/ak/ general: last one hit image limit

/ak/ general: last one hit image limit

Attached: zzmu.jpg (708x822, 77K)

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Attached: 1538759099514.webm (1920x1080, 1.62M)

wew that makes my aryan penis hard

Gimme your AK so I can make AK memes.

Attached: gimme.jpg (1920x2328, 784K)

Jow Forums everyone

Attached: wut.jpg (1340x442, 82K)

Nice dubs.

Attached: Clap.gif (250x327, 229K)

Attached: DCmL8yQ.jpg (620x677, 104K)

I'm about to be running a game of Shadowrun set in the Middle East circa 2080, and one of the players wants to play a grenadier with an M32 or something close to it. Thing is, they want art that has cat ears. Anyone got anything that could help?

Attached: DLX8jS2VoAIcoWL.png (1019x1200, 812K)

Attached: DsyJ01K.jpg (2169x3069, 468K)

Are the a changeling or are their cat ears a set of cyber ears?