First Production Exo-Skeleton...From Africa

Looks like the White man's rule of the world is coming to an end..

Attached: Exoskeleton-kantankanews.jpg (1800x900, 266K)

Other urls found in this thread:

they still can't aim tho


>creates worse armored and less mobile version of medieval plate armor

Comedy gold, man.
>the chicken walking around in the background during the presentation
>the "automatic machine gun"
>that fucking belt
>the part where the dude in the suit just clomps around setting off firecrackers

>jacked the design from Edge of Tomorrow
>launchers on the back aren't even aligned with each other, setting off my OCD
>wearer has zero mobility
>armor itself looks thin enough for a 7.62x39 round to punch clean through


niggers probably dont realize how powerful rifles are

That's the thing. It's fucking sheet metal with no ballistic properties.

So in effect, the rocket surgeons of Ghanian defense industry just limited a man's mobility and dexterity, for no benefit whatsoever.

This child-like retardation can also been seen by the Chinks and Arabs - they think that if a piece of technology simply LOOKS like the real thing externally, that somehow it will have the same properties.

Case in point, the Chink copy of the F-22.

Attached: 1538840145853.jpg (634x473, 73K)

imagine if this was done by dindus

hahahaha OK.

> just welding the fucking bars right onto the fucking bearing

I didn't have high hopes for this just from reading "kantanka" and they still manage to amaze me with how bad they're doing it.

They can't even seem to competently set up an assembly line for putting together chinese imported SUV kits that are made to require no power tools to assemble.

I think they're trying to scam their own countrymen, who must have a room temperature IQ, and foreign media, who thinks anything Africans do is amazing.

>They can't even seem to competently set up an assembly line for putting together chinese imported SUV kits that are made to require no power tools to assemble.


AFRICA STRONG. The engine blocks are sand-cast by fine African tribal craftsmen and then honed to spec using sea shells as abrasives.

I really hope they attempt a genocide with a few of these, really bring the levity to an ethnic cleansing

You missed the minigun that just has a bunch of firecrackers glued to it about halfway through the video


>They can't even seem to competently set up an assembly line for putting together chinese imported SUV kits that are made to require no power tools to assemble.
Where can I find out more about these SUV kits you mention?

Ghana specifically.
There are some names to look for in the article here, although chinese companies constantly go defunct and then reappear doing the exact same thing under different names.


Attached: kam_fair11.jpg (660x990, 119K)

>*blocks your path*

Goodnight white pride

Attached: Kantanka-Armoured2.jpg (448x299, 32K)

Katanka shills rejected his message.
"Katanka is bullshi-" "Shut up!"
They hated WildRness because he told them the truth.

seriously, look at those comments

It's like India, but instead of taking a shit in it, you are the shit.

Attached: aor112.jpg (1196x2048, 161K)

To be fair, the external design does affect planes quite a lot. for more than one reason. copying it for testing or as a starting point does make sense.

Nobody has ever fucking answered me. Are those machine guns on its toes?

>that pic
holy fucking shit

I don't know, but I certainly fucking hope so.



>Africa builds a "mech", soo poor it cant afford any weapons to equip it with so they chop off a bunch of dowel rods to look like guns after they blew their entire budget to mount a airsoft G-36k on it to at least shoot bb's


Attached: B0E68816-D375-48A1-B652-3028A3D350CE.jpg (650x1000, 77K)

if you're talking about j-20, it looks nothing like f22, but more like MIGs. Whoever wrote those articles should be shot.
source - i played KSP a little

ITT: Retards are shocked a third world country has shitty third world weapons/equipment
I feel like this board is on the lower end of the IQ spectrum

>run out of batteries after an hour
>get contacted
>Try and get on the ground, can’t
>Can’t run for shit
>a stray bullet hits your shitty steel plate and you fall over
>None can casevac you because you are literally nearly half a ton of useless shitty steel
Least it looks pretty badass.

That being worn by your average African soldier, versus pic related.
Assume all individuals involved are armed with an AK-74 and a spare mag for it.
Battlefield is the Baltimore Zoo, minus the (comparably more intelligent) animals.

Who wins?

Attached: Pol Attempting Dick Tracy Cosplay.jpg (1024x682, 177K)

>ballistic properties

Americans lose via retreat.

