Who is better at shooting? Men or women? I heard people claim that women are better shots...

Who is better at shooting? Men or women? I heard people claim that women are better shots. Sadly ISSF and Olympic shooting separate by gender. Why would they do that if women are supposedly better?

Are there any top tier competitions that do not separate by gender where you can actually see without a doubt who is better?

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As a shooting instructor for the air force, women are usually much worse at shooting

>Men are better in spatial coordination and have a better sense of direction. They excel in math and are great at interpreting three-dimensional objects. They have a better hand-eye coordination and more precise control of large muscle movement. They have poor peripheral vision but better sight in bright light and a better sense of perspective.
Grugette sit in cave all day, Grug scan plains for something tasty to bonk with club.

The target isn't hit depending on if men or women on average know how to shoot, the target gets hit if the specific person shooting knows how to shoot.

Women tend to perform better as low-mid tier shooters because they follow advice. Inexperienced guys tend to overcompensate and ignore instruction.

Women are worse at almost everything, and that includes shooting. They need separate comps for everything, including non physical "sports" like chess.

Pointing this shit out to a feminist is a guaranteed way to make them go atomic. There was a lot of controversy a few years back when a tranny participated in a female-only SC2 tournament and completely destroyed every competitor. Some dumb cunt I shared this story with found nothing wrong with a tranny participating and didn't think they had any unfair advantage over regular ol' roasties.

On my basic the top shot was a woman pacifist. weird. She was just in the reserves for the university grants.

She shot 2 inch groups at 300m.

Men on average have more muscle to stabilize a firearm with.
Men also have a bigger ego, making them harder to train.

However this is all talking averages.
My little sister with military training did worse than my noguns friends. Both pale in comparison to my slight experience. Facing a top tier female competitive shooter, I wouldn't put any money on myself. Also it depends on the kind of competition. I doubt I'd outshoot a trained ISSF smallbore rifle shooter in full getup, but put us both behind a magnum handgun I'd feel fairly confident.

And in a gunfight, forget about it. Male all day.

>Woman pacifist

Is there a single sport that doesn't separate by gender on anything even remotely resembling a professional level?

They got enough female SC2 players together to organize a tournament?

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Men are better at shooting, especially at shooting fast like in action sports. Women just don't have the upper body strength to be truly at the top level of competition.

If you look at the last IPSC World Shoot, with the exception of Maria Gushchina, all the podium women wouldn't have even made it to top 10 in their division.

Attached: bob-vogel-237-lbs-gripper.jpg (720x960, 66K)

Don't forget about that tranny in the UFC called Fallon Fox who went to Thailand, got his dick cut off and then went and started knocking female fighters out left and right despite being thoroughly average as a man.

This is a bad place to ask the question, nobody here has ever talked to a girl.

>They have poor peripheral vision but better sight in bright light and a better sense of perspective
>a better sense of perspective
What does that even mean?

Men are generally better, but I've seen women excel in sports where they don't need any strength to hold a firearm. This means smallbore and benchrest, mostly. However, the elite shooters in those categories are almost exclusively men. In the case of smallbore, that's because they train longer and harder, in the case of benchrest, that's because they're more autistic.

Mostly this: >Women tend to perform better as low-mid tier shooters because they follow advice.

>women follow advice
LOL what universe are you living in?

>stabilizing a gun with your muscles
Enjoy missing.

>Women don't follow his advice
How does it feel being a beta cuck?

This is easy to quantify.
Both genders use the same course and same ammunition.
So compile male vs female Olympic course records.
>you were unaware that a USA female trap shooter has medaled in 6 Olympics.

How are you doing it then? Noguns, railgun benchrester or nonhuman being?

>a better sense of perspective
>What does that even mean?
Better able to judge relative sizes and distances.

I think that individual talent overrides differences based on gender.

Is this why girls are physically incapable of telling how big my dick is?

I've had a few girls say my dick must be 8 inches. It's 6 flat. Girls are retards, user.

You can still use bone structure while standing... Or sitting... Or kneeling.
It's basic stuff just look up the basic stances and notice they do bone (usually elbow) to muscle contact and keep it tight. Less tiresome and more reliable than muscling which is always moving in a circle.

Only for static disciplines with generous time limits. Very little of that in clay sports or action shooting, where you have very little time to get into an ideal shooting posture, and muscling it will yield better results.

And you think that the few seconds of rapid aim is what prevents women from doing? Those are hardly heavy guns for the sport.

dude no joke
this chick told me my sixer was enormous
like, thanks for the compliment, but it's pretty average.

It's not only musculature for holding the gun on target, but keeping it there during recoil, and the explosive speed running around a course of fire. It does make a difference. It's the difference between Masters and Grand Masters.

Ignore the dumb commentary in this video, and watch the difference between Bob Vogel (at 0:53) and Jessie Duff (at 1:08) in muzzle control when they shoot.

I don't think this is what makes women worse at shooting. Obviously a smaller frame is going to accept recoil differently. The thread is about women shooting in general and if they are worse or better or what.
If you want to use competitions for data use precision shooting as well.

theyre trying to make you feel good about yourself you retards

>Men or women?
Women are only better at giving birth to kids. At everything else, men are always better than women. If it weren't for their cunts, they'd be totally useless.

Tfw you make fun of women being stupid by sharing times women manipulated you

There are a few top tier female shooters, as a matter of fact the current best trap shooter in the world is a woman. Behind her though it's all men basically. Women can be good, frankly there's probably nothing stopping them from being as good as men. They just aren't :^)

This is the correct answer

I believe women are less numerous in most of sports.
95% of chess players are men. It's an intellectual sport. So, in a shooting sport the number of female athletes could be even less.
And if you are less numerous, chances are that gifted coach wouldn't waste time even considering you as his trainee. Plus they'd get less profit from you. And in most sport activities you are nothing without a coach.
Women are less likely to engage in such a conflict situation as sport competition. And they are less likely to train for 100 hours a week.

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I feel like my question hasn't been answered properly. has helped me the most.


Looks like men dominate when speed matters and the difference vanishes when airsoft guns without time limit are used such as in olympics.

Why dont 1911 manufacturers switch back to the original firing pin stop for better recoil mitigation?

oh wait sorry... I thought this thread was QTDTOT

That's a fairly concise assessment.

What do you mean? Would you add something?

Four or five years ago you might have gotten a legitimate discussion, but this is post-2016 nu/k/, so all you'll get is a bunch of autistic Jow Forumsniggers and Jow Forums incels shrieking about muh ebil roasties and a few retards trying to argue with them for some reason.

Women are better shooters and snipers. They’re more patient from having to put up with men’s BS their entire lives.


The reason they split skeet into separate competitions is that a woman beat everyone in -92.

men are definitely better shots in my experience. and i bet you can't guess what the worse women shooters have that the better women shooters don't.

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Men are better at everything except things they can't do like childbirth. Hell, some traps are better women than real women.

They aren't, delete this delusion from your brain.

ONE woman, and she was fucking amazing at skeet. considering she was the only woman to get a medal in 30 years of skeet as well as placing 24 spots above the next highest scored woman, she's a hell of an exception. her career pretty much fizzled after that though. a real shame if you ask me.

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MFW the only """female""" professional League of Legends player is a former trap from /b/ who cut his dick off. And he's not even any good compared to any other professional. And he played for a team called Renegades which is defined as "a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles." The absolute state of girl gamers

free betabux

People who practice