Let's talk about Anit Tank Rifles

Let's talk about Anit Tank Rifles.

Why aren't we still developing modern versions that can pierce tank armor.

You may say anti material rifle is the next step of the AT rifle but here's the thing, can it penetrate tank armor. NO.

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Because nobody wants to carry around a 120mm smoothbore. We have ATGMs and recoilless rifles for AT shit, anti tank rifles should stay dead.

>anti tank rifles should stay dead.
Just like the tank because we've got people running around with rocket launchers that can stop a tank dead.
>How do i rocket jump?

China uses 20mm rifle grenades. Can penetrate Bradleys and Strykers easy

>Why aren't we still developing modern versions that can pierce tank armor.
missiles do that job now
no point in making a rifle that can pierce tank armor

>You may say anti material rifle is the next step of the AT rifle but here's the thing, can it penetrate tank armor. NO.
the limiting factor in gun technology is recoil
tank armor is so thick that a weapon capable of piercing even their side armor would produce so much recoil that it would need to be a heavy emplaced weapon
the 17-pounder produced so much recoil it would bury its firing spades in the ground, and it was just barely good enough to stop late-war tanks

hence why modern AT weapons are of the recoilless variety
the AT4, carl gustave, LAW, and javelin are the main AT weapons used and all of them operate on a recoilles principle rather than firing normally
you could argue the carl gustave is an AT rifle in the sense you are talking about, but it is only good against light armor, it would only crack a T-55 at best

>Just like the tank because we've got people running around with rocket launchers that can stop a tank dead.
tanks are still used despite the increased danger because they bring much needed direct fire support and heavy armor
combined arms and infantry support to suppress AT defenses have been able to stop ATGM threats very well

Because a modern rifle able to penetrate modern tank armor wouldn't be man-portable.
ATGMs do that job, now, and they're man-portable.

AT rifles are an evolutionary dead end that was only ever developed because HEAT wasn't a thing yet. For an infantryman, there is nothing an AT rifle can do that a disposable HEAT weapon doesn't do better.

Getting a penetration with KE is not happening and HEAT penetration is heavily reliant on warhead diameter, iirc modern ones do something like 9 charge diameters in RHA penetration, so any rifle sized calibers are out of the question

we have anti-tank rifles mounted to vehicles.

They're called tanks.

>Can penetrate Bradleys
To be fair that's relatively easy.

>They're called tanks.
Here's your breach autoloader rifle, bro.

>Can penetrate Bradleys and Strykers easy
That's not really impressive at all, but do you have a single fact to back that up? Or, for that matter, any statistics on Chinese 20mm at all? The Pentagon would probably like a word with you.

tfw have a bong anti tanker

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Nice dress, faggot.
Nicer gun, faggotest.

P.S. I am genuinely jelly about both.

That's nice

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you got a picture not with grease on the lens in dim light?

but honestly you got a mag for your boys and any more pics of it?

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Only pic on the laptop.
One mag for the Boys, trying to find a case and some stripper clips.

why are you wearing a maid outfit?

yeah honestly tanks were fucking retarded, all it takes is 1 scrawny sand nigger and a fucking dick launcher to fuck one up

Because it would be too heavy to be man portable.

>a trap has a boys at rifle and i have not
Life is suffering.

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>recoilless rifles
which led to
>TOW and other anti tank missiles

man and vehicle portable armor piercing weapons are ubiquitous, they just aren't using conventional ammunition.

the AT4 single shot HEAT recoilless rifle is all over the place, but guided anti tank missiles work better.

>weeb in a maid outfit with an anti tank rifle
case in fucking point of why i come here

>.01 cents have been deposited into the people's account

Weapons that can punch through modern tank armor are too big.
The average ATGM is heavy enough as it is for a single infantry.
A gun that can punch through tank armor would simply be either a towed gun or mounted on a vehicle(ie a tank)

>anti tank

why aren't you?

welcome to Jow Forums
also stop tripshitting.

Because we have man portable missiles and because modern tank armor is too heavy to pierce with a man portable rifle.

>dude literally has an antitank rifle
>and a maid costume
welcome to Jow Forums i guess

He's not alone. I've got an anti-tank rifle and you don't want to know what I'm wearing.

can I get some beauty tips from the female Boys boy

Why doesn't anyone make a PTRD-41 but like in .50 BMG for a more modern somewhat available cartridge? Isn't the PTRD suppose to be like ridiculously simple?

There are plenty of cheap simple 50BMG rifles.

I would much rather see a PTRD-style 20mm rifle.

OP is a faggot

How fucking new are you guys? Sa/k/uya has been around here for ages....

Post benis.

>tfw the girl(boy) has a Boys.

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Well? Are you just gonna leave us in the dark?

Only the Chieftain has a rifled bore. The rest are just anti-tank breech loaded muskets

Yes I do.


Of course the fucking faggot has an AT rifle.

>Let's talk about clubs
>Why aren't we still developing modern versions that can pierce bronze armor.
>You may say spear is the next step of the club but here's the thing, can it penetrate bronze armor. NO.

get with the times yo

Out of curiosity, why were AT rifles never put on light vehicles as a primary weapon system in WWII?
They might not have been much use against end-war heavy tanks but those were the extreme minority of even armored vehicles in WWII, and there's a lot of other stuff easily vulnerable to an AT rifle.

low rate of fire, also makes it a big target

They were occasionally, though. Germans slapped them on the Sdkfz 221, and I think also on some half-tracks.

Some early cold war tanks had the KPVD, a 14.5x114 (same as PTRD) on a pintle mount. A BTR and a couple of BMTs had two of them as well iirc.

>AT rifle (Boye)


White AT rifles are now outclassed by tanks, our sandbox fight is against technicals and other lighter vehicles. I can see the anti-materiel rifle having a role, just a very different one.
INB4 other things do that job, sure without armor involved. but light troop carriers exist, monkey welded technicals exist and buildings and emplacements do not like thick wads of lead at high speeds.

I love boys tho

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Pls post feet