Battle Rifle General /BRG/

>/BRG/ Fucking FAL edition
Thread theme,

Why is the FAL the best cold war BR?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hint - It isn't.
>Based G3
>Superior handling, ergonomics and recoil mitigation
> /slap me daddy/
>German engineering resulting in better reliability thanks to a longer development cycle and having the gift of hindsight, in watching the FAL come before it.

>Less ergonomic
>Easier to break
>Stamped sheetmetal conscript gun
>Lacks BHO
>Jarring recoil

NATO fucked up stuffing .308 into that poor gun, the HK33 is absolutely sex but the G3 isn't a contest to the metric FAL

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>He thinks the G3 has superior anything over the FAL
>No bolt hold open
>Retarded ass charging handle location
>Shitty recoil mitigation, literally watch any video comparing the two and the fal wins every time
>mag release button on the edge of the lower unless you get a flapper
>Overly complicated piece of shit with retard rollers that have to be absolutely perfectly tuned or else the shit gun won't work
>He thinks DUDE HK SLAP LMOA is a selling point
>Stock makes the same face I do when someone genuinely thinks the g3 is a better gun

You're either a fucking retard or desperately trying to justify your shitty C308 purchase. Probably both.

G3 vs FAL.
I've used both.

Better egos
Better recoil in semi auto.
Easier to field strip for cleaning
Dat 21in barrel
Gas operated.

Mags are hit or miss
Gas regulator is extremely finicky
Shit sights
Shit accuracy(this has been heavily documented in commonwealth countries)
Fucking big in standard form.
Para has kinda shit recoil and loses some shooting ergos.
Can be disabled with sand or mud.
Useless in full auto.

Good sights except the 100m V-notch
Hella reliable mags
Will literally feed any ammo except Austrian surplus(underpowered)
Accurate(well documented by nordic countries)
Kinda light when compared to the standard FAL.
Will shoot in any climate, sand, dust, mud, dirt, snow, ice, rain, etc.
Extremely simplistic design.

Gun was built for illiterate conscripts, its design shows that.
Fucking pinching your thumb trying to pull back the cocking handle.
No great ergos.
Slightly rough felt recoil, a little worse with the A4 stock.
Gritty, but consistent trigger.
Slim handguards fo shit for heat reduction.
Still useless in full auto.

FAL is a good rifle, but I'd take the G3 and day of the week.

Also, the 33 is notoriously picky on ammo. Thanks 5.56.

Whats the MOA of a DSA FAL?

Here’s my combo.
1967 HP made in Belgium and a german G1 borderguard kit on an imbel receiver. My two favorite firearms.

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About 2-2.5moa

It's been a while, /brg/. How is everyone?

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Installing satellite TV in the pouring rain in kcmo. You?

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Is there any way you could center that scope on the mount? It really bothers my autism.

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>heavily documented in commonwealth countries
Let's be real here, when you say that you mean niggers. No shit niggers have trouble shooting straight. Give a nigger an AI Arctic Warfare and you'll get feedback that it can't hit a barn door.

>Will literally feed any ammo except Austrian surplus(underpowered)
Um no sweetie.

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308 Bren 2 when?

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I’m buying a high power tomorrow and possibly trading my other poverty rifle for an FAL

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>superior recoil mitigation
I don't think you've ever shot an FAL and G3 back to back my man.

Finally got around to updating this thing. Still not happy with it, but hey that's nothing new.

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>>Jarring recoil

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triggered by everything here

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I should take a better pic

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Been thinking about getting an FAL or clone of one. Where could I get one in the states?

also nice setup.

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the FAL is a fucking meme rifle you dirty sand nigger.

this is probably the worst post in the history of Jow Forums

Yeah I forgot you guys aren't used to seeing an actually decent rifle.

Literally kys faggit

Day 23: They still have not realised th--

Why do I do these things when I am drunk.

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Depends on the particular gun, though. Mine barely stays on paper at 100 yards, even when fired from a rest.

took a better pic

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Finally convinced buddy to sell me the original stock for the M14. This is a million times better than the E2 setup. Had to snag a pic with the G3 and L1A1.

