Tfw I'm starting to actually like UCP

>tfw I'm starting to actually like UCP
It feels so wrong, yet so right. Am I beyond saving, or am I reaching enlightenment?

Attached: guilty_pleasure.jpg (2560x1920, 1.29M)

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You're just being a contrarian faggot

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Eh, its fine. Its nobodys problem now, so you can like it without feeling that you're enabling a corrupt acquisitions process. Plus Ive seen some quite pleasant dye jobs, like guys who snag an unwanted UCP RAV for 50 bucks and dying it green.

I'm not trying to argue for it's effectiveness, but damn is it aesthetic. The gwot was based on lies through and through. It was evil, and UCP reflects that. It makes the soldiers wearing it resemble killer androids, especially when paired with black sunglasses.

If it was more tan than green, I could see it working okay in the southwestern US.

You're disgusting.

Just nostalgia talking. For every photo of ucp working, there are tons of others where it isn't. Though it will define the look of a good portion of the occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If this becomes the new "M81 da best" it'll just be sad.

I like M81 AND UCP. Completely different aesthetic's for different times. Sometimes, they actually look good together. M81 vests on UCP uniforms looks cool.

It happened to me too. I hated it when I was younger but it grew on me once I joined. Now I think it's unironically aesthetic and I miss it.

What should I dye UCP with to make it effective in western Washington?

the contents of your trash can.

go buy milsurp m81 shit or maybe mc tropic. maybe.

what the fuck even was the point of digital shitxels in our camos?

definitely beyond saving

Attached: 07Exposures-Afghanistan-slide-CAWG-superJumbo.jpg (2048x1365, 1.27M)

some genius in Canada thought that a digital pattern would blend together at a distance like a digital photograph
completely forgetting that real life isn't a digital rendering
also camo patterns are huge meme
its less about "blending in" and more about just not standing out
or ironically enough, being identified by friendlies

>there are 5 other soldiers in this photo wearing UCP.

Why UCP when you could have Brushstroke? or anything good for that matter.

Afghanistan really is a beautiful country.

the color grey is supposed to be able to help you to blend in every environment.

I eternally struggle with how people don't grasp that camouflage reflects surveillance tech.
Take WW2 camouflage, it's a lot of large soft shapes, blotches. Things that are naturally occurring distortions in the photographic images of the day. Zoom in on a WW2 aerial photograph is a blotchy black and white mess so mimicking this, you make the object harder so see at best, but more likely to be just harder to identify what you've taken a photograph of. A really good example of this is to look at aerial images of airfields. As cameras became better, camouflage evolved to be more natural to the eyes and the clearer colour photographs. Now as we move to digital, it's the same concept. You're hiding in the existing pixelation that occurs when you zoom the fuck into a digital satellite image. This didn't really work all that well as camera tech advanced pretty fast, and it didn't hit a good 'medium' with visual concealment. Modern camouflage is designed in a way that exploits the way images are processed by digital cameras and lets you hide in the artifacts, in addition to having to be a lot less visible to the naked eye since camera tech is so advanced as to be better than the naked eye. To be clear, this isn't I'm not talking about seeing someone 10m away in a happy snap, but theatre level strategic intelligence. If you can make it harder to identify the type and number of assets the enemy has, it's a major advantage.

why did we develop digital camouflage against an enemy that's most advanced technology was a technical with machine gun attached to it?

Some UCP Pictures have that SciFi-Look, but most suck.

Attached: Ranger_MOUT_exercise.jpg (3492x2514, 2.36M)

Go to Idaho outside of Mountain Home or Boise and it works great. The problem is it's shit outside of the sagebrush and dry grass filled high desert. You can disappear in this shit, but you go a few hours north or south and you probably need a new camo pattern. For a "Universal" pattern it's super specialized to a select few very similar types of area.

Attached: Idaho desert.jpg (1280x960, 220K)

How are "blending in" and "not standing out" not the exact same thing? srs question

tfw I live 15 minutes from there

I did not see the swamp man the first 10 seconds.

UCP is meh-tier, but I unironically think USAF grey tigerstripe looks cool as fuck.
Really has that whole "state-of-the-art urban camo from the future" look going on.

Play these two videos at the same time, and listen.
This is the feeling UCP gives me.

Attached: UCP.jpg (521x995, 730K)

>It was evil, and UCP reflects that. It makes the soldiers wearing it resemble killer androids, especially when paired with black sunglasses.
some of the middle eastern villagers pretty much thought americans were terminators

Attached: 1536206729792.jpg (657x527, 56K)

>Attention all ground protection teams, autonomous judgment is now in effect. Sentencing is now discretionary. Code: amputate, zero, confirm

Attached: ballistic-rated-eyewear2.jpg (676x400, 60K)

Imagine someone actually believing this inane nonsense.

You might want to see an Optometrist

It is. Incredibly pretty. It's a shame how so many beautiful vistas and really cool monuments of old are just not ever going to be possible to visit in the Middle East. Russia and China too, if you count the shoddy and difficult visa processes and the difficulty of getting around.

Nah. I was in when the army when they changed over from bdus to that shit. The first time i saw a guy in full battle rattle with brand new acus on i thought he looked like a knight morphing into a refrigerator. The only time its looks good is when you got a slurry of mud feces blood and tobbaco spittle on them. By then the crotch is blown out the velcro is worn out and every manlet pog marine or even some australin in their old clown poca dot camo can mog the shit out of your uniform. An absolute disgrace along with the old berret policy.

looks like Command & Conquer 1

Its a good pattern, shit color.
Re-dye job for your loacale sand you wind up with nice gear.

THIS is what it was designed for
Dusty streets between concrete buildings.
Camo patterns change depending on where we expect to deploy.
UCP was never intended to be permanent, like EVERY camo pattern we use. There was no corruption or embezzling - that's just meme bullshit.

Or better yet, stick a gun in your mouth and squeeze the trigger.

Attached: Members of Bravo Company 1-36 Infantry perform a dismounted patrol through the town of Broad, Bosnia (900x545, 308K)

>THIS is what it was designed for

It was designed by Judeo-Bolshevik traitors to waste taxpayer money.

>Dusty streets between concrete buildings.
>Camo patterns change depending on where we expect to deploy.

Urban camouflage is absolutely fucking useless as a concept already because most engagements are at less than 100 meters.

>UCP was never intended to be permanent

Then why is it still in use faggot?

>There was no corruption or embezzling


>that's just meme bullshit.

Your post reeks of Jewish Marxist nepotism

Attached: The Eternal DoD Shill.png (666x666, 240K)

Western WA..
South or north?

>worthless in urban environments.
It breaks up your outline so you don't have snipers popping you in the head.
But you have zero knowledge on warfare outside of cow of dootie so its understandable.
>still in use
Its not.


Yeah it's a shame. Something like this you could set up a little vacation spot.

Attached: DSCF2344.jpg (4320x3240, 2.96M)

>Universal Camo Pattern

its basically new mexico without mexicans

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They weren't the intended target you idiot.