standards. You retarded or something?
>I weigh 100 pounds I can do more pullups than you
Let's do fireman carry with a 180 pound guy and see who gets more distance.
Literally just do more pullups every day. You can go from 10 a set to 20 in a month or so. It's the easiest movement to improve on in the entire physical standard set.
I think that was the joke dummy
I'm literally a gay tranny but somehow you are a bigger faggot than me
>Doesn't have to do a single actual pull up, just hang from the bar for like 30 seconds
If males only had to do that shit they might as well just get rid of scores all together since anyone with a pulse could pass
>Able to do ONE pull up
Pick one.
*picks up corporal after 3 months as a lance*
>does one pull up
sounds about right
*puts you in parade rest*
And here we see someone that dosent quite understand how the system works. Youre right, to get the bare minimum score that's all she has to do. Shell never pickup before someone that can do pullups though, because she probably has a 3rd class and is therefore a piece of shit.
>not getting 1st class as a female
*has a higher rank & pay than you*
user, those aren't women.
>female "Marines"
I think you'd be surprised how many people can't hang from the bar for 30 seconds.
DoD says they are.
Yeah DoD says that doing less than men is doing better than them too.
Man there going be some low morale if this shit is normalize.
shit like that destroys nations... let alone militaries.
The Marines are gonna start booting people who are 12 months undeployable... with the exception of pregnancy leave.
Protip faggot: Understanding that men and women aren't equal isn't hate.
How could you even tell the difference on a daily basis? It's not like they're going to wear skirts in combat.
That pirate eye shows she's a board promotion.
This is peace time non-sense, if a real war ever breaks out all this shit is flying out the window no matter how many people bitch and moan.
More like all these people will die and the so will most everyone who replaces them.
We're ready for WWI style military incompetence.
Are there any numbers how many die during training? The guy isn't even using his sights.
It's gonna be fucking baffling to watch as rebels slaughter whole platoons en mass.
are the military branches just corporations now?
Your're an idiot to think that most of the military is extremely left wing.
oh boy do I have an image for you.
Rebels? Impoverished regular army with decent leadership is what's going to clean the US armed forces clock.
exactly 1 minute after I posted....I'm not saying aliens, but maybe aliens.