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you need a bipod and tangent sights on the bhp

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>Also, the 33 is notoriously picky on ammo

>FAL has a touchy gas regulator, shit sights and accuracy
Also bullshit

>G3 lighter than FAL
By 0.7lbs

The G3 also has a fucking god awful trigger

Nah, FAL is a pre ban and the BHP is a Belgian Mkiii, they're as they belong.

then we could be buddies!
my FAL is a pre-ban Styer import with original bipod doe

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Based G3
>Superior handling, ergonomics and recoil mitigation
Haha, what? The FAL is better at all three of those.
> /slap me daddy/
It’s fun, but irrelevant.
>German engineering resulting in better reliability thanks to a longer development cycle and having the gift of hindsight, in watching the FAL come before it.
G3 uses a much harsher system, easily puts more wear on the gun.
>Better ergos
>Better recoil in semi auto
Also yes
>Easier to field strip for cleaning
Debatable, I find the G3 a bit simpler.
>Dat 21in barrel
U fukkin kno it m8

>Mags are hit or miss
>Gas regulator is extremely finicky
Cannot speak to those as mine has been 100%, even in -45
>Shit sights
That’s a matter of opinion
>Fucking big in standard form
Yes, but balance and ergos are still great.

>Good sights except the 100m V-notch
Opinion. Most people who shoot mine prefer the FAL sights.
>Hella reliable mags
>Kinda light when compared to the standard FAL.
Nope. And the inferior ergos and balance don’t help.
>Will shoot in any climate, sand, dust, mud, dirt, snow, ice, rain, etc.
Truth, although it did get a bit sticky in the extreme cold.

>Fucking pinching your thumb trying to pull back the cocking handle
Stop fucking up, then.
Annoying, but trivial.
>No great ergos
>Slightly rough felt recoil, a little worse with the A4 stock.
It kicks harder than any other BR I’ve owned/shot
>Gritty, but consistent trigger.
Stiff, not gritty.
>Slim handguards fo shit for heat reduction
God yes

I LOVE my G3, but I’d reach for the FAL any day.

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What would you sooner trust, a new production DSA non-Voyager or some ~$1k literal who build on an Imbel receiver?

wouldn't trust any till I looked at them

looks great user

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>I'm going to be late to work for this.
>Worth it

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Yours too. I can respect the desire to keep it “correct”.

Shame I can't just inspect things in person since nobody around me seems to carry FALs of any kind.
What are some things with DSA that I can easily check without tools?

Good thing you kept the buis on

Needs more folding stock

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you are not alone comrad

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Is a short barrel / pistol 308 a retarded idea? I keep seeing these DSA FALs that are in a pistol config and want one.

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Just make sure you triple up on your ear pro.

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Neh, I'm a tall SOB, she fits me just right

10 rounds standing at 100yds. Shooting some Malaysian 7.62 surplus

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Any advice for someone who wants to buy a FAL? what brands to avoid and the like.

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After shooting my dads FAL over the weekend, I have the sudden sexual urge to build my own L1A1. can someone give me the lowdown on shit to avoid and shit I can't do innagarage? I've heard you basically need a lathe to install a barrel.

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Drum is love, drum is life.
Carry handle is an airshit knockoff

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is this a meme or can u actually tripple up


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are you talking about Battle Pistols?

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What canvas mag pouch is that and where can i cop

I should have listened to BRG, Im selling My M1A because its shit.
>Made in 09
>bought it basically nib
>put around 300 rounds through it
>have 9 magazines
>Fucking thing jams after every two rounds on all but one mag
Its accurate as hell but I should have just got a fucking Voyager FAL.

Fereday & Sons chest rig

... whats behind the battle pistols?

my boys

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>Picked up a new battle rifle
I guess I’ll post.

