>ywn have pic related
why live?
>ywn have pic related
why live?
Other urls found in this thread:
karl really liked this rifle
How long will they produce this? I'm currently a poor college fag. I got a year and a half left.
>take a look at the rear sight
>similar to the A2
>Jow Forums hates the A2
Again proving Jow Forums is fucking stupid. The A1 was a mistake, pretty much all the Stoner DI guns were.
The A2 was breddy good but man fuck that rear sight. Only thing holding the A2 back.
Avoid like the plague.
>Waaaahhhh! It's too expensive!
Not only is it expensive, it's wrong and made of the cheapest quality. You can build one for cheaper with parts that won't shit the bed if you look at them too hard.
W...what's wrong with the rear sight? At least it's easily Windsor adjustable, which the original m16 wasn't
Stoner expanding gas system
Oh really? I can get that upper somewhere for cheaper? Where?
They don't produce these any more. I doubt they ever will. Your only hope is a replica which look like shit and are probably made with cheap materials.
Still waiting.
not even close to the cool factor of the dutch or portugese ar10s. I do wish brownells would make the prototype ar15 uppers with the trigger charging handle though, nodak used to but they were pretty expensive
That's what I thought. Made a claim and can't back it up, because you're too busy being a lying faggot.
>YWN have an improper clone of a highly desirable rifle
Oh yeah I'm really regretting life right about now
i have one
What the fuck don’t you have at this point? Also you still got that Rhodie set?
NDS you absolute fuckwit
Oh, so you're just retarded afterall.
They don't make the AR10 upper, only ar15s dipshit.
Christ you're beyond fucking retarded, scroll to the bottom half of their receivers page.
Do you still have your dress faggot
I'm seething with jealousy
maybe he wants it in his lifetime, fart knocker