
>Black Hawk

Why does the United States military name their helicopters like the Native American tribes they exterminated?

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As a sign of respect

Sign of respect. One of the very few “enemies” the US had trouble getting rid of. They gave early America a run for its money and taught us a lot about war.

Because they sound cool and military choppers are cool

Because we respect Native Americans and feel a sense of remorse for the atrocities of the past (although at the time the atrocities committed by either side were considered equal). Also native Americans were brave, fearsome, and skilled warriors.

By naming them after slain enemies, it lets Americans harness their souls.

Not sure why but black hawk never clicked as an Indian name for me. But yeah it’s out of respect

>Hey guys, we know we totally genocided you and used biological warefare against you but its cool because we named some weapons we use to genocide other people after you, ok
Mutts, everyone

Fools, is the only one that get's it. We've weaponized their vengeful spirits.

None of us are responsible, nor accountable for the fucked- up shit our great- great - great grandparents did, fuck off SJW.

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I'd wear that shirt, where can I buy it

"Whitey" would be better. Caucasian is a misnomer that Americans continue to use to describe all whites because we are autistic. Still wouldnt be offended by it either way.

Indian girl gets brutally MANIFESTED

I assume it's similar to the reason we had vehicles named after Confederates. They were both groups that gave the US a major run for their money despite being outclassed in most cases, and also ended up somewhat assimilating into the US, in some shape or form.

You don't name your shit after groups often known for their warriors and fighting spirit?

its a respect for great warriors
something your effeminate culture has lost

If you glorify your defeated enemies, you bring prestige to your own history.

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You saying Redskin isn't a misnomer?

So when are we going to get our Prussia Helicopters?

Sort of? My point was that calling it "Caucasians" instead of "Whitey" would be like if we called it "Aztecs" instead of "Redskins".

would you rather we pretend they didn't exist and erase every facet of their culture and memory?

>implying the tribes dont love this shit
The apache especially. I knew an apache gunner who went thru New Mexico, came out with a blessing from an apache medicine man.

>biological warfare
>in a time before germ theory was even close to being accepted
Ok buddy

It was well known even back then that if you used clothing or blankets somebody with smallpox had used you were probably going to get it, too.

I see you're a fan of the noble savage mythology. Many native american tribes were brutal as fuck and deserved what they got. Learn some history.

Idk, Lee has an unrivaled record at West Point. Maybe the USA just names stuff after our greatest adversaries for how badass they were.
>be south
>be outclassed in all
>go to war anyway and kill more yanks than you lose
>be naitive
>fuck up feds anytime they gotta chance
>respect ones who fought like hell or the guy who beat people with his bugle
>japan, Germany, and the uk aren’t as formidable an adversary as rednecks and naitive defending their homes

Nobody is a good guy in history. Stop trying to place our standards on people of the past when you don’t have to fight to survive each and every day.

You sound like an insufferable faggot.

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This is the truth

>tfw never gonna be a gunner in a Wilhelm II helicopter

Your ignorance shines!

Based understanding of history. To judge the past by today's standards is far too common. People just have to understand that the civil norm is ever changing.

Showing some love for the Cheyenne.one could still dream.

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US military tradition. Big deal. They name their tanks after generals until they ran out of generals.

Motherfuckers act like they forgot about Comanche

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Based Billy

>literally name 4 tank models "Patton" one after another
Was it autism?

They had to keep at it till they made a tank that wasn't shit.

US didn't genocide the natives, a flu came from south america that eliminated about 90% of their population before the would be Americans got there.

That said the US didn't treat the remaining natives very well.

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Kinda wish they'd fire that program back up and make it into a kickass recon heli instead of trying to make it a sneeki breeki attack chopper.

Don’t need one when you’ve got stealthy drones.

It's a myth that Indians were given smallpox blankets.

While things like the firescout are a nice idea and all that until we're rocking a legit droid army that works with no latency issues and no real risk of accidental war crimes I figure it's still worth it to have something with a dude still in it. As awesome as they are the Kiowas can't do it forever.

It happened at the Siege of Fort Pitt, but that was the British army. I think it happened once or twice more in individual, isolated instances but it was never an official, orchestrated effort by the gov't to kill native americans.

It's the typical thing normies do where they look at an instance of something happening once in history, and then they assume that it happened all the time.

Not Firescout. Predator. Or RQ-170 or whatever other secret squirrel shit they’ve got hidden.

Still rather have an actual man in a bird at this point. Drones are great but they're not the end all answer. A guy in a kitted out recon heli that can sneak in, see what needs to be seen, and drop the hammer if need be is still super useful and that heli is probably much closer than the orbiting drone would be. While I don't expect them to fly around damn near literally smacking people with their balls like Kiowa pilots they'll still be able to do a lot. The best advantage of an actual human is they while an autonomous drone might not see seemingly harmless behavior as a threat that guy watching from his heli might notice it's not exactly innocent. Plenty of advantages to a human being there still.

I doubt autonomous drones would catch things like this either. youtube.com/watch?v=OFtJMZEthP0

> brave, fearsome and skilled warriors

So nothing like modern day US soldiers then?

Listen, we get it, you're trolling. Protip: don't be so obvious about it. If everyone knows they're less likely to bite and the payoff isn't as good.

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No one cares what you think and your whining and bleating makes no differnce to anything so why don't you just shut up.