What do you think of tear gas sprays available in mainstream online stores such as Amazon, Aliexpress, Wish... (pic related) ?
I'm a student in Truckofpistan so carrying a handgun will be only possible in a few years (illegally of course) and : >be gf >"No I will never carry a weapon that may kill, I'd better get assaulted, the law will then be on my side !" >*dark narrow piss smelling streets exists* >*lightposts shut off for economical reasons* >*rapists exist* >*alumni made a whole course about her rape in the campus neighbourhood* >"Lol ok get me a spray, but a legal non-harmful one, I don't want no trouble with justice if the guy who wants to knock me down, rape me, rob me and stab me loses an eye with bleach or whatever !"
I wouldn't trust chinkshit. If you have anythibg that is sold locally, get it instead, loom for OC+CS if available. If you don't have them, make something like Cayenne mix: 1:1 of the cheapest tobacco and ground, motherfuckingly hot pepper (black will do the job); carry it in a plastic container that can be quickly opened (think of photo film container or Kinder egg toy container).
Isaac Walker
You want capsaicin spray at least. Pure CS is unpleasant but not instant searing fire in your eyes and nose.
Jose Scott
Alright... Cause gun shops are barelly existent and for fudds where I am, so the only local shops which sell this are cucked milsurp, which can only sell gear, and will offer the same chickshit you can find online. About a homemade mix, is throwing it from a small container reasonable ? Would it clog a small refillable spray ?
Colton Brown
I'll have a look on it when I'll have enough shekels to buy cryptoshekels to buy shit.
Anthony Davis
Soviet SMERSh used it just fine both against dogs and humans. Sprayer (if it's what I think) would get clogged, the particles are pretty big.
Brayden Foster
Also you might be wrong about this shop. In eurostan KO Jet/Fog (made in Germany) might be available, it's bretty gud.
Christian Turner
don't get gas, get pepper gel. it's much more effective and harder to treat, and you can actually take aim. with gas you contamine the whole area, and a lot of people are stupid enough to run into their own gas cloud. it also works very well against the wind, unlike gas.
don't get me wrong, for personal defence it's sometimes even better than a gun. but gel is the even better alternative.
I wish they'd sell 37mm tear gas rounds and I wish the American 37mm flare launchers accepted them
Isaac Jenkins
>you suddenly can't see anything >your eyes and whole face hurt like a motherfucker all of the sudden >first reaction is to put your hands to your face, even making shit worse >you're disoriented, blind, and everything fucking hurts
it's great. just don't get CS gas, get OC, and not the cheapest one.
Benjamin Gomez
Elijah Parker
How is foam compared go gel?
Kevin Jackson
actually i never used foam, our company only used gel. all i know is it's less available while also more expensive than gas, makes a bigger mess as it's not a concentrated beam, and is still less effective than gel. gel is really the worst to be sprayed with, your natural reaction is trying to whipe it off, by doing that you're only spreading it and massaging it into the skin and eyes, making it far worse. foam is similiar, but still not as effective as gel.
Anthony James
>open your kinder egg and throw black pepper at him It always shocks me how the stupidest fucking things imaginable are said with total conviction.
Christopher Jackson
can you use it on chicken wings?
Ayden Price
yes, you actually can. i wouldn't do it tho. i know a guy who does it sometimes, making a show of it and shit.
Owen Wood
>I'll have a look on it when I'll have enough shekels to buy cryptoshekels to buy shit. I see this repeated sentence often, word to word.
Gavin Wilson
mace has a nice 3 in one,
CN+OC+UV dye
the cn and oc are synergistic
Oliver Howard
Yes, foam is less effective and has shorter range than gel, the only pros for foam is that it is a little more forgiven with aim at very close range.
Bentley Taylor
err, I just checked on myself and I suck. Sabre makes it now, mace has a shitty 3 in one alarm that will create techno rape
Jason Ward
Sabre Defense Red and Fox Labs Mean Green are the only OC sprays worth a shit, period.
That being said, how can you even bother with such a bitch? Dump her sorry ass already, someone that is that much of an insufferable statist, even to yuropeon standards, cannot be any fun to be with, even as a fucktoy.
Ryder Myers
what the fuck are you even talking about man
Cooper Bennett
CN? The fuck? Isn't it outdated?
Cameron Evans
I need some fucking coffee damn it
CN is a lachrymator it will force you to breath in the OC...
98% of women won't have the bollock to carry an object whose only function is to hurt. I managed to find someone who loves me and is kinda slightly into guns. And I love her. So fuck that shit, I'd die a thousand times before I find a female gun nut who will carry every day.
maybe you should just starting walking around at 3am at night and setting time delayed fires on the housing projects the jews are making you pay for to shelter the 3rd world peasants they are using to replace you
Aiden Howard
Yup, but nay. Moreover it won't solve my problem. Stop thinking people with foreign roots are the only problem. I have plenty of exemples concerning French gentlemen coming from """pure breed""", even though their parents fucked like rabbits without birth control, and set fire to old grand-ma's car for fun, or some even are bonus pater familia, have wealth, health and a decency, and still manage to try to rape schoolgirls. Vermint is everywhere. Your origins mean nothing when you have shit in the head.
William Jenkins
My comment about letting my friend spray me to feel the effects got removed....why?
Isaiah Johnson
Because it was a bad idea.
Aiden Campbell
Even though its effective training? An enemy sprays you and you have to defend yourself. I see survival not a bad idea. Jow Forums doesn't change this.