What non-lethal weapons would you utilize to take someone out who is not life threatening (and thus lethal force wouldn't be excused by the law) but may still wish to cause you injury?
What non-lethal weapons would you utilize to take someone out who is not life threatening (and thus lethal force...
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Learn how to throw hands.
OC spray.
Sabre red is god-tier, FYI
By pulling a gun.
mashing my headplate into his nose would probably do the trick. a smashed nose and broken glasses would get him to run most likely
One well placed upper cut to the chin soon as he sticks his tongue out.
My fucking fists against his face lol. A petty ass misdemeanor charge ain’t shit.
Take that Drumpfkins
can confirm, spray a bit on your food and youre south of the border
A welder
It's almost like you don't want to kill a man you faggot.
sometimes you gotta put away the shotgun and beat someone with a sack of doorknobs ya know?
Bean bag round to the groin, don't want those fuckers reproducing.
Nice Front Butt
My belt. I'm half-Irish, and have been taught the ancient Celtic dueling techniques from enduring them myself.
I just want to pummel that guys face until it looks like a blender attacked him.
the best thing about dead people is they cant talk
>he said he was going to kill me and was reaching for his waist, i didnt wanna do it but he gave me no choice officer
>I just want to pummel that guys face until it looks like a blender attacked him.
>not attacking his face WITH s blender
that hillary sign is so fucking fake. why do Jow Forumstards do this? they claim to have the superior ideology but then they must employ trickery to get people
I'm not in Cancerfornia, so I can carry it around without it being a "weapon" .
or a lock tied to the end of a bandanna.
I don't live in a state or country that won't let me protect myself.
If someone intends me or mine harm I can defend with deadly force.
Baseball bat, pepper spray, kick to sensitive area with steel-toe boots, kick to jaw with steel-toe boots, steel chain used as a whip, an actual whip, the list goes on for me.
Degenerates nature of "others did it first and of course worse, so it is justified when we do it" to exuse obvious shitty behaviour, you can exuse everything with this kind of crap, if you are just arrogant and ignorant enough.
Tasers are fun, they even make a pleasant little noise.
The closest swingable object or hands.
Are you saying xe didn't likely vote for Hilldog?
maybe actually see and realize what the fuck he was amping up to do? He was winding up for a round house kick for literal seconds. Your body reacts to things much faster that his wind up. Either catch his leg and push him to the ground or block it.
How about a kick to the nuts?
You have citizens arrest there in cuckada?
In UK you just scream you are under arrest, pounce on xer, twist arm back and try to break it or pull it out of a socket while screaming stop resisting.
Ragging xer about on pavement for extra commotion will make it more plausible seeming xer is resisting hard.
You will spend a night in cell but after giving statement that will be it even if you mangle xer arm to have 3 extra joints
Collapsable baton or a taser. Gets the job done with bruising and immense pain
this bean bag 12ga and other less than lethal rounds are available everywhere in the US. Or just get a plain old cattle prod taser for like $100.
in canada if you strike someone with any part of your body after being attacked by a member of the LGBTQAARP+!@€ you get arrested for assaulting a veteran. Then trudeau will personally make sure they get payments from the vet administration office for the rest of the xeir lives.
there was a glue/foam sstuff japanese cops had but knowing how cops are like they would probably shoot it into the persons face and kill them
Jow Forums is a bunch of Jews. What did you expect.
Wu S.Pistol
A fair point.
>Take glass bowl off base
>Effective close range face churner
You know that made me smile.
I don't think you are old enough to be here
Or too old to be here
Palm strike to the nose.
A camera phone just like she had.
Because that was such a clear cut case of assault, that the guy has a good chance of going to prison. Even a couple months in prison as that guy is going to do a lot more harm than 10 seconds with whatever you had on hand to defend yourself with.
But user, that can be lethal if done at the right angle
a .380
Og her wishes to causeri you harm then assume the worst? Otherwise just leave
retractable baton, because they look fookin sick
i knew a girl who looked like that, the fat i mean. she was really really cool, and fun to hang out with. i even beat up some idiot who made fun of her once, because i liked her so much and didn't want her to feel bad. then she lost weight and became an obnoxious cunt. sad story
Your body is a weapon. Learn to use it.
this + baton
Depending on the caliber, how many rounds would it take to down a beast like that?
why would you not want to just use your hands in this situation that youre allotted. why would you want to miss out on this opportunity? are you all really this non violent and pussy?
> not life threatening (and thus lethal force wouldn't be excused by the law) but may still wish to cause you injury?
This is incorrect and nonsensical. The threat of imminent bodily harm is the threshold that must be met for the justification of deadly force, not threat of death.
3 7.62 rounds form 50,70 meters away just to avoid the fat shower
Catch the kick and dump him, then keep twisting that foot until he "stops attacking" (until you feel something pop and he starts screaming).
That is neat, actually. Got a name for it?
it's a flashlight officer
I was hoping for more info. I have a Maglite of the old hefty type that isn't far from a club but have been thinking of getting something new and improved in the same dimensions.
His faggot lisp indicates that isn't something we need to worry about.
the police 5 levels of force
There's a bunch of these flashlight/taser/baton hybrids, I think the one in the picture is a CREE, personally I like this one
I can't have a stun weapon, even if I should manage to get hold of. Just one of many weapon types that will get me in worse trouble with the law than the original scuffle ever could. A heavy flashlight is about as bad a thing one can carry around here without things escalating quickly. If I didn't give a shit about that I'd simply carry one of my pistols but there is no such thing as legal carry around here. Hence my interest in officer-friendly gear.
I let my friend spray me with my sabre red, to see if I could still shoot under distress. The pain of the oc spray stoped the second I let off the first shot and my ears where ringing then came back 5 seconds later.
toss a can of diet coke at a faggots head while you chug faygo creamsoda laced with perscription cough syrup
Looks like roundhouse kicks work pretty well.