>who must have a room temperature IQ
Unfortunately the average subsaharan IQ is below room temp.


A weapon to surpass Metal Gear...

The only reason I opened the video was because I knew the comments would be comedy gold. I was not disappoint

It's so strange, their designs are pure shit but it seems like they at least have the raw materials, manpower and spare time for relatively impressive craftsmanship given their surroundings. Instead of wasting all that metal on a "mech" that can't walk, why not build, say, a Mk. V tank replica? Outdated but mechanically simple and achievable and more than enough to fuck up the local farmer militias and their AKs.

Metal... Gear?

Attached: 1538538051344.jpg (631x677, 373K)

>Instead of wasting all that metal on a "mech" that can't walk, why not build, say, a Mk. V tank replica?

Because that requires actual engineering and skills far beyond what these Ghanaian possess. What was cutting edge in the 1930s is still far, FAR beyond what these people can arrange.

Is it really though? The impression i get is that they *can* make more advanced stuff; although perhaps not on an industrial scale - but they just don't out of... pride, I guess?

>this is where you development funds are going

Top Kek

Attached: Bah Bah Bah Debbie.jpg (4032x3024, 3.7M)

There is a video of it working, only the cockpit moves. But i never managed to find that video ever again.

>Is it really though?


See the following Matilda tank diaries where the lads from the Bovington Tank Museum undertake a complete restoration of a Matilda tank (one of the most advanced vehicles of the late 30s), including fabricating their own parts to precise specs.

That goes far beyond bashing some sheet metal together:

It's a great series BTW, recommend binge watching all 22 episodes in one go.

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Are you dumb? How could they be anything but shallow holes for fire crackers?


Is that a golden kek behind the talkimg gorilla? aboo kwa da boo ashaday?

Well at least i got a good video recommendation out of all this. Thanks, Ghana.

Thanks for the video recommendation, user

Some of this man's credentials:

>First African to manufacture engines, vehicles, aircrafts and heavy-duty machines (he did so manually).
>First man in the world who manufactured Bass guitars with seven strings
>The manufacturer of gadgets and machines with extra-ordinary features.
>Only man on earth capable of producing metals from sea shells and palm husk making metals renewable.
>Only individual on earth who practically cuts across the length and breadth of invention and innovative science.
>Most mysterious man on earth. It is practically impossible to comprehend his level of wisdom.
>He has won several awards from reputable institutions.


He also made a sweet, sweet fountain in pic related. Jow Forums BTFO

Attached: Kantanka-fountain.jpg (430x720, 32K)

>Only man on earth capable of producing metals from sea shells and palm husk making metals renewable
Africa is a wondrous land full of amazing creatures.

But is he in contact with aliens?

What's it like not having a sense of humor?

>be exoskeleton soldier
>get shot

>already contracted by the Bogdanoffs to craft their personal armor

This man is way ahead of his time.

Jokes apart Africa is absolutely nothing like pajeetland, except for being a shithole too but in totally different ways

To be fair the lifejacket filled with sand is a solid design

Both sides fight increasingly asymmetric warfare in an attempt to avoid a repeat of the absolute clusterfuck the first few days had (everyone who thought they were invincible just rushing for no reason)

Then after a while, due to a continuously degrading ability to communicate, both sides split into a multitude of slightly different factions (but mostly a lot of people dissert)

Tl;dr it costs the city billions to clean that fucking mess up

Jumping straight from the stone age to the space age

>4 tiny wheels
>not even 4wd

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actuation or GTFO

My dude, this is solid proof that black people think like orkz. The belief is that science works because white people believe in it, that it's "white voodoo", so they're applying the same concept as their voodoo rags on AKs making them deadlier on a grander scale.

Sounds like someone Trump would hire.


Archive this, NOW

>everybody shitting on this
Looks comfy to be honest. Real life 40k orcs

No user. You don’t get it. Orkz think like Africans. It’s been like that the entire time.

Not gonna lie. Thought that red thing in the middle of the "mech" was a supreme sticker for a sec.

>The manufacturer of gadgets and machines with extra-ordinary features.
>Only man on earth capable of producing metals from sea shells and palm husk making metals renewable.

Why does this make me think of a bad 1800s sci-fi novel?

we is iron man an shit.