Be me

>be me
>found Jow Forums through Jow Forums
>get super excited about funs, buy glock 19 gen 5 and have a ton of fun shooting 9millimemeter for a whole week
>glock is now untouched for 2 weeks and have spent an unhealthy amount of time debating my next fun purchase
>starting to feel I wasted money on this gun and should've bought something else but I would never sell it because it still means a lot to me
Will this feeling ever go away?

Attached: gimp2.jpg (469x414, 134K)

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No buy more ammo and go shooting again it’s fun

you’ll feel that way until you have bought a gun for no other reason besides that you wanted it.
>t. wasted $700 on a 7.5” 5.56 AR

>Don't skip leg day
>Don't skip arm day
>Don't skip skip day
>Skip gun day

You absolute son of Feinstein. You horrible monster.

Welcome to guns.

Can I work out with you
we can shoot funs anytime

You need goals for shooting, like with working out. Making expensive noise is a novelty that wears out pretty quickly.

Try to go somewhere with moving targets next time.

Take conceal carry courses and maybe if you don't live in a shitty state you can take your fun with you (just in case).

>Will this feeling ever go away?
Yes. At some point you will realize you wasted x amount of money buying x amount of guns chasing the perfect gun. As you look at the pile of 10-50 guns you realize you cant shoot worth a damn because instead of buying and shooting ammo you bought an new gun cause the current one wasnt "right". It takes years for people to realize this and some never do. However you are still going to be broke because all that money now goes to ammo.