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thanks m8

>t. I spent $2000+ on a DSA or surplus FAL and need to justify it to every other BR owner

FAL handles better hands down but the G3 is more reliable, has a much better action imo.
>but muh mangled brass
violent extraction is necessary and means you can reliably feed it more varieties of ammo than the FAL.

I paid $1200 for a pre-86 FMAP and it has a gas regulator for a reason.

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>I paid $1,200
You're welcome.

Did the guy selling it to you let you fuck his wife too? You got a hell of a deal.

Pawn shop, believe it or not, and they knew exactly what it was too, the tag was marked correctly and had a little paragraph on the Argentine FALs


Are M1A's good? I live in Cuckifornia so it's really the only option for a M14 copy.
Is the lack of chrome-lined bore and cast receiver a deal-breaker?

the action is complete dog trash the fuck are you talking about?

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Funny, my REAL L1A1 handled extreme cold better than my REAL G3 last winter.

Fals are dogshit, and nice non sbr poorfag rifle.

post blurry pictures of your battle rifles

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Is that a Brownells? How do you like it? Been eyeballing a real AR-10, but it just didn’t do much for me compared to my Holy Trio.

Surely you have some sort of evidence to back that up. Surely.

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I mean its a cool piece of engineering history to finger fuck and shoot but you can easily tell why after shooting the thing why they changed the look and function of the gun a ton.

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How's the cheek weld on an L1A1 stock/sights compared to something more typical?

hows the plastic feel? All the pictures make me think it feels like a toy.

>but the G3 is more reliable, has a much better action
How do you mean? Just the bolt velocity?


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I actually thought it felt great. But it was so...soulless. It was a “You either REALLY want one or you don’t” deal, and it didn’t have that spark for me.
There are different LOP pads, but it’s fine. A simple flip-up rear sight. I personally want a SUIT for her and some wood furniture.

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alright, Im an Aussie and am just interested in seeing as to how accurate they are. What do you think is the cause of the fal having such a poor moa? design or quality of construction?

well, it's a military battle rifle. They aren't made or designed to be too accurate, just "minute of man" accurate, mostly. to be fair, a lot of M16s as per issued by the US army can get up to 4MOA and still be quite usable in combat.

2moa might not be a benchrest, but it's probably good enough for combat usage

Best battle rifle is one that is put together

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I did two 80% AKMs, an AK74, and three AR15s, I'm out of fucks to give about doing an 80% battle rifle.

What said. But it’s a reproduction

alright.. could you possibly get it to bench rest quality like 1 moa or even sub moa?

Tilting bolts. Easy to machine, reliable, but inconsistent lockup that is dependent on fouling. I'm sure you could push a FAL into the 1moa range if you used quality ammo, a good rifle to start with, and cleaned the bolt every 10 rounds or so. The short stroke gas piston helps with accuracy too, much less mass moving while the bullet is still in the barrel compared to the g3 which starts moving mass immediately.

g3 actually sucks shit though i mean if you are talking actually hitting more than minute of a man you are looking at high end ar10 or scar and at that point its dmr

itt tards who think a shitty sheet metal gun is gonna be good for more than memes

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>that scar
muh dikkkk

Looking good user

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Ooh, what is that top left?

G3 is fine, certainly I would choose it over my M14. But L1/FAL beats both.

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It depends, man. Comparing a good quality HK91 to a clapped out century or shitty imbel build FAL, the HK91 is incredible accuracy and reliability wise. Comparing a nice FAL to a decent or low end g3 pattern, obviously the FAL will be better in every way except weight. Overall I think the g3 is the budget option and easier for retards to use and lets face it most prepper types and avg gun bros are lower end of the iq bell curve. The FAL has more features and better quality and while I'd much rather take a FAL into combat over a G3, you have to admit the FAL requires higher quality ammo and more maintenance to run reliably and accurately which are things that unfortunately joe blow gun owner doesnt do that often. G3s are Glocks, FALs are like CZ75s. Both have their place for different kinds of owners.

I get about 3 on mine. The issue is the front and rear sights are separated by a hinge so holding zero is a no go

Thanks, user

SA Kommando LDP

It's not that loose dude