ITT:$200 and below cheap guns

Subject says it all

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2nd amendment aint for poor people

Hey, user.

It really depends what you need it for. Car, carry, home, hunting... what?

Home defense and carry

So, the thing is, one has pretty different requirements than the other.

For a carry gun, you want something small and light enough that you WILL carry it every day. With modern ammo, even a .32 or .380 ACP is adequate.

For home defense, if you go the pistol route, you want something larger, like a full-sized "duty" pistol in something like 9x19 with a rail so you can attach a light.

If you have no firearm right now, then definitely start with the carry gun.

What state do you live in? Prices on guns (or what guns are available at all) will vary from place to place.

You can get an LCP 1 for $170 and a Maverick 88 for $199 and frankly if that's all the guns you had I still wouldn't really say you were under-armed.

home defense? a used mossberg 500.
carry? a new lcp or used sw shield.

meme? hi point. the champagne of fire arms.

pic not related

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Mr. Reagan, you’re supposed to be dead

Ruger LCP is like $170-180 new, or you could give a Taurus (yeah I know but this is their attempt at unfucking their reputation so they're trying) G2C, which is a little over